Can a short person drive a semi or is there a height limit?

by Mindy

Can a short person drive a semi or is there a height limit?

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Jun 18, 2013
short driver in truck NEW
by: Anonymous

why not have you seen the way some drivers drive their trucks? they have the seat all the way down to the floor just so he/she can see over the hood and out the mirrors i say go for it

Apr 10, 2013
Can a short person drive a semi or is there a height limit NEW
by: trucker yitz

as long as one passes a dot medical exam and has valid cdl then one can drive. if one needs other stuff to accomodate, like thicker foot pedals to make them easier to reach or a seat closer to steering wheel or hat ever, then get them to ease the driving.

ive seen a rig that didnt have a driver seat. but a bracket to securly lock in a wheel chair for the driver. it even had an elevator ramp on pass side to lift driver to truck. and yes there are intrastate handicapped tractor trailers too.

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