Can a tow company hold a trucker's personal belongings?

A trucker friend had a tire blow and went down an embankment in Arkansas. He is only a driver for the company who owns the truck. Tractor and trailer are totaled. The truck was only towed 4 days ago. Now, tow company is telling him he cannot get his personal belongings out of the tractor because the owner of company/truck has not paid the tow company. Is this legal?

There is a couple of grand of personal belongings in the tractor and the owner of the truck is not being cooperative about paying bill.

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Apr 14, 2015
just need paper work
by: morgan

12 year heavy tow truck operator, all they need to get there stuff is for the company (if a larger company) or owner of truck to call or at worst fax a signed consent form with a copy of there id amd list what the driver is allowed to take or what they can't take you can not hold any property other then what you was given approval to tow ie truck and or trailer tell him to just call cops and ask them to go with him to get his personal belongings

Mar 19, 2015
Delema in Ar.
by: Jimmy

I'm not sure of rules in Ar. In Ca. I used to do towing and we would let the owner only get his personal stuff from an impounded vehicle. That may be the problem in your situation. You are not the vehicle owner. Jimmy

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