Can a trucking company legally force me to chain up I am a company driver

by Johnny Mac
(Green river ut)

Can a trucking company force me to chain up I am a company driver

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Jan 31, 2014
Company policy. NEW
by: Jimmy

Some truck companies have a mandatory chain up policy. So, if you don't chain up, you can be fired. However, you're the one that's actually out there, so'it's your decision.

Normally, you only need to chain to get over the hill. Consider sitting for a day or two waiting it out and explaining that to dispatch.

Some areas you have to chain several times in a 100 mi stretch for instance. (3 or 4 hills to get over).

So my advice is to plan ahead, try to go over the hill mid morning when the sand trucks have "worked" the road. Not always possible.

Signed, Jimmy, a guy who only chained 2 times in 32 yrs. (Donner and Flag)

Jan 30, 2014
Screw them NEW
by: NickV

Sorry but chaining up is absolutely a waste of time. Takes you time unless you know what your doing. It's dangerous. It's obviously cold. Then you get them on only to drive at 10 mph, throwing chains off. It's pointless. My chains were purely for dot. I would never use them, never think about using them, never think about thinking about using them. If you need chains the road is to dangerous and you need to park it. Dispatch tells you to do it, tell them your at the top of donners and they are welcome to come put them on and meet you at the bottom. At the end of the day it's your CDL, your ticket, your accident. That same dispatcher will turn around and say they told you to do what's safe and under the bus you go. You do what YOU think is safe. That's your rig, your load, your life. This gets me heated sorry

Jan 30, 2014
Is it unsafe to drive? NEW
by: Vicki Simons

Hi, Johnny Mac,

If you believe that it is unsafe to drive, no, you cannot be forced to drive. The Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) is in place to protect truckers in very specific situations.

You may read more about this online. One resource that we compiled on this subject concerned whistle blowing truckers.

If the trucking company for which you drive routinely runs loads over mountain passes where their drivers are expected to chain up and keep going, look for a trucking job with another company.

Also, depending on where you are, it could be a very, very long time to wait until the snow melts. Two such places are in the mountains west of Denver, Colorado, on I-70 and Donner Pass on I-80 (near the Nevada-California line).

You don't want to abandon a truck to get out of chaining up.

Remember: no load is worth your life.

My husband Mike and I wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

Jan 30, 2014
Chaining Up NEW
by: Hervy

It's hard to force you. It is legal for them to tell you to chain up but they can't make you. are an employee. You are supposed to do reasonable and legal things that your employer asks you to do. If they want the trucked chained to travel across snow and ice up a mountain, they are not doing it for a joke.

Plus if you are out in the Northwestern states, it is illegal for you not to have chains on the truck and depending on what the weather conditions are, it is illegal for you not to chain up in some areas.

What they can't legally force you to do is drive during weather that is unsafe to drive in.

If you think it is unsafe to move the truck, you should inform the company of this. Of course, if you are not moving the truck, there is no reason to chain up.

You have to use your best judgment buddy.

Be safe.

Apr 19, 2014
chain NEW
by: bill

If you want to drive a truck, you will have to chain up someday. This is part of the job. Anyone who says they won't chain up is probably working in Florida.

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