Can a young over the road trucker get laid a lot. (not by hookers)

by Jack

Can a young over the road trucker get laid a lot. (not by hookers)

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Aug 27, 2013
Response about this being a family site NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for taking up for me from a common sense and practical standpoint anon about not being able to know everything that is posted.

That's exactly right, I can't know everything that is here. And of course there will be some clowns and it's not the site's fault.

There are more positive people here giving helpful advise, feedback, opinions and insight than negative. Much more.

Having said far as this particular thread, I don't see anything that needs to be censored.

You can look at it on face value or you can look a little deeper and see many lessons including but not limited to how not to loose yourself in a relationship. How trucking is not a dating game, etc.

If you are talking about the original question, it got a lot of the type responses I was betting on. Other drivers are pretty much telling him, he needs to grow up and wake up.

If you choose to see a joke you will see a joke. If you choose to look for good info, advice and insight, you will find it. You didn't see that lady who's eyes has now been opened as to her worth, after someone responded to her post.

I appreciate all the ladies and gentlemen that chime in here on the site, that are trying to improve people's experience not only on the road but in life. This is a family friendly site but not Disneyland.

Having said that, thanks for your opinion. It matters. Let me know if you see something else you think is inappropriate. I indeed would like to remove it.

This site is awesome! :-) and so are the visitors, including YOU! Have a great night.

Aug 26, 2013
Cant blame Herv NEW
by: Anonymous

There are idiots everywhere not just here but all over the internet and it is hard to sensor people when the site is Anonymous to protecy people.

What I do is I click on the ones I want to read about and you can do this in the left hand column stay away from the dumb comments and I am sure you will enjoy a lot of interesting stories that are clean.

Aug 26, 2013
family site? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Herv, thought you said this is a family site. Actually this is a JOKE of a site. The mentality of these people...WOW...SAD.

Jul 22, 2013
Are you married? NEW
by: Anonymous

Are you married? Are any of the children his?

Jul 22, 2013
Trucker get laid NEW
by: Anonymous

U r more than right, my self esteem is gone and to b with him I've lost everyone, family/friends. My prob is I have 4 kids, 3 of them r 3,2, and last due n Sept. my oldest 13. I don't know the first thing about divorce or where we would even go?? I've became a stock, fool, idiot when I used to b strong own home car and single mom, if their is advice on where I should start please tell, right now we r liveing n his moms other home n her name and his name is on everything else??

Jul 22, 2013
Well NEW
by: Anonymous

Once a cheater always a cheater...the first time its hard...but after practice it comes with ease and lies get better and better..

The question is what are you gonna do with your life? Wishing he will get another job wont change his ways and what makes you think he will change just because you get to hold on to his phone?

Sorry ma'am but you are with a loser! What are you going to do with your life stay on the losing side of town or move to a winning side of town?

Eventually you will lose all self esteem and feel worthless, I suggest you get out and get out yesterday...this type of person never changes and that's because this is who he is!! You think you can change him/people? Welp your are dead wrong!

Jul 22, 2013
Can a man get laid? NEW
by: Anonymous

First two comments r a fact! If that's why u want to b a trucker, u r a creep and nasty, desperate so that says a lot about u! On the flip side, my husband is on the rd every where his x r, girls from school and the kind u hang with when u got a addiction. A girl he claims he knew her bout 20 yrs ago was able to wave at him n his truck then with him for 3 mo, so all I do is sit here wondering is she really gone? Who dose he see on Rd, he has the easiest way to have as much whores as he wants, on rd, me not knowing where he is but where he says, yet that's how he screwed this last whore, got a bed n truck, spend all day with them, two yrs ago I should have known this is and has always been since we got together, some other whore sending him her private pics to him and saying r u comming or not, with his response yeah I'm 15 minutes away. Oh but when I seen all this on the phone, he said at last min what am I doing, I love my wife and kids so he came home, so I have every reason to think he is always cheating, what was so different that time than the whore he had for 3 mo, or still does? The change n him says it all and I'm stupid enough to sit here waiting for me to b his only, he has given me the worst taste n my mouth bout truckers, wich I know their is way more real men/women trucking, he is just one of the few dogs that make it look like truckers r cheaters. I want him to get another job so bad, when he got caught he swore he'd quit, let me hold his phone, ect..... Never did any of it. Every man n his family has cheated a lot on theirs wives. So is this a def sittuation he won't change, he will cheat??

Jul 22, 2013
sure NEW
by: Anonymous

you can do this at any job....society has lost its values and morals on this subject...don't wait to become a trucker.....just do what other men do....hang out in front the local stores, parks, amusement parks, truck stops... be all that you can will win your predator status like this....while your at it you can get laid by all the gay men that are truck drivers as well...plenty of them for you....after you have crossed all the sexual boundaries, we will see you as the next face on Megan's child molesters site, and you can also be the next trucker serial killer as well...

see you on Americas most wanted website! moron...

Jul 22, 2013
really NEW
by: Anonymous

Well first off that's just not the way to get someone. If that's what you are going to be a truck driver for, then you're for a rude awakening.

Besides that's just nasty either way. You need to find another line of work. This will only give the men out there who are working hard for there family think you are not one of the good guys.

the only things you will get are nasty lot lizards and STD.

Don't become a truck driver to get laid. You seem like a real creep.

Jul 22, 2013
anyone can NEW
by: Anonymous

Anyone anywhere could if they are willing to settle for what ever is available. There's always someone somewhere that's willing to give it away somewhere. Question is, why would you want to? It'd be like picking up a chewed up piece of bubblegum up off the pavement and chewing it. YUCK!!!! Not something anyone with an ounce of respect for themselves would do.

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