Comments for Can an offender get a job with a trucking company with no experience?

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Jan 29, 2025
looking to start my own business in a bit NEW
by: sparkplug

anonymous i seen where you went out on your own good job can you let me know what i must do and what i must have to start my trucking business i live in nashville tn thanks

Jan 29, 2025
Sidewinder is institutionalized NEW
by: Anonymous

Just like the title says, you sound like came straight out of the cellblock and onto the internet.

It's not about being "scared" of prison. You obviously don't have anything nor anyone out here that you value that makes the idea of going back unbearable. I have a wife and a child. They are my motivation to grind and keep myself straight.

You are a loser with a loser mentality. Losers can't keep themselves out of prison, and they say things like, "I'm not afraid to go back." Enjoy cellblock life.

Jan 29, 2025
comment on reply NEW
by: sidewinder

ill tell u this im not scared of prison im built that way ill go rt back if need b i went for murder for someone trying to kill my bro and id do it all over again but this time id enjoy it so ur right u should have never made it out and yes u should still b there thats all ill say i dont have the time to mess something like u and waste my good time u r not worth the sweat off my turds hope u all get what u deserve maybe n the next life we can meet up

Jan 29, 2025
comment on s o NEW
by: sidewinder

i hope you all read the bible about hurting the little ones who r the little ones its the children which u all know this this is why u all did ru crime it says if u harm the little ones then hang a millstone around ru head and b cast into the sea so we all know hell will b so hot for you and yes iv done my time on my crime murder but i did my duty as a REAL MAN TO PROTECT AND PROVIDE FOR THEM AGAIST PCS OF CRAP LIKE YOU U ALL RUNNED THOSE CHILDREN MINDS LIFES YOU ALL NEED HELP AND IT ANT A JOB AND YES I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN IF NEEDED I HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT THEM FROM THE LIKES OF SICKOS LIKE YOU BELEIVE ME YOU ARE BLESSED U NEVER TOUCHED ON OF MY CHILDREN OR GRANDBABYS BELEIVE ME WHAT I LEARNED INSIDE WAS HOW TO TREAT THE LIKES OF ALL OF YOU WITH RESPECT BUT ITS NOT WHAT U THINK AND SORRY MURDER IS WAY TO EASY FOR U ID HAVE A GREAT TIME WITH U ALL THERES SO MUCH I LEARNED OVERSEAS I WOULD HAVE A LONG GREAT TIME WITH U GODFORBID THAT IT HAPPENS TO ONE OF MINE this is a trucking platform jobs dont care about u, poor u, dont need to hear about how bad it is think about what YOU did to those poor children very sick

Jan 29, 2025
Response to Sidewinder NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey Sidewinder,

Unless you are completely without sin, you need to stop trying to condemn people. The very Bible you are clumsily quoting talks about people being redeemable. You won't find anywhere in the Bible that it says people who have committed a sexual offense are guaranteed to reoffend. I have a sexual offense from 2006. I did my time. I register annually. I am a truck driver who drives all over the US. I travel internationally. I have roughly 20 stamps in my passport from traveling internationally. I have visited 4 different countries between Europe and Africa.

The way you are telling it, I should be back in jail for another offense already. Be careful how you judge before you find yourself accused of something you swear you didn't do. You wouldn't be the first to go to prison as an innocent person. Tread lightly because you are not above any accusation. Nobe of us are.

Jan 29, 2025
by: sidewinder

to all you SO out there i hope you stop wasting our air on here u all need to read the bible it say if you do harm to the little one,s now who are the little ones children that,s the little ones it says you might as well hang a mill stone around your neck and be cast into the sea so think about that mess. u dont deserve nothing all the pain, all the hurt, you cause that child then and even now the only reason why you are trying to to get a job in a truck are for only two reasons one no one wants you around so u can hurt others still and the other reason is most of all of you would do it again given the chance so you think maybe i could get in a truck somewhere someplace that people dont know me and guess what YOU WILL DO IT AGAIN SICK SICK PEOPLE iv dont time for murder and all the so i ever knew in the joint said they could not wait to get out and do it all over again I HOPE HELL IS SO HOT FOR YOU ALL HOPE THE GOOD LORD SHOWS YOU MERCY LIKE HE DID SODUM AND GARMAR HE DESTORD IT O YES OU ALL NEED HELP AND ITS NOT A JOB AND REMEMBER THIS PLATFORM IS FOR HELP WITH JOBS NOT ALL OF YOU SICK SO STORYIES NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!! you can even get a job at mcdonalds because of the children playing in the playground should have thought about it before you made that choice stop blamming kids that u say are lying about age claim u r sick those kids was kids YOU WAS THE F...... ADUILT THAT RAPE THEM YES YOU NOT THEM I DID MY CRIME MURDER BUT IT WAS TO PROTECT MY BRO NOW IM OUT WOULD DEFEND MY FAMILY AGAIN IF NEEDED I HAVE THAT RT BUT MOST OF ALL ITS MY DUTY TO PROVIDE AND TO PROTECT MY FAMILY AND BELEIVE ME I WILL FOREVER

Nov 14, 2022
Apply, apply, apply NEW
by: Anonymous

Put in applications with those companies. All of them hire drivers with no experience to train.

Nov 14, 2022
Companies to consider NEW
by: Anonymous

Butler Transport

PAM Transport

Western Dairy Transport

Dutch Maid Logistics

Whether or not these companies will consider you depends on quite a few factors, namely, how old your conviction is, where you live, and whether or not you are on probation/parole.

Nov 14, 2022
Response to FMCSA preventing getting a job NEW
by: Anonymous

FMCSA has nothing to do with a person being able to or not being able to get a truck driving job because of registration status. It's the company's that make hiring decisions and often the insurance company that covers their equipment makes decisions when it comes to background issues.

Nov 14, 2022
by: Anonymous

I am a rso who just got their CDL. I'm having trouble finding a job with my conviction. Even western Express and roehl told me no. Any ideas?

Oct 04, 2022
Sex offender status NEW
by: Anonymous

through the fmcsa trucking companies see I'm a registered sex offender and immediately reject my application so far I been turned down several times already it's not with any state agency rather tribal but because fmcsa also does federal companies see it ... but it isn't federal it's tribal but still it's costing me chances at jobs

Sep 23, 2022
Don't listen to everything people post NEW
by: Anonymous

Yea so people with a list of companies saying that they don't hire RSOs are full of it.. cause I talked to Roehls personally and they said they would hire me with a Sex Offense so don't just take some idiots word on here most likely they are someone who has nothing better to do than ruin other people's day... trucking is a very in demand job right now since no one wants to do it and since that a lot of companies have been more lienant on their hiring process even going with urine tests instead of requiring applicants submit and pass a hair follicle.. so yea most people who saying that companies won't hire RSOs are most likely a person who has very negative feelings towards Sex Offenders

Jan 27, 2022
Response to Kevin
by: Kerry

Wait until you are off of parole. It will be hard to get a driving job once off of parole. It will feel next to impossible to find a driving job without experience while on parole.

Jan 27, 2022
Driving again ...
by: Kevin

I am a RSO living in SE Alabama I have told you years verified experience on 18-month parole I have 11 months left I'm going back to school Turi obtain my CDL I am extremely interested in any companies that would be willing to give me a second chance and hire me I have permission from my PO and the county which I live in the travel for work purposes while I am on my parole I know that once I am off parole I will not have that issue but like I said I am extremely interested and being hired upon completing my schooling to obtain my CDL again any information is greatly appreciated.

Aug 03, 2021
RSO over 20 years ago NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey I am a rso in Michigan. The offense was over 20 years ago. Just got my dot physical and my class a permit. Looking to drive otr but have been turned down. Can someone please give me addvi e on what schools,or companies that will hire me on

Jul 23, 2020
RSOs and trucking in Oregon NEW
by: Anonymous

I am an RSO seeking information about trucking companies that hire RSOs in the state of Oregon .
Does anyone know which company’s i should
Apply too? Any info would be great

Feb 22, 2020
by: Anonymous

Try freymiller transportation in Oklahoma City ok....

Feb 06, 2020
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, much of what you wrote, aside from the list of companies, has been covered by ads on my end. Rather sad that ads are considered more important than the content of the site. Most comments have ads running right over people’s thoughts.

Site administrator: Can we do something about placement of ads so that they aren’t hindering being able to read content, especially this ad to "Sign Up For Success Tips & Updates. All new comments are cut in half by the ill-placement of this ad. Do better for those visiting your site.

Feb 06, 2020
No-Hire List Compiled From This Website
by: 18 years upstate

Also, please note: the idea of conviction-date has been sometimes misleading. The years you were in prison do not count. For example, I did 18 years, only out 3- the companies’ investigation units count this as only 3 years. Sad but true.

Collected from the submissions on this page, here are the companies unwilling to hire sex-offenders:

C.R. England
May Trucking
Scales Express
Southern AG
Southern Refrigerated Transport
U.S. Express

Jan 17, 2020
Make it happen; I am
by: CDLStudentDallasTX

I have a s.o. charge of online solicitation of a minor from 2006. I have been on probation or parole in Dallas, TX area for a sex offense since 2005. Lots of truckers out there who are rso’s.
To the high and mighty wanting to sound all officious, with comments about rso’s in trucking being IMPOSSIBLE...Must not really be in the business, because there are a lot out there. Here is a key: Almost every company will require at least 7 years since conviction date. Quite a few will require 10 years. A handful may require more than 10 years since conviction date. Then, there are companies that won’t hire a rso ever.
To those on here posting "can I do this, can I do that?" You know if you CAN, so go do it. Don’t worry about being rejected. Enroll in a school and complete the training. Someone will hire you. Those going months and years since completing training without a job are not hire able for another reason besides criminal background.
If you are wanting to get a CDL, can’t afford the $5000, and can’t get a company with a school to hire you...there is a federal grant for you called WIOA. Now for those that post after me naysaying this program, whether rso’s can use it, etc, etc...I AM A RSO, and I am using it to go to International School in Arlington, TX. MTC is also a school that comes to the parole office to talk to guys when they first get out. Get funded through WIOA, find an accredited trucking school and make it happen. Will I get a job after graduation? We’ll see, but I know that I have been able to sell myself to employers in the past. No different here. Folks, this is about giving someone the confidence that hiring you will be a good business decision. Make yourself an asset. Smile, shake hands and be a likable person. Once you are likable, they will see your past as something distant and removed. This personal experience having numerous different jobs, small companies and corporations. Never was I fired. I voluntarily left every one of my jobs since getting out 2013.
Final point...RSO? Stop asking for permission on career path choices. Do it. I am

Aug 15, 2019
I’m Hiring
by: Anonymous

I started my own company. I have my own authority and mc number. I’m looking for owner operators. If you’re an owner operator and need work, email me at Include your location, if you have a trailer what kind, what kind of loads you would like to haul, what type of home time you’d like and if you want to do local or OTR. I only have 1 company truck at the moment which I am driving so I can’t hire company drivers until I get another truck. But I will post an update when that happens. So again if you’re an owner operator looking for work email me at Thanks. good luck and god bless to everyone on here.

Aug 15, 2019
Try smaller companies NEW
by: Mike

You may want to try looking up Roadtex LTL. They haul mostly temperature controlled cargo. I worked there for four years and never had an issue with my charges. I no longer work there because I have been out of prison for over 5 years and now I qualify for a HAZMAT endorsement. I was just approved for that and a TWIC card recently. Don't let people tell you you can't find a job, you just need to look in the right place. Also, do not disclose ANYTHING on an application that a company does not ask for, and read the directions carefully. If it asks you about convictions in the last seven years, and yours is past that, you can answer NO. Being on the registry is not a criminal matter, it is a civil one, at least that is what we are told. Don't lie, but don't volunteer any information that is not asked for. If you are lucky enough to get a job, keep your mouth shut about your past. Tell people you like to keep your work and private life seperate. If you do get a job, and are harassed, then you go to your supervisor to handle it, and if they don't, they are allowinbg a hostile work environment to exist.

Jul 18, 2019
Orlando Florida
by: Anonymous

Anyone know any company in the Orlando area that would hire?

Jul 03, 2019
Frustrated. NEW
by: Anonymous

I can't stand when people say all sex offenders should die or etc.first of all u don't Kno the full story.i was 19 yrs old when a girl lied and said she was 17.Now see what I'm talking about.she was really 15.i spent 12 yrs in prison for that now I'm having a hard time with these trucking companies wanting to hire not on parole or anything.yes I have my CDL and I've had good jobs since my release.but if there's any places in Tx that will hire please let me Kno.

May 08, 2019
Add Schneider to the list
by: Anonymous

Just got off the phone with Schneider and being an SO is an automatic disqualifier 🤷🏽‍♂️

May 04, 2019
by: Anonymous

Depends on company

Apr 10, 2019
Trucking NEW
by: Anonymous


Mar 27, 2019
Job hunt
by: Louis

I been jumping thru hoops to get a better job and I got my time over the road with Crst but my family became homeless had to leave now I have a delivery Job and I’m not making much and I apply to job hunt saying they take with 3 months experience I have it and they denied me saying come back in 2030 I’m 32 now and it another 11 years come on all I need is a shot to get in the door and they not helping u fought to get my cdl and I can bearly use it cuz of my record but it from 2009 come on now and I can’t get a break I’m looking for local job close to home I got kids they need to eat if anyone know a local job in the New England area that give a shit to a SO let me know

Jan 18, 2019
Registration Laws NEW
by: Anonymous

@Da Great

Im from FL. Want to try and get hired by Carolina Cargo but will keep my residence in FL. I have family in north GA about 45 minutes from CC yard. FL law says I must notify them 3 days before I leave the state. There is nothing else that says I must tell them how long or where I am going. But other states like GA if you are traveling there you must register within 72 hours or get out. Now nothing says that if I leave for an hour and come back if that resets the time as I have not been there for 72 consecutive hours. JS.

Any other SO drivers have experiance with how registration works in other states or had any issues?

Jan 13, 2019
Anonymous NEW
by: Da Great

You have to be in the city for more than 2 weeks if registered from the state of ga I’ve been to all 48 states trucking and I’ve had no probs elog no prob

Jan 12, 2019
Registration NEW
by: Anonymous

How does registering work for an SO. I know a lot of states make it if you are in their state for more then 3 days you have to register. How do you register while driving a truck? ELDs record location so if you get stopped and they check the ELD and seen you have been in the state for more then 3 days amd finds out you are an SO thats a recipe for disaster.

Dec 05, 2018
Juvenile RSO NEW
by: Juvenile

New. Jersey has passed a law that if you are a juvenile SO you are eligible to be removed off the registry here’s the link.

Dec 04, 2018
Think before you type NEW
by: Anonymous

To all the idiots commenting sex offenders should die, or don't deserve a second chance, you do realize how many people are wrongfully convicted right? IDIOTS

Nov 28, 2018
Narsol isnt a support group.... NEW
by: Matt S.

Narsol is a great thing. I actually link Narsol among other great resource sites in my program. Narsol is a group that advocates for reforms. They specifically state they are not a support group. Im a member of Narsols sister branches here in Texas, but the only support groups that are available are if you live in South/central Texas. In the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I love what they are doing, but what I’m doing is a bit different.

Thousands don’t have access to an actual support group, a place where they can go and ask any questions on topics related to the SO status. Unless they live close by an established physical group. Then they are potentially in danger because they are there in person, where the date and location of the meetings could be leaked. Making some uneasy to go.

I want to provide security, knowing people can attend a support group of sorts, ask questions and get answers, share their stories giving them a voice instead of feeling isolated, no matter where they live, at any time of the day or night, from the ease of access on their phone.

I do love you mentioned Narsol though. They are amazing. :)

Nov 28, 2018
getting your name off of registery list NEW
by: Anonymous

In some states, like Minnesota. your name automatically come off of the sex offender registration list after 10 years. so, if you have been on the registration list in your state for say, 20 years, and you move to Minnesota, you have a really good chance at getting your name taken off of the list automatically. you won't have to get a lawyer and pay him. this has happened to me when i moved from Arkansas to Minnesota. they had me register up here in Minnesota, and about 2 or 3 months later, they told me that since my registration period of 10 years in Iowa has expired, that I no longer had to register as a sex offender in Minnesota. I was able to move anywhere in the state of Minnesota with out having to register as a sex offender. they are a lot more lenient on sex offenders up here too. they have no work or residential restrictions on sex offenders up here.

Nov 28, 2018
Already exists NEW
by: Anonymous

Ever hear of NARSOL?

Nov 28, 2018
Nationwide real support. NEW
by: Matt S.

I just got done reading all these comments. I saw so many people going through the same problems I’ve experienced.

I’ve come up with an idea to bring a real one stop support group to all SO’s in the USA. It’ll be free to be a member, and allow everyone to ask questions, get advice, and respond to others needs for information.

It’ll cover all topics needed; including housing, employment, sex offender registry requirements and news on the current local and nationwide reforms to these laws. I’ll include additional topics as requested. Im debating on whether it’ll be instant postings or approved by moderators. The only thing that would be disapproved would be trolls bashing SO’s and obvious illegal or other behavior that would be detailed in the rules. This way it would make it more of a welcoming environment without a need to keep it secret.

I understand the absolute need for this. We can’t even ask for help on social media without risk if being banned for being an SO. So I’m doing this free of charge. It should be ready for launch in the next few weeks.

Email me at for more information.

Nov 25, 2018
Found a company NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a registered offender for a "victimless crime" I am 4 years shy of completing 20 years on the registry in Utah. I've had my Class A for a year and half and can't catch a break anywhere until lately. I am going to work in 2 weeks up in North Dakota at J-Mar Enterprises. I also know of a flatbed company that may be willing to hire an S.O. That company is West Lake Transportation in Saratoga Springs, Utah. Hope this helps! Don't give up!

Nov 18, 2018
For Tha Great NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m 29 now... i’ve Tried US Express.. was denied... tried quest global they don’t do team nomore or they don’t team u up with someone you have to have someone already Nd I don’t have the experience. I’ve only had my cdl a year now.. n haven’t been able to get the experience... I tried Western Express n was denied before.. im Currently waiting on Roadtex, LTI, & hate to say it it Carolina Cargo.. still haven’t had a word yet.

I understand it only takes 5k. But I don’t have that lying around. You kno wat I mean. I ain’t rich I’m from the hood . I’m not trying to revert to criminal activity to get $ up. I understand they passed a law now that allows juveniles to be removed from registry after 15 years . I’ve even found the lawyer who headed that case to the Supreme Court to make it happen.. but it costs $ that I don’t have... but I will email you

Nov 17, 2018
New Jersey Juvenile RSO NEW by: New Jersey NEW
by: The great or Da Great

Hey it’s hard even harder In other states you can get removed from the registry for about 5k with the right lawyer without going to court. How old are you? A hand full of companies will give you a chance like USXPRESS, Quest global if you have a few months exp. there not that bad just can’t give up my charge is 19 yrs old happen when I was in high school had my cdls for 7 yrs I own a truck got a driver running it with a company called Greatwide out of PA and all it took was less than 2 yrs to do it hell it can be done for no info email me leelashayllc@gmail or!

Nov 17, 2018
New Jersey Juvenile RSO NEW
by: New Jersey

Hello, I am a Juvenile RSO from NJ. I caught my charge when I was 16yo. I was charged with lewdness in a park but because the 2 women who called police son was a 4 year age difference I was hit with sexual assault even tho there was no contact with anyone. I’m not on parole or anything, I did my time my probation n every year I register. Anywho, I have had my CDL for over a year now Nd I’m finding it hard to find a job. I wanna drive trucks that’s what I always wanted to do, but it seems this juvenile offense is a big hinderance. I wish I had the $ to hire a lawyer to remove this but I don’t. I’m just trying to live my life but it’s hard when even your childhood mistakes prevent you from progressing. Anyway I found this forum to be somewhat helpful and I appreciate the people who have added their guidance

Can anyone please assist me

Nov 16, 2018
New Jersey hey NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey New Jersey could I get more information? info like when traveling through states do you have to report to local police? Thanks

Nov 16, 2018
Trucker jobs NEW
by: Tam

Hi,how about if you own your own truck? Also while driving through different states are you required to stop and register at local police departments?

Nov 16, 2018
Trucker jobs NEW
by: Tam

Hi,how about if you own your own truck? Also while driving through different states are you required to stop and register at local police departments?

Nov 10, 2018
Needing a second chance at life to make something out of myself NEW
by: Anonymous

I have two sex offense convictions that I did not do. neither of my crooked public defenders would do their job and defend me. one was when i was 24 and one when i was 48, I am now 50.I am looking for a truck driving company that would be willing to look at my paper work for my latest conviction and allow me to explain what all was suppose to have happened. I had a witness for my latest conviction who was willing to testify for me, but my public defender would not allow her to testify for me. he would not use her statement that she gave to the cops stating that i did not do any thing, and would not allow me to get onto the stand to defend my self. I would love to get on the road driving big rigs. Truck driving is in my blood as i have family members who were truck drivers in the past. is there any trucking companies out there that are willing to help me ??? I live under a bridge in Rochester Mn. and i get on the net at the library here in town. I sure could use some ones help with this.

Nov 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Can a sex offender in Louisiana have a CDL with a OTR company?

Oct 29, 2018
Question NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi guys, I want to ask a couple questions I hope you can help me, first one the name of the company is Louis MO? Where is it at?, and are there any options if your PO doesn't want you to work as a truck driver?, I would appreciate it if you can come up with a couple solutions and if you know about more trucking companies that are hiring
Thank you

Oct 27, 2018
Trucking company that hires SO NEW
by: Anonymous

LTI TRUCKING SERVICES st. Louis MO hires S.O. they even take newbie drivers straight outta trucking school or if u need a refresher! .49 cpm and regional midwest refeer division only

Oct 23, 2018
Looking for a truck driving school in Texas NEW
by: Hopeful

My offense was over 25 years ago. Completed my sentence. I just want to earn money for my family,and be a productive person. Is there anyone in the east Texas area who will allow me to show the good I have to give? Just looking to prove I am not worthless. My email is Thanks for any info.

Oct 05, 2018
Looking for help NEW
by: Charlie

I have a felony sex offense on my record and I am looking for help getting into a trucking school in missouri.I am not a risk to society or anyone else so you can keep all your bullshit comments to yourself because you dont know me or who I am so dont judge me.I have experience behind the wheel I just never obtained my CDL.Just looking for any info that will be helpful.Thanks in advance.

Oct 05, 2018
Looking for help NEW
by: Charlie

I have a felony sex offense on my record and I am looking for help getting into a trucking school in missouri.I am not a risk to society or anyone else so you can keep all your bullshit comments to yourself because you dont know me or who I am so dont judge me.I have experience behind the wheel I just never obtained my CDL.Just looking for any info that will be helpful.Thanks in advance.

Sep 29, 2018
S.o.trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

Nope. I put in 35 applications and only 3 called me back. I ended up going to a local trucking company with only 15 semi trucks. Once u get some miles under ur belt it is skittle easier to get a job but it’s still tough. I was convicted 7 years ago. I can try and get ur record expunged. It cost some money but if u can get it off ur record. U can find a job more easily. As a s.o. Ur punished for life. The laws are unjust and u have to do what u have to

Aug 10, 2018
Tips and aid for a couple looking to be truckers together. NEW
by: Anonymous

My fiancee is currently doing time for SO crimes and when he gets out we want to be team drivers. What school and company will train and accepts us and let us drive as a team after training. Also how long will he have to wait to be able to do it once he is released and on Parole.

Please don't judge me for staying with him. Each story is different and he isn't the person you would think he was. I am just trying to prepare as much as I can so we don't get blindsided again.

Email me at

Aug 08, 2018
Don't giver up NEW
by: Mike the Trucker

I have a great job working driving a truck and just started my own business. I should be buying my own truck soon. There are companies that will give youi a chance. You will most likely not be hired by any of the big name carriers. Also team driving is out because of insurance liability. My suggestion, look for an owner/operator that has multiple trucks and let them train you, or look for a company with trailers that have damage on them. Usually they do not have the best drivers, but you need to get your foot in the door.

Aug 08, 2018
Need help NEW
by: Michael Trout

My name is Michael trout I live in North Carolina in 2012 when I was 20 years old I ended up having sex with somebody who's underage at a college party in Greenville I have one year left on my post release I have I think 3 years left before I can appeal the registry I've had such a majorly hard time finding employment and moving forward and even just having a stable place to live I have at this point and rented a room out of a rooming house and I'm having a hard time finding a job even though I have over 5 years in The Culinary business I was a classically trained chef I've managed to different restaurants I've been thinking about getting a CDL and being a driver and state until my Post Release is over and then I can do long-haul truck driver is there anybody who can give me any advice any tips any programs anything that I can do to try and help me in my situation I'm literally running out of time and I keep being threatened by my Post Release officer that if I have nowhere to live I'm going to be put back in jail

Jul 12, 2018
RSO business man in southern CA NEW
by: Anonymous

Southern California business man looking to start business with other like minded RSO’s. Email to connect and see what’s possible. Later.

Jul 11, 2018
Hope NEW
by: Anonymous

I am working for a company that heard my story, gave me a job, is helping me get my CDL and is helping me to legally be removed from the registry. There are people and companies out there willing to help. Don't lose hope.

Jul 11, 2018
i know a sex offender who drives and owns his own trucking company NEW
by: charlotte myers

almost anyone can drive or own a trucking company,I personally know of someone who was in the military and court marshal of some the worst heinous criminal acts u could possibly think of, and he has been in business 16 plus years and if he can do it anyone can, and he started out not knowing anything about how to even drive a truck, still doesn't know how to fix anything. i guess thats why he calls me, but the point is he learn how to drive even roll his 1st. truck but is still in business as of today.

Jun 16, 2018
RSO who own a trucking company NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello to all my fellow RSO....I am an RSO in the state of New Jersey. I caught my charge back in the year of 2000...I just wanted to say that I have been a truck driver for nearly 25 is extremely easy to get into a school, but the problem arise with whatever trucking company you try to sign on with. Most companies do not like to hire RSO because you have to go over the road and many states do not agree with have some parole/probation officers that also do not agree....I started my company 3 years ago because I got tired of working for others....yes it takes money to get started but you can do little by little....first register your business with the state you live in (normally $125)...once registered with state either as an LLC, then contact online the FMCSA to get your USDOT# (Free) decide whether you want to drive in state only or out of state....get your MC# ($300)this is the motor carrier# so you can will need at least a $1million general liability (about $130 per month)....get a DUNS# (DUN & BRADSTREET #).....Get at least $100k Cargo insurance.....and a $25k surety bond(this will cover you being a felon)....I started my company with 1 cargo van, and now I have 6 cargo cans, 3 non-cdl straight trucks, and 4 tractor trailers....I DID NOT GIVE UP....I WAS UP DAY & NIGHT TRYING TO GET CONTRACTS FROM COMPANIES.....It took me 4 months to get my first contract and a company to believe in me....the company gave me a small shipment to go from New York City to Atlanta,GA...It was expedited freight, so it has to get there within 2 days....I made it in 15 hours....the company was very impressed and have me a contract for 7 years....I also got many other contracts by major companies such as Party City, Gap, Coach,Old Navy....I am saying all of this because if a RSO from NJ can take 1 cargo van and turn my business into a $2.8 million gross revenue per year business, YOU ALSO CAN DO IT.....GOD TELLS US TO STEP OUT ON FAITH....IF YOU HAVE A VISION OR DREAM, DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING OR ANYONE TO STOP YOU....MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Jun 16, 2018
RSO who owned a trucking company NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello to all my fellow RSO....I am an RSO in the state of New Jersey. I caught my charge back in the year of 2000...I just wanted to say that I have been a truck driver for nearly 25 is extremely easy to get into a school, but the problem arise with whatever trucking company you try to sign on with. Most companies do not like to hire RSO because you have to go over the road and many states do not agree with have some parole/probation officers that also do not agree....I started my company 3 years ago because I got tired of working for others....yes it takes money to get started but you can do little by little....first register your business with the state you live in (normally $125)...once registered with state either as an LLC, then contact online the FMCSA to get your USDOT# (Free) decide whether you want to drive in state only or out of state....get your MC# ($300)this is the motor carrier# so you can will need at least a $1million general liability (about $130 per month)....get a DUNS# (DUN & BRADSTREET #).....Get at least $100k Cargo insurance.....and a $25k surety bond(this will cover you being a felon)....I started my company with 1 cargo van, and now I have 6 cargo cans, 3 non-cdl straight trucks, and 4 tractor trailers....I DID NOT GIVE UP....I WAS UP DAY & NIGHT TRYING TO GET CONTRACTS FROM COMPANIES.....It took me 4 months to get my first contract and a company to believe in me....the company gave me a small shipment to go from New York City to Atlanta,GA...It was expedited freight, so it has to get there within 2 days....I made it in 15 hours....the company was very impressed and have me a contract for 7 years....I also got many other contracts by major companies such as Party City, Gap, Coach,Old Navy....I am saying all of this because if a RSO from NJ can take 1 cargo van and turn my business into a $2.8 million gross revenue per year business, YOU ALSO CAN DO IT.....GOD TELLS US TO STEP OUT ON FAITH....IF YOU HAVE A VISION OR DREAM, DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING OR ANYONE TO STOP YOU....MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Jun 11, 2018
10 is nothing NEW
by: Anonymous

I finished 25 day for day almost 3 years ago. I have been driving a truck for 2 years. Will be buying my own in another year. SO registry comes up on your DAC report. But I found a company to take me. Only thing is I have to drive solo, no teams because of insurance. I prefer solo anyway.

Jun 11, 2018
this is bs NEW
by: Anonymous

Did yall know that by law no company can turn u down from a job i been talking to some lawyers and if the company will not hair you because u r a SO and they tell u that you just might have a case and yes i am a SO so i know how hard it is DO NOT GIVE UP I wont and no one can stop me just keep on filling the app out till one of them gives you a job yall have a good day and my email is and dont think about talking crap to me because i just done 10 years

May 22, 2018
I need help in Vegas NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a RSO that just got done doing 6y on 8y. I'm looking to get my CDL but am not having any luck with the schools in Vegas. I am going to have to stay local but I can't even get into a school. Should I keep trying or am I screwed?

May 08, 2018
Special Note NEW
by: Anonymous

Dont even think about trying for a company that drives team unless you will be driving with the same person all the time and that person signs off with knowledge about your situation. Companies do not want the liability issue and most insurance will not allow it. Look for companies with banged up trailers too, they may be more lenient.

May 08, 2018
by: Anonymous

Yes... try butler transport! But there is more you have to keep trying. But of course it depends on how long ago and what it was. Most big companies will be a no.

May 07, 2018
I'm a so NEW
by: Anonymous

Does any know of any company that will hire a so I'm in Missouri please help I have had my CDL before my email is

Apr 20, 2018
Did it to ourselves NEW
by: Doug

OK people it's like this. It's damn hard to get anywhere in life after you become a sex offender. Very few if any will help you. We are all screwed, not for 5, 10, 15 or 20 years but for life. It's just the way it is and if you have not figured this out yet then good luck to ya. We need to come together as a group from all over the United States and create something for ourselves. I have ideas but not enough funding, you have ideas but not enough funding but, as a group maybe and I say MAYBE we can come together and make something happen. So anyone that is interested in pulling our ideas and resources together please feel free to E-mail me. Thank You.

Apr 10, 2018
school for CDL training in Illinois NEW
by: Anonymous

You can check out 160 Academy in Peoria Illinois for possibly getting a CDL with a s/o conviction.

Apr 07, 2018
Pedophiles NEW
by: Da Great

That’s sad world ain’t changed a bit had to be a redneck that said that I was labeled a sex offender got my big break 2 years ago to drive now I got my own truck and business me and my fiancé so you do the math wanna judge someone judge yourself throwing rocks with your hands missing!

Apr 06, 2018
Pedophiles should die NEW
by: Anonymous

You don't deserve a job or to even be alive. Sex offenders are the scum of the earth. Nice use of the abbreviation to try and make it sound less creepy. Fucking losers.

Mar 18, 2018
by: GuyAnonymous

Let us know if anyone finds a trucking company that will hire SO

Feb 15, 2018
Need a job NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a SO looking for a truck driving school that accepts sex offenders in INDIANA or ILLINOIS or some kind of trucking companies. Please help. Thanks

Feb 15, 2018
Need a job NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a SO looking for a truck driving school that accepts sex offenders in INDIANA or ILLINOIS or some kind of trucking companies. Please help. Thanks

Jan 26, 2018
Starting RSO business NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey mike if you're looking at starting a business, I have access to auctions that sell trucks, trailers and other heavy equipment. I can take a look at what they have available atm if you'd like. Let me know.

Jan 26, 2018
by: Anonymous

Just got my cdl permit I also have my dot long & short form I'm having issues with my criminal background I was turned down today by SWIFT due to my 17 year old criminal records. Is there any truck company that will give me a chance.

Dec 29, 2017
Just wondering NEW
by: Anonymous

But being an o/o and an rso wouldn’t you still have to do a criminal background check to lease on with someone? Or exactly how does that work obtaining a lease as an o/o and a ro?

Dec 28, 2017
Having trouble getting a Class A truck driving drive job NEW
by: Anotonio Hiram

I'm on the database as a RSO... I no longer have to register as of 2010. In the process of getting myself removed from the registry list. Many companies have denied... I'm a grad from C.R. England as of this year. No more contract but my sex offender case is from a juvenile. Very frustrating indeed. Any companies out there that will give me a shot? My email is

Dec 20, 2017
Quest Global info NEW
by: The Great

If you're in need of detailed information about Quest, google Riggingwith Kay and you will get information on what to expect at orientation, lease purchase program, settlment info, etc! Good luck ! Truck #857✌️

Dec 20, 2017
Help for sex offenders NEW
by: Randallflagg

I am an RSO,and I was also a victim as a child.
My life is not shattered. To live your life and never have any kinds of stress or trauma is not a real life at all. Now as to getting a job driving.
Thats not a problem, Get your CDL and go to work for Carolina Cargo,After 6 months of experience you will be amazed at how many places you can work at. I did time in SC. They have civil commitment for those deemed a risk to re offend. that can be for life if that person does not prove that they have changed. I will be going to work after a long vacation to Quest Global. Don't forget that there are many people on the registry that were innocent. Carolina cargo will also give you a pre approval letter to get you into school. these schools that are requiring you to come up with 5 employers willing to hire you are nothing but dicks who don't want to help you.
I help as many as I can to succeed.

Dec 19, 2017
Juvenile RSO with points on license NEW
by: Anonymous

So i m a juvenile rso, my license isnt bad but i just got a speeding ticket 7 months ago. Tried western express, was denied due so, tried roadtex i have to wait until may when its a full year from ticket, tried carolina cargo guy said safety board denied me because of suspension for drug refom act on my license, Everywhere i turn to have no luck. Does anybody kno of any companies that will hire. In dire need of help.Climate express said i needed experience and quest global you need a team driver nd both must have 6 months otr....IS there anything out there. Im in NJ but idc i'll go to other states


Dec 17, 2017
MrGiovanni81 NEW
by: Anonymous

i will email you

Dec 17, 2017
For hard for juvenile rso NEW
by: The great

When I got my cdl A I thought about getting all the other endorsements but they are pretty much useless, no harm bc if you pay attention to the main doubles triples and tanker carriers they're franchise carriers in their eyes that's a double negative I got my start at USxpress and now I'm at quest and they make new changes everyday just found out last week they have the train your spouse program or teammate if you don't have exp come over here to quest global if you like teaming to get training if you don't have a co driver they will find you one plus the money is great they just start paying most of our drivers salary pay non hazmat $1100 Hazmat $1200 I me and my fiancé chose not to bc we're going O/Operator next month with this company need more info

Dec 16, 2017
mdasky NEW
by: Anonymous

will email you

Dec 14, 2017
Guy from NJ NEW
by: Anonymous

Contact me at, for NJ job.

Dec 14, 2017
NJ Guy contact me NEW
by: Anonymous

The guy from NJ, contact me at

Dec 14, 2017
Hard for a juvenile rso NEW
by: Anonymous

Recently graduated and obtained my CDL A w/ tanker and doubles/ triples endors. Finding it hard to find work being no experience and a rso. I was 16 years old, got dared by a few girls in class to whip my johnson out in i did it, in the park. Some lady who was with her sister and 10 yr old son called the police i get charged w/ lewdness. Thing is NJ has another loop Sex Assault Tender Years. Where if your 4 years or older than the victim then its considered assault even though you physically never touched anyone and the kid never saw cuz the mom clearly stated she covered his eyes..they didn't even speak english. Anyway here i am 12 years later a rso and cant find a damn job.

Already denied by Western Express for the offense...anyone know of any and i mean any company that'll take a chance. I even got federally bonded

Dec 04, 2017
Hope NEW
by: Anonymous

Just talked to a recruiter at climate express in union, mo. Willing to work with you. They seem really professional. The lady I spoke to wasn’t shocked or anything for being a rso. She gave me insight about the company and was willing to work with my probabtion Officer. Planning to apply after the new year. But good luck and god bless!

Dec 02, 2017
There's still hope NEW
by: The Great

Over a year and a half later with my 4 or more company now at quest global out of kennesaw ga. Not trying to boast or anything but don't give up I was looking at a comment on the forum and a guy told someone else that another guy should have gotten castrated that's real cold I wonder what he would have said about a gay person? But anyway I most recently got my llc with the state of Georgia dunns number business account with navy federal IRS letter and etc plus approved through lone mountain , bulldog truck sales and arrow trucks sales to go owner op with quest global and criminal record is shot when it comes to this trucking world and I made a way 3 yrs ago with us xpress ptl Ten point expedite out of Michigan broadleaf out of moultrie ga and now with Quest and I'm not going anywhere if you have you cdl's try USxpress if you have 3 to 6 mos exp come to quest I got out of prison 10 yrs ago and didn't let it slow me down just remember red truck with a big Q on it #857 or YouTube rigging with Kay who is my fiancé that teams with me for this company

Nov 13, 2017
Starting RSO business NEW
by: Mike

And by the way, I have already established and LLC with the Texas Secretary of State.

If I ever get hired to drive - so I can finally start earning enough money to invest - then I can put that LLC to work.

Nov 13, 2017
Starting an RSO tolorant business NEW
by: Mike

The thing about big trucks, is that they are expensive to fix IF you must pay someone else to do it. I am also a mechanic - although not a seasoned diesel mechanic. But, I do know about how commercial diesel engines and transmissions are built.

Most commercial diesel engines are built with what is called "wet sleeves". Similar to the cylinders on a motorcycle that can be removed and replaced. In the diesel, after the cylinder head is removed, the sleeves can then be extracted from the block (without having to take the block out at all) using a tool called a sleeve puller; then new sleeves can be installed.

The tool costs between $200 and $900 depending how fancy you want it (I want the hydraulic type for $900). The sleeves for a 13 liter Cummings for example are about $100 to $150 each. So six new ones can be had for less than $1000.

Anyway, not to go into a long diesel engine repair lesson, but the point is that a group of guys with a little know how, a lot of work ethic and some moderate start up capitol can easily start a self supporting business.

Take a look online at what used 18 wheeler truck/tractor with an over-the-road sleeper cost.You should see priced for tractors over 10 years old for less than $50,000. If you see outrageous mileage on them don't be alarmed. These engines are designed to run for 500,000 and 1,000,000 miles.

Training RSOs to drive and 18 wheeler is simple. The big companies have figured out that they can save tons of money by placing a driver without a CDL and just a learners permit in the cab with a seasoned driver (called a trainer), and move their truck around for a fraction of what an experienced CDL driver would cost.

I want to find RSOs who've been out of luck finding decent employment and not just train them to drive, but train them to rebuild the entire truck, to weld, bust tires and generally be the best all around transportation employees around. One guy can fill any position.

I realize that many RSOs have lost their work ethic, or simply cannot perfect so many skills. But there are thousands who could do it.

One company that finds out who these guys really are (not just what paper says), and empowers them to help run the company.

Nov 13, 2017
Starting Own RSO Truck Driving Business NEW
by: Mike

I agree with you Mike! I have the same ideas here in Michigan. Financing and maintenance of the truck is costly. Two people would have to finance and drive team, maybe even a used truck until profit margins can sustain more inventory and payroll. Brokers are going to want to see a CMV history before they contract with you and that's my biggest barrier. I don't currently hold a CDL and am not wasting the financing if I can't get hired for some experience. It would just become another expense to overcome. I am educated with a degree in business management, I already have a family own company to handle human resources and payroll who've been doing taxes over 30 years for business and personal income. I had a future stepdaughter make an accusation and went to trial with no physical evidence a a story that repeatedly changed and served seven years. I know the pain of gaining employment while on the SO registry. I'm interested if you know of any other resources to overcome really just a couple barriers as I see it.

Nov 13, 2017
Starting RSO businesses - taking the first step NEW
by: Mike

To the on who said "start your own trucking company".
That is what I want to do. I am an RSO, and want to start my own company and do REAL background checks (not just reviewing paper trails). Actually interview people and their references and offer employment.
However, it takes money to start a company, and a database of customers. To start a trucking business I would need at least one truck so I could hire one or two drivers - and drive myself of course. I have my CDL now so its just a matter of finding a company to hire me. I could live in the truck with virtually no bills and save enough to purchase some land and build a workshop on it and park a few trucks, and then purchase my own truck. From there, if I am a good business manager I could get a decent company growing.
It's getting started that's the challenge. There are organizations of RSOs to network for these challenges and resources.
If you are serious then reply and lets really start talking about creating our own companies who do reasonable background checks and give many RSOs a chance to make it.
I will be monitoring this site. I live in Texas, but it does not matter what state you live in.

Nov 09, 2017
There is hope NEW
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to let some of the RSO out there that there is hope. If your case isn’t fucked up where your a predator don’t go looking for a job. I was 19 when I made a mistake and I finally got hired and was approved by the legal department from C.R. England. After fighting for over a month to prove to them I’m not a Molester they agreed to hiring me. So to all you young guys that made a mistake go apply but just know this you will have to send them all your paperwork to fight your case like I did. Good luck and keep your chin up.

Nov 06, 2017
Indiana Transport NEW
by: Anonymous

Indiana Transport hires sex offenders from other states! Go apply today!

Nov 06, 2017
Think before you act NEW
by: Anonymous

To all of these sex offenders out here crying how hard the sex offender laws are, maybe you should have thought about what you were doing and the lives you were shattering when you decided to become a sex offender. I don't care how old a woman says she is or a man if you don't know who you are sticking your penis in then it is your fault and for you to victimize your victims by blaming them means you should still be in prison. My ex-husband is a sex offender and I'm about to let the job he he works for where he's avoiding paying child support know that he's a sex offender and he will end up without employment and back in prison where I'd like to see him because it turns out and staying away from my kids is more important than any check I can get. I personally think none of you deserve a second chance.

Oct 24, 2017
Trucking and sex offenders nc NEW
by: Anonymous

Was wondering if anyone has information about sex offenders being able to get their cdl's in NC. Because I'm looking to get more money because job's aren't paying the bills and my sex offence happened over 25 yr ago

Oct 21, 2017
driving jobs for so's NEW
by: Anonymous

why not start a trucking company that hires SO's / sounds like you would have no trouble findind drivers

Oct 17, 2017
stop being perverts ok NEW
by: Anonymous

we will stop being perverts when people like you teach your kids to tell the truth about there age and not lie just so they can get some one in trouble.when youre kids act mature enough to seem they are of age and tell a man they are 21 but are really 15 years old. and have knowledge of the laws and know they can get a man in trouble for that lie. teach your kids how to be kids not 15 going on 30 shit. any ways cr England and swift trucking so my 12 year old felony is fine that my sex charge isn't what's stopping me but we all know that's a lie but cr England was more truthful about it than swift so idk on the cdl thing I'm willing to go when they start letting us go though we have families to feed and bills to pay to. they don't want to lets us work and whine cry bitch and complain that their tax dollars are supporting us through government programs like food stamps and disability. well dumb asses let us go to work. there is other crimes that are just as hideous if not more so than some sex crimes. especially when youre daughter lies to a person knowing that they can get a person in trouble so don't think youre teenage daughter is so damn sweet innocent cause in some cases they just a damn liar and got a man in trouble just because they could.

Oct 17, 2017
stop being perverts ok NEW
by: Anonymous

we will stop being perverts when people like you teach your kids to tell the truth about there age and not lie just so they can get some one in trouble.when youre kids act mature enough to seem they are of age and tell a man they are 21 but are really 15 years old. and have knowledge of the laws and know they can get a man in trouble for that lie. teach your kids how to be kids not 15 going on 30 shit. any ways cr England and swift trucking so my 12 year old felony is fine that my sex charge isn't what's stopping me but we all know that's a lie but cr England was more truthful about it than swift so idk on the cdl thing I'm willing to go when they start letting us go though we have families to feed and bills to pay to. they don't want to lets us work and whine cry bitch and complain that their tax dollars are supporting us through government programs like food stamps and disability. well dumb asses let us go to work. there is other crimes that are just as hideous if not more so than some sex crimes. especially when youre daughter lies to a person knowing that they can get a person in trouble so don't think youre teenage daughter is so damn sweet innocent cause in some cases they just a damn liar and got a man in trouble just because they could.

Oct 16, 2017
j.b.hunt policy on reg sex offenders NEW
by: Anonymous

my case is 23 yrs old..doesnt even show up on searches..but i was denied at jb hunt bc im on th sex off registry they told me at corporate its their policy.

Oct 13, 2017
Wanting to be a Truck Driver NEW
by: Anonymous

Looking for a company that will train and hire me im 26 yrs old i am a rso for a misdemeanor when i was 17 a juvenile have a clean driving record if anybody has any info please message me. ja365557@gmail.cpm

Oct 11, 2017
No, there are jobs NEW
by: Anonymous

There are jobs out there, but no major carrier will hire you. Look for smaller companies or owner operators. I am a trainer for a medium sized company based in NJ.

Oct 11, 2017
by: Anonymous

You you guys telling me there are no jobs for RSO out there?

Sep 18, 2017
Re:rules NEW
by: 1075

My crime happened 30 yrs ago. Before there was a law I had to register! They made it retroactive in 1999 for anyone who was on parole/probation in 1995. In 1999 I was free and clear of probation/parole,I had finished in October of 95.... the retro law says anyone on parole/ probation is required to register if it was in July of 95. No one told me, never new I had to.,,,..then I get contacted 2 yrs ago, they told me I had to register for my book, thats waaayy unconstitutional.
It has been 20yrs, it came and gone, but my time just started, might as well been a life sentence!!! I was 18, I am now 47, I have to register till I'm 65

Sep 17, 2017
Rules... NEW
by: Anonymous

They go by the time you were released from custody, parole or probation. They may take the need to register into consideration.

Sep 08, 2017
why do these companies act this way NEW
by: Anonymous

OK if I am a sex offender and the crime was like 25 years ago and I have not re-offened in that amount of time why do they act like it was just yesterday that the crime happen ? I really wish I could get a answer to this question ? I understand the insurance thing but really..... a lot of time has passed since the crime my god come on people one crime and your done with life ... realllllly

Sep 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

If anyone gets answer for trucking companies that hire sex offenders let me know also.
I am needing letter of intent to attend the trucking school ..

Aug 10, 2017
No Luck In KY NEW
by: Stuck In Place

A year ago I applied at TDI training school in Indiana. I had over a dozen conversations with the recruiter there and actually paid $25 for the background check. Each time I called he said, "Well this company over here is looking at you but I need at least 6 companies that are willing to take you before you can be accepted into training." So after 5 months of that mess and not getting my calls returned I gave up. At this point I'm stuck in place with my current job, which I've been at for over 13 years. If I had the money I'd put myself through school and get my own rig. But that's way out of the question. Oh well. The Bible is absolutely right- sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. That's exactly what I've done. :-/

Aug 02, 2017
still waiting NEW
by: Anonymous

I am still waiting to hear back from Werner if there are going to hire me. I am a convicted ex offender from like 28 years ago I done five years probation and counseling and never no prison time I just spoke with them on Monday 7/31/2017 and the recruiter told me like 24 hour turn around time for my background check ...

I am curious

Jun 21, 2017
Need help NEW
by: Marcus goldsmith

I was a convicted sex offender back in 1995 and I can give the name and number to the person it was with. I am wanting to have a career of truck driver. I need some help finding companies that are willing to put me through training school and give me a job. Thanks

May 28, 2017
running out of options NEW
by: Anonymous

Rso here in Mississippi. I,m running out of places to turn to for work. No matter how much I give to a company and a job, it always ends up with them letting me go for some shame reason with me knowing it's because I'm a rso. Once again I have found myself in this position. I decided to renew my cdl and go drive a truck but after reading here I'm starting to see that I'm going to run into the same walls with trucking companies. If it wasn't for my family needing me, I would throw in the towel and walk away. I am 53 years old and been in the heavy civil construction and trucking industry since the summer of 1982. I know guys that make $125 to $150,000 a year and constantly call me for advice and don't know half of what I know.
And I see no end in sight for the cruel and unjustified sex offender laws. Society as a whole will never change the laws. Getting sentenced to register as a sex offender is a life sentence for sure and may as well be a death sentence.
Sorry for the ranting but I'm running out of options here. Stay tough and don't give up. keep posting your comments. It helped me to know what I would be facing with this.

May 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

Usxpress will but be prepared to duckwalk under table to pass physical exam ,Carolina Cargo will but pay sucks 10 cent a mile. Swift ,Scales express,Schneider,prime,southern AG,southern refrigerated transport,crst, star will not

May 20, 2017
Carolina cargo NEW
by: Anonymous

Carolina cargo,rock hill Sc will but the pay sucks and you have to do 5000 miles before your first check

May 18, 2017
Anyone wanting to help fight Florida (and other states) Sex Offender Laws Go Here !! NEW
by: Tired Of Being Mistreated

I'm reading lots of posts that say someone should or is considering starting some kinda group to fight These crazy Sex Offender Laws. Well there is a great Group already fighting hard for EVERY RSO out there !! They are based in Florida and mainly fight FLORIDA laws, But ANY law that is fought and won, Helps others in other States ! The Group is called FLORIDA ACTION COMMITTEE, Or FAC for short !! Join the group, Even if your not in Florida,It's still worth joining !!!!! These people have great Attorneys and are Fighting HARD for YOU ! The more members that join, The more money that have to hire The Correct Lawyers to fight for YOU !!. Look them up online ! They are your best hope because this is ALL THEY DO !! THEY FIGHT EVERYDAY !! . Out of State RSO's should also join or atleast Donate towards the "Fight" !!. Florida Action Committee !! Join Today!!

May 08, 2017
Companies I've tried NEW
by: Anonymous

I have my CDL and all endorsements since February 2017. I live in Oregon.My SO offense is 20 years old. Swift and Snider wouldn't touch me. The recruiter from CRST said my felony wouldn't be a problem since it was so old. I went to orientation for CRST in southern California. I got a text from my recruiter the first day of orientation. He said CRST bought me a bus ticket to go home. All I got from CRST was a 25 hour bus ride home. I applied to US Express but haven't heard back. I've been waiting a month to hear from CR England. My recruiter from CR England asked for lots of information to send to the security department. I haven't heard anything. I called the recruiter once but she didn't have any information to give me. I've tried a couple smaller local companies but they won't hire me because they have day care on the premises. I don't have a lot of confidence that I will find a trucking company to hire me, even though my offense is 20 years old. Has any SO had any luck getting hired?

May 08, 2017
will pam transport hire register sex offenders? NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm rso in oklahoma. and have been wanting to get my cdl. I have been wanting to drive a truck for years and I've decided to go for it. I was just going to get my cdl on my own at dmv. but i preferred to be trained by professionals. I notice that PAM transport has sponsored cdl training. I've have a full time job now and have had going on 5 years now but i hate it. I hate to quit my job and go to PAM to go through the training to find out they will not hire me because I'm rso. i'm about an hour away from a PAM transport main office where they do training. Does anybody know if PAM will hire rso?

Apr 13, 2017
Possible position NEW
by: Casey

So, unfortunately I like most on this post am a RSO. It is for a misdemeanor from 2009. I got my CDL a week ago. Thought trucking companies would be willing to hire me, but soon discovered that I was wrong. Went to orientation with Falcon after the recruiter telling me the were ok with my misdemeanor. Halfway through the first day of orientation they pull me aside and ask me to leave. They could not or would not tell me why, but I know it's because I am a RSO. So I have now applied to many many companies and as soon as I tell them about my misdemeanor they say no or they say they find out and not call back. Today I received a call from CRST in Iowa and they say they are willing to give me a chance. They are aware of my charge, but I told him to pull my background check before I go out to Iowa. So keeping my fingers crossed that this works out. CRST is team driving and I guess they help you find a partner. The pay is low, but if they are willing, so am I. I live in WV, feel free to contact me

Feb 15, 2017
Swift pays good? NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a company trainer and if I want to work, the work is there. I get 55 cents a mile, try to find that for someone driving a company truck.

Feb 15, 2017
small companies NEW
by: driftwood

try googling small companies in your area. they have a really hard time recruiting new drivers and also they have a hard time retaining drivers because the owners/dispatch don't care enough about the drivers and are more concerned with making money off the drivers hard work. if you can put up with it for ten years then switch to a company like Swift that offers the best pay and benefits you'll have it made because of your experience and also get a huge signing bonus most likely. it not impossible but its a hella lot harder

Feb 06, 2017
I need to know the truth NEW
by: Lee Pearson

Back in 2013 I was charged with attempted sexual misconduct. I had brushed against a girl with my elbow on her chest. She was wearing clothes. I notified her parents of the incident and they pressed charges. I spoke to a detective explaining to him the situation. He took my words as a confession that I tried to rape her. I was arrested three weeks later. I spent a few days in jail. I did not have to register as a sex offender. I finished my probationary period. I really want to become a truck driver but companies have turned me down because of this incident. I need to know if I would ever be able to drive a truck.

Jan 28, 2017
Confused NEW
by: Anonymous

Have a juvenile so that i no longer have to register for or anything and am trying to go to school through any company. I committed my offense back in 97 when i was 14. Thats 20 years ago.

Jan 27, 2017
Keep the faith mentality. NEW
by: 1 kick

I'm a so also I've been driving over ten years. I did my small time got out an strated driving. For 4 yrs almost 5.yes it sucks but I was very blessed two have two jobs I did some detailing at night. Just keep on fighting, it's hard but don't give can happen for every one like us. Don't let the public dictate your life. That goes for men an women, there is a lot of work in the big cities an main happening states. I have been out since 2010,I only check in once a yr no po . No supervision so things are changing for the so people. The best state for driving east coast, an mid west me I'm in Vegas.

Jan 21, 2017
S O Trucking? NEW
by: Jim

Has anybody started S O Trucking CO. yet?
I'm all in im a hard worker all ready have my CDL with experience,not resently, I need a job soon or I'll be living under a bridge soon.

Jan 17, 2017
So trucking NEW
by: Anonymous


Jan 17, 2017
by: James

Hello to my fellow people that are caught up in sex offender stats. I'm here to start a group or network to get things done. You may contact me at I'm a RSO myself. Jobs are hard to find for us. I'm in pa and no one wants to hire an so. So direct any questions or remarks to Mt email. Thx.

Jan 11, 2017
need truck driving job NEW
by: Edwin

I just recently finished Trucking school in MS. Ran across a lot of trucking companies who want hire sex offenders. Is it true that US EXPRESS may be best company to check with. I need help. If anyone know please email me at

Jan 09, 2017
Help Marcus NEW
by: Steve

I know this is a little off topic, but Marcus I'm interested in speaking with you. I have a Web design project I need help with. Please email me at: an1ppllc@gmail.Com


Dec 30, 2016
Registered Sex Offender Looking for help in getting a CDL License
by: Anonymous

I live in southeast Georgia and I am a registered low risk sex offender. I Was Charged in March 1994 and would like to get a CDL License. Do you know of a Trucking Company that will help a young Man to get a CDL License. I will sign any type of Contract to not only get the CDL license but I will drive for the company who helps me in this matter. Please Help me in this Matter.

Dec 29, 2016
Driver (SO on Parole) with A Class CDL looking for work
by: Anonymous

I am an experienced driver with an A class CDL looking for in-state work in Georgia or drop & hook that gets me back home every night. I had a clean MVR before my incarceration, driving throughout 35-40 of 48 continental US states while my case was on appeal and driving mostly van and refer -- a little flatbed too. Have been out on parole since December 2014 (had to go back to prison on a technicality from February through September of this year).
Live in NE Georgia and am looking for work driving tractor-trailer or straight truck. I am safe driver and dependable, just looking for an employer willing to take a chance with me and willing to pay an honest man for an honest day of labor.

Dec 15, 2016
more response to Ready-2-Stand
by: MT5

Been reading some more stuff on the internet, and some other good news for us is that professional treatment community and others who do sociology type research are generally publishing reports that the current SO registration laws are ill formed.

A good number of these reports not only come to the conclusion that registration laws are doing nothing to reduce the rate of sexual crimes (making the point that most sex crimes against children are from within their own family or other close relationships - and not public crimes), but that in many areas the laws, and collateral consequences of registration may actually contribute to increase crime rates in general, increase sex offender recidivism, and increase the the rate of crimes against children.

Each report comes to its own conclusions about each of the above, but the majority of the reports have negative views of the registration laws.

What is even better, is that these reports are making their way into the courtrooms and judges chambers - and many judges are now listening.

So, we are now entering a time when the ball is going to bounce into our side of the court. The question is, how to make a 3 pointer once we get it?

Dec 15, 2016
Response to: Ready-2-Stand
by: MT5

I have too considered starting an organization. It takes a little money but not much. I was going to file an application for a non-profit with the Texas Secretary of State, which costs about $25.

My question to you Ready-to-Stand, is what do you plan to do. And, this truckers web site is not a proper forum to continue this discussion. So, find an appropriate forum site or create one (which I may do), and just put that link here.

One thing to note about this site. It reads from newest first at the top. Problem is, we read from top to bottom, but the chronology is from bottom to top. So the reader needs to bounce up and down the page to read the post in chronological order.

Now, since we are here already let me comment. The problem is not getting SOs to band together. Nobody wants to hear from us. What SOs need to do is find those with power and influence who want to help us. Believe me they are out there. Getting SOs to pool their money would certainly help, but because of the employment problem most of us are quite poor. The next problem with collecting money is many other SOs are going to trust donating their meager dollars to someone they don't really know, and even more don't know or have any expectation that you can do anything with their money.

So first, before banding, us SOs need a leader - who is not an SO - and has power, influence, and their own money; not to mention other rich and powerful friends. That is the key to fixing thing.

Let me give you a successful answer.

Here in Texas a couple (maybe three) years ago, any employee an SO worked for was also listed on the state SO registry website. Nobody wanted to hire and be put on that site.
However, a large pool of business owners began lobbying the Texas State Legislature. These companies wanted to give registered SOs a chance to make it by giving them employment, but did not want to be registered themselves, and successfully lobbied the State to remove that requirement.
SOs still have to report their employment status and all info about the employer, but now that information is for law enforcement eyes only.
How that has increased the employment statistics for SOs in Texas I don't know. But the point is that there are business owners and politicians out there that do want to change things.
The challenge for us is how to give them more power and influence.

Dec 15, 2016
Correct statement about C.R. England policy

Someone wrote on June 14th below.....

"Places like CR England will never hire you unless your victim was a minor, If you raped an adult then they don't really mind".

Please clarify this statement. I just applied to C.R. England.

If you read your statement above, it says in effect that they WILL hire you if your victim is a MINOR or and ADULT. I think you meant something different leaning one way or the other.

Nov 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Do you live anywhere near central new jersey. If so and you can travel out of the state, let me know.

Nov 17, 2016
Truck Driving
by: Anonymous

Hello, I was wondering if there where any Trucking companies that will hire SO with a felony. If so can you please provide the information

Oct 27, 2016
There's hope part 2
by: Anonymous

Sorry I forgot to mention that the company gives the CDL Training and you have to sign a contract with them so that the training is free. And it is team driving coast to coast only so you won't stay in one state long enough to have to worry about each states SO laws. Again email is

Oct 27, 2016
There's hope
by: Anonymous

So I was in the military and ended being discharged because of the dumbest thing ever and now I am a SO as well. I started looking into truck driving and found out that most of the companies won't hire an SO unless it has been 10 years since their release date. But I did find one company that doesn't care about that as long as it's not a felony. They are working on getting lodging situated for students and they are going to call me when the hotel is ready so that I can go. So if any of you want info on that send me an email. The pay is about 1100 a week so it's good.


Oct 18, 2016
Marcus, tell me what I can do
by: SS

I am a female SO from MS. I spent 7 years in prison, was released a month ago and have 5 years on probation. During the 7 years I spent in prison, I wrote numerous letters to senators and representatives, but it landed on deaf ears for the most part. I would like to continue to advocate for changes now that I'm out, but I don't know where to start.SOs in MS must serve day for day while other charges receive time for an early release. The laws changed against us a year before I was released, increasing the distance we must reside from schools, playgrounds, etc., thus I'm not able to live with my husband and kids.
I would definitely be willing to be a part of advocating for changes. Let me know what I can do. It seems that everyone else gets a second chance except us. Its time for a change.

Oct 16, 2016
by: DB

I'm in! How do we connect to make this happen?

Oct 06, 2016
want a trucking job
by: Anonymous

My friend offended back in 2002 he was 19 she was 14 come on really it sucks he doesn't have any restrictions at all only has to report once a year for a picture, he has a very nice man for a detective, this charge is crazy and ruin peoples lives

I believe if you haven't re-offended in five years you should be able to start over, the sad thing is truck driving companies will not hire, I have tried the ones listed here and they still wont hire, even my friends detective told him as long as he is sitting still for two weeks in spot he can go and if so all he has to do is report to the place he is at that's it nothing more nothing less, he can go to church, school functions everything, why cant someone just hire, he wants to be in a truck so bad that is his dream he don't even care about the pay or how long he has to be gone for school...anyone with any advice please message back on here thank you

Sep 27, 2016
I've been reading this site
by: Marcus

Everyone keeps blabbing about how nothing can be done, etc etc etc..

Well, there are about 6-7 states where supreme court justices are starting to rule the laws unconstitutional.

The problem is, the guys fighting it are rich. They are spending millions of attorneys over long periods of time.

Uniting is the only way.

I'm an SO. Sucks. Aiding and abetting charge. HAHA, Screw NC.

I'm also a marketing guru, and "web guy".

I could throw up a site tomorrow to unite offenders and get a pot going for attorney fees to start litigation in key states.

Thing is, most of you will never spread the word and I would be there begging people for the next 30 years to join the site, and help get the funds together to beat this bs.

I would just mail every SO on the the registries. But I can't afford to mail 1000's of people in each state.

Sep 21, 2016
About finding a job as sex offender with a class a cdl
by: Anonymous

I just got my class A CDL and I'm having problems trying to find a job because I am a sexual offender. This happened back in 2003 and I don't know what i can do to find a job with my background constantly killing my application.

Sep 04, 2016
RSO truck drivers
by: Anonymous

Try Western Express, good pay and plenty of miles.. Newer trucks to drive, ..

Sep 04, 2016
RSO truck drivers
by: Anonymous

Try Western Express, good pay and plenty of miles.. Newer trucks to drive, ..

Aug 30, 2016
looking too reinstate my cdl's in Ga. and get a driving job
by: tigar

I am a RSO did time and now on probation. My CDL.expired while I was inside. Now I'm going to go back too school too reobtain the CDL'S. What I would like too know is, before. I spend my money, is there any company's out there that will give a 28 year veteran driver a chance.

Aug 30, 2016
Do your homework
by: Anonymous

There's alot of hate on Carolina Cargo out there, from the pay to never being hired by another company because of working for them due to there CSA score being a "99" (that, I find hard to believe). If the company had a CSA score of 99, the company would be deemed "Unsatisfactory" to operate on the nations highways, and likely the fine would shut the companies doors since they only operate a 100+ truck fleet. Many small companies run with lower quality equipment and tend to "bend" the rules a bit more to attempt to keep face with customers because they can't relay loads regularly like the bigger operations can. Best thing you can do is get your Class A and atleast try to get hired on somewhere. You can view a companies CSA online, just try and find the companies DOT# and do your homework.
I'm not sure what schools in all states charge, but some private schools in California are around $8-900, which is really cheap to be able to use there equipment for a DMV roadtest along with training. If you can't afford it out of pocket, most schools will point you in the right direction for government grants. But once you have your CDL, even if you can't get a job right away OTR, alot of local outfits will hire if you can hold the wheel driving a end dump or something along those lines as a felon

Aug 14, 2016
Carolina cargo
by: Anonymous

Carolina cargo will hire sex offenders, i am one, been here 6 months pay rats is low but after a couple months you can make arpund a thousand a week, this is a second/last chance company, but they hire no experince needed

Jul 18, 2016
Husband is an RSO trying to obtain a CDL
by: Anonymous

My husband of 14 years was charged back in 2001 with possession of child porn but here's the kicker. He had received the pictures in a mass email from an unknown source, NEVER opened the pictures, deleted them and closed his account to prevent it from happening again. A year later he sells the computer to a so called friend who finds the pictures in a deleted file and reports it to the police. Long story short my husband was arrested, convicted, served 17 months of a 3 year sentence and had to register for life. He is very low risk (according to the state) but yet he is not able to find a decent job. The state didn't and still doesn't think much of his conviction because we have 2 of our children in the house and our grandchildren stay here quite often. It sickens me that this Godly man who attends church with his family on a regular basis is stuck with this stigma of being an RSO all because of an email he received and thought he had deleted it. He lucked up getting an oil field job but was laid off due to slow down and we are really struggling because as soon as companies hear RSO the door gets slammed. He has tried many trucking companies but they too won't risk hiring him because of the stigma of hiring an RSO despite he has never been in any kind of trouble since coming off paper not even a traffic violation. All RSO's aren't violent and not all sex offenses involved actual sex crimes but people don't see that all they see is "RSO" and he's a pervert hide your children. No one but our church Pastor knows my husband is an RSO nor do most of our friends. All they see is a family man that works hard for his family and attends church every chance he gets. All he wants to do is go to work and provide for his family but Society doesn't make it easy.

Jul 15, 2016
Company that will hire a RSO
by: Anonymous

I am a hard to admit a registerd sex offender my self! Back i 2015 i got my cdl and my self having a hard time fi ding a job i did find one company that will hire rso's and that is xpo logistics AKA conway trucking but you're case hase to be more then 10 year's old.

Jul 08, 2016
by: Eric Daniels

Can someone tell me something about a sex offender charge...i have orientation Wednesday for us express i want to know do they hire sex offender i dont want to leave home go up there n dont get the job....can someone tell me that .

Jun 29, 2016
Date that you can be hired with a trucking company
by: Anonymous

Can someone tell me how the dates are calculated?

Is it 7 years from the date of conviction, 7

years after the release from prison, or 7 years

from the release from probation/parole?

Thank you

Jun 17, 2016
misdemeanor sexual battery
by: Anonymous

I have a misdemeanor sexual battery charge out of NC.I graduated cdl school, but had no idea trucking companies would not hire me because of that charge.I have No felony.NY wouldn't even register me.So why won't companies hire me?

May 02, 2016
cdl grad
by: indy

I just got a grant to go to truck driving school, I'm a registered sex offender, does anyone know what trucking companies will hire a registered sex offender? Please send me back any info, I would really appreciate it.

Apr 13, 2016
My experience
by: Mike

I'm really not sure. I have been doing it for about 5 months now. Since I drive as a team, I generally do not stop overnight somewhere. Most laws seem to mention that if you will be somewhere for a certain amount of time (say 2 weeks) then you have to notify someone. Not allowing you to go through a state would violate your rights to interstate commerce. I have been pulled over in Colorado, California, Ohio, and Utah for inspections, but nothing was ever mentioned about my criminal history.

Apr 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

What are the rules for sex offender when driving otr?

Apr 06, 2016
still hope
by: The great

I was convicted of a sex charge in 2000 did time for burglary in 2002 and believe me there is more and got the run around from every major trucking company and just got approved for USxpress. And heading for orientation in 2 weeks I believe they will give you a chance the recruiter Amy Hobbs been straight with me since I applied the first week of March don't give up Companies say the will but they won't especially Swift they won't even call you back to tell you no I called them back the day after I got hired for USxpress just to hear them say no. But yeah try USxpress they won't let you down .

Mar 19, 2016
CDL-A driver with a sex offense conviction.
by: Anonymous

I am a person who has been convicted of a sex offense in 1998. Discharged in 2000, successfully completed my duty to register with my original state of conviction in 2010,
and removed from the registry
in my home/employer's state.
I went thru CDL school and now have a CDL-A job. I've been searching online for other states laws as I am/will be an OTR driver traveling thru many other states. Most are so complicated to understand, some look scary to even visit, found some that appear to be ok. But not really finding what I'm looking for.

Mar 19, 2016
CDL-A driver with a sex offense conviction.
by: Anonymous

I am a person who has been convicted of a sex offense in 1998. Discharged in 2000, successfully completed my duty to register with my original state of conviction in 2010,
and removed from the registry
in my home/employer's state.
I went thru CDL school and now have a CDL-A job. I've been searching online for other states laws as I am/will be an OTR driver traveling thru many other states. Most are so complicated to understand, some look scary to even visit, found some that appear to be ok. But not really finding what I'm looking for.

Mar 14, 2016
Jobs in Baltimore
by: Anonymous

What companies in Baltimore would hire someone who has 12 years of trucking experience but have a sex offender conviction?

Feb 22, 2016
trucking jobs for sex offenders
by: Ray

To anyone looking for a good paying job at a solid company, I ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT AND STAY AGGRESSIVE IN YOUR SEARCH! Anything worth while is worth fighting for and though some jobs come easy for some, others need to PRESS! A majority of the big companies(Werner,JB Hunt,...etc are not very felony friendly and somewhat strict. Try calling on some of the smaller companies who are considerably more forgiving and will give you a 2nd chance at career that you can take pride in and provide a good income($45-$54,000 a year to start!) It's my sincere hope and prayers that each and every person who diligently seeks a better life WILL ATTAIN IT!

Jan 25, 2016
by: Adrian

My name is Adrian. I live in Indiana and I was convicted of Sexual Misconduct w/ minor back in 2001. Had to registar for 10 yrs and I'm not on the registry anymore. There's a new law in Indiana for Expungement and lawyers are working on that right now. When the Expungement clears my rights and gun rights are back to normal. And it will clear too. When I was on the list to register the judge gave me custody of my daughter. Have proof on that too.

Dec 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

I'm not on probation or parole. Never heard of the rule you mentioned. Would like to know more about it. Since you mentioned federal time, I'm sure you can get the statute that deals with this. Please post it here.

Nov 30, 2015
Away from home more than three days
by: Anonymous

I love in Alabama and just got out of prison in August. I have five years of probation and my CDL license are active. I am told by the county I live in that I can only be away from my residence for three days, on the fourth day I can be arrested and serve up to ten years fed time. Is there any way around this? How can a sex offender do OTR and obey the law?

Nov 10, 2015
No you can't
by: Jason green

No you can't I just graduated from CDL school and everyone that takes students said no. They all said that's the one crime no touches. Don't waste your money. If someone does hire please contact me I need a job.

Nov 05, 2015
Most likely
by: Anonymous

Depends on the state, but probably, yes

Nov 05, 2015
Former city bus driver.
by: Anonymous

Folks dont mind my poor english, english is my second language..however. can anybody advice me, i have been charged with soliciting prostitution with a minor, but not been convicted yet. im only accused of talking to her.coz we havent done anything. im awaiting pretrial & trial along the way. & what ever happens, i wanna avoid ending up in the "SO"list however i can see life is hard for my fellow folks. my question is,is what im charged with goin to result to be registered in SO list?

Oct 25, 2015
I'm a sex offender, and have a ORT job.
by: Anonymous

I'm a sex offender and have had my CDL for 8 years.
I did go to a school, but just paid for a few day practice and to take the test $1800 at the time. I knew the basics of driving from a previous job at Ryder. This was offered a the local community college. They made no promises of any help finding a job.
I got hired at a moving company 3 months later, as there only CDL driver, but was required to do local moves also. The job sucked, but I busted my hump, worked there for a year. Usually 80 to 90 hours a week. Once you have a year exp, then small carriers will at least talk to you, because they can put you on their insurance. Have to talk to them in person or on the phone. Then got a job at a very small company with only 8 trucks. Also knew a driver there that vouched for me, that got me a interview. They gave me a chance, I was out on the road for a year before I went home. You have to be the guy that always says yes, never complain and always have a smile. Be better than all the other drivers. Really not that hard to do as most truck drivers are idiots. Be willing to live in the truck.
You will never get on with a major carrier, not going to happen.
Online applications are a waste of time, don't even bother.
Getting a trucking job is attainable, but it's not easy.
Also be warned you will be out on the road the whole year, it's a lifestyle, plan on missing holidays and other events with family, and your first year you'll be luck to clear $40k.
I just bought my own truck, getting my own authority and starting my own truck business. Then know one can fire me, and I'll have a job for life.
Sex Offenders can have a CDL, no law saying you can not. And as a side note, never been ask about my past from any state trooper or police officer at any weigh station or road side inspection, they run your CDL through their system, I've watched from the front seat of a Crown Vic a few times, signing inspection forms, and or warning tickets.
Good luck out there!!!!

Oct 25, 2015
I'm a sex offender, and have a ORT job.
by: Anonymous

I'm a sex offender and have had my CDL for 8 years.
I did go to a school, but just paid for a few day practice and to take the test $1800 at the time. I knew the basics of driving from a previous job at Ryder. This was offered a the local community college. They made no promises of any help finding a job.
I got hired at a moving company 3 months later, as there only CDL driver, but was required to do local moves also. The job sucked, but I busted my hump, worked there for a year. Usually 80 to 90 hours a week. Once you have a year exp, then small carriers will at least talk to you, because they can put you on their insurance. Have to talk to them in person or on the phone. Then got a job at a very small company with only 8 trucks. Also knew a driver there that vouched for me, that got me a interview. They gave me a chance, I was out on the road for a year before I went home. You have to be the guy that always says yes, never complain and always have a smile. Be better than all the other drivers. Really not that hard to do as most truck drivers are idiots. Be willing to live in the truck.
You will never get on with a major carrier, not going to happen.
Online applications are a waste of time, don't even bother.
Getting a trucking job is attainable, but it's not easy.
Also be warned you will be out on the road the whole year, it's a lifestyle, plan on missing holidays and other events with family, and your first year you'll be luck to clear $40k.
I just bought my own truck, getting my own authority and starting my own truck business. Then know one can fire me, and I'll have a job for life.
Sex Offenders can have a CDL, no law saying you can not. And as a side note, never been ask about my past from any state trooper or police officer at any weigh station or road side inspection, they run your CDL through their system, I've watched from the front seat of a Crown Vic a few times, signing inspection forms, and or warning tickets.
Good luck out there!!!!

Oct 19, 2015
Federal law?
by: Anonymous

Could you please give me the case law or federal statute that says a sex offender is prohibited from having a passenger endorsement? I had to go through a state background check, fingetprints and all. My case may be unique. I was convicted in 1990 and served 25 years. I was just released last year. My conviction is almost 30 years old. That probably helped me. My DAC report still lists it because it hasn't been 7 years from my release.

Oct 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

As far as I know there are no states that allow sex offenders to have a passenger endorsement. If you are one, and you got one, it may have slipped by. I think it's also a federal law. It may catch up to you. The best a sex offender could hope for in getting a CDL job is possibly driving a dump truck, but those jobs are usually seasonal. You might also be hired driving a box delivery truck but the pay on those is usually very low. I just don't suggest any sex offender go for a CDL job. Yes, the CDL school will promise the world because they want your money, especially if your state is paying for it via vocational rehab. But once you get that CDL you'll find out the hard way exactly how much that school cares. They already know that the trucking companies do not want you. Since is hasn't been mentioned in a while I'd also mention Carolina Cargo in Rock Hill, SC. They might hire you, at $.10 per mile. But if you think working there for a year will get you into a better carrier think again. Most other carriers are very familiar with that company and their terrible safety record. They don't hire anyone that has worked there. I called Western Express, USXpress, CREngland, TransAm, etc., and each of them hung up on me as soon as I told them where I had worked (CC). I worked there in 2012/13 and at that time their CSA score was 99. That's almost the worst score possible. A CDL is not worth it. I have 237 applications out and 0 have called me.

Oct 19, 2015
Not true..
by: Anonymous

I got my CDL A, with NTP endorsements. Yes, I passed the background check for a passenger rndorsement. Right now I am driving a bus. Next week, I will be starting orientation in a trucking firm. You will most likely not find a job with the big carriers. Look for owner/operators with multiple trucks. Buy a cheaper truck and start yourself. The job I'm starting is not great, but it will get me the experience i need. Maybe some should band together and start our own company. Who knows, maybe someone already thought of this.

Oct 19, 2015
Don't bother getting a CDL
by: Anonymous

As a registered sex offender you have a better chance at building another ark and waiting for another great flood than getting a real trucking job. They simply don't hire us because the liability is too high. They aren't going to let you roam freely around the US with their truck. If you were to commit another crime while you had their truck they would sued heavily.

Oct 19, 2015
sex offeners and jobs
by: Anonymous

allow me to start by saying that I too am a sexual offender. I have now been out of prison for 6 yrs. I have put myself through school for machine operating, I have be given jobs and have been refused countless times, once people at work find out it becomes increasingly difficult to remain there for much longer.
I am thinking of getting my cdl to become an over the road driver, just not sure if I can get a job after training.
Does anyone have an idea or a good answer to my concern?
I believe that we should stand up and fight the injustice of the out look on "sexual offenders", the public does not know the difference nor do they care. I got hired at a great company in Delaware county, pa once they received the back ground check, I was fired even though I disclosed the conviction. All that was said was that I was a preditor. which I am not.
sometimes I wish there was some support group, however I try my best to forget about all the mess I have made.

Oct 06, 2015
Chauffeur's License of Sex offenders
by: Anonymous

The person who stated it's against the law for sex offenders to carry a Chauffeur's license. That is untrue, but it can also very my state of residence . They can hold taxie jobs or anything else.
They just can't work for a school or day care center or any job around children.

Sep 24, 2015
trucking company
by: Anonymous

Simply want to say your article is as surprising. The clarity in your post is just nice and i could assume you are an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please keep up the enjoyable work.


Sep 08, 2015
Uber Is BS
by: Anonymous

I checked into Uber. Yes, you must carry commercial insurance and the cost of that alone makes being an Uber driver not worth it. Here in Delaware not only do you need a state business license you also have to obtain a separate business license in each town you want to do business in. It doesn't matter if you are picking up or dropping off passengers, you have to get it for every town. Again, financially it's not worth it. When Uber first came here people were signing up to be a driver like crazy. Now they are dropping like flies. The only place it's worth driving for them is in a metropolis.

Sep 08, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have a conviction for a sex offense in New Jersey and passed the background check for my passenger endorsement.

Aug 01, 2015
Think Twice About Uber
by: Anonymous

Uber could work out for some people but there are some things you need to know about them. First, you have to have separate commercial insurance on the vehicle and it's expensive. Regular auto insurance won't cover it. Next, you have to have a separate business checking account, business license, etc. And, if you're a sex offender (it seems most people here are), you can't drive for them. It's against the law to have a chauffeur's license or passenger endorsement if you are a registered sex offender. You can look that up. Dreams, all pipe dreams!

Jul 31, 2015
Felon job
by: Anonymous

I know Uber Technologies Inc. will hire anyone with a clean MVR and license. You have to have a 06 or newer 4 door vehicle that will pass an inspection. But you do have to live close to a major city like Phoenix or Los Angeles...etc. just go to

Jul 29, 2015
Looking to get back into driving
by: Kevin

I am a convicted sex offender looking for a company that would have me and giver a chance. I been out of fora year now I used to drive before I went to prison for 3 years can anyone help me

Jul 23, 2015
Your BEST chance at a Over the Road Trucking job!!
by: Anonymous

If you are looking to get back driving over the road, here is my email address, Email me your name, phone, number, and location. If you have a good MVR and some trucking experience, I CAN MORE THAN LIKELY GET YOU A JOB STARTING IMMEDIATELY!!! Only SERIOUS reply back.

Jul 20, 2015
To: Justin
by: Anonymous

Your story is a common one. Unfortunately there were signs that it was going to happen. First of all, only trashy parents would allow a 19 year old to date their 15 year old. Having said that, it's no surprise that your girlfriend reacted as she did. She was 15, were you expecting her to be mature? Secondly, is your daughter by the new 43 year old girlfriend? Is there some reason why you don't get married? Authorities don't have much respect for sex offenders, especially ones who are just shacking up with their honey. They don't take that relationship seriously. Third, you should know that should you break up with her you will never have custody of your daughter. Being together is ok because they assume she will protect the daughter from you. You living on your, your daughter will be taken from you. Maybe not immediately, but the first time someone realizes who you are and that you live alone with your daughter the state and Feds (since your case was prosecuted by the Feds) will take her away immediately. You will have supervised visitation. Those are facts! Now, about banding together, I can't answer to how one does that. I've never started an organization before. I suppose it could begin by starting a website for those to sign up. However, it can't be Facebook because Facebook doesn't allow SO's to have accounts. So do many others. I would suggest that someone who has the resources get an attorney who can guide them legally through getting a group started. I do know one thing, state and federal legislators will never take notice of any group until the group membership enters the tens of thousands mark. Then the group has to get financed so that they can advertise, pay for the website, and begin lobbying. The latter will involve more attorneys. I haven't even seen the NAACP stand up for one SO yet so they are out. There's no money in defending a SO so there will have to be membership dues. Then what you ask of legislators has to be fair and reasonable. It ain't gonna be easy but just fending for ourselves isn't working for most. As far as getting your CDL, I can't say it won't work at all for you. If you get a class B you can drive a dump truck. They tend to care less about who is in their seats but that work is very seasonal and weather dependent. And it doesn't count towards tractor trailer experience. More so than a CDL, an education will serve you better. Get into something that's in great demand. But you will most likely have to take online courses. Most colleges, even community types, don't allow SO's on campus. Which makes perfect sense. There are 3 reasons why there are so many laws that govern a SO. One is that they protect others. Well, that has yet to be proven. Two, those laws secured votes for those who passed them. Three, they make life unbearable. What does that mean? Well, let's face it, will society really care if a SO commits suicide? I've heard more than one person say that they wished ALL SO's would do that. They don't consider one thing, though. Everyone has someone who cares about them. SO's have kids of their own who will miss them. Regardless of what their label is someone might call that person 'daddy'. That kid didn't ask to have a daddy who was a SO, but they might. Name calling and ridiculous statements like the one a few posts below are about all SO's ever get out of society. The facts are that most SO's are not how most people think of them. And, most people have no clue what it's like to live as one. But just like any other felon when a SO has a support system and good employment they are much less likely to repeat their crime...except predators. So simply ignoring the problems SO's face every day isn't going to help. Quite the opposite!

Jul 20, 2015
by: Justin

ok so here it is all the people that have posted on here have said we need to ban together but how do you get that started??? I have nothing to say about the cdl thing just came looking to see if I could even get one. but what I do want to say is that I agree with most things stated and do think that there should be some kind of management system to separate offender from predators and everything in between. for instance in my case I was dating a girl that was 15 (I was 19 when we hooked up) I lived in her house with her family it was no secret. I moved out she got crazy and had me locked up. when I finally made in front of the judge her mother came and spoke on my behalf. they wanted all charges dropped and me to be set and she said this to the judge. he smiled at her and thanked her then gave me 5 years FDOC. I now have a daughter that I can not provide for on my own. I only survive because my 43 ear old fiancée works six days a week. what am I supposed to do if something ever happens between us? take my 4 year old to the street and live in box and eat out of the trash? something has to give. if you have any thoughts or anything send them to me at

Jul 14, 2015
Challenging the System
by: Anonymous

The only way any positive changes will be made to the regulations and laws of sex offenders is if all sex offenders unite for the common cause. However, I have serious doubts that will ever happen. One reason is that society will immediately push back out of fear. It will be a challenge. Second, it will be nearly impossible to get legislators, governors, and mayors to side with sex offenders on any issue. It's simply career suicide to appear to be soft towards sex offenders. The first thing that needs to be done is to educate society on the realities of life as a sex offender. Many people will not care how hard it is. Real life examples and statistics will have to be given for proof. For many years legislators and governors have told society that sex offenders are a serious concern, using terms such as the "safety of our children." It is true that children are a popular target but it is equally true that most child victims knew their suspect. A close friend or relative, usually. Society has been given misleading information and statistics for many years just so politicians can get elected. As far as employment goes, there are 3 main reasons why any compan, not just transportation, would not want to hire a sex offender. 1. It's simply bad for business. 2. Insurance companies who insure a business for liability or bonding will not cover a sex offender. If they do the rate will be too high for the business to profit. 3. Most states have laws that require businesses to provide a reasonably safe environment for its employees and customers. Hiring a sex offender would put a company at risk for being sued should something happen. In trucking you would be on the road without a supervisor to watch over you. So when you stop for fuel, un/loading, or your 10 hour break they don't know what you are doing. Not to mention having to know all the rules of each of the 48 contiginous states regarding sex offenders traveling through. If you break down somewhere and can't leave for 5 days many states require that you register there, and again when you leave. That's a real pain. Companies also know that they can never send you to Canada or Mexico. You might not be able to deliver to certain places, such as a school or university that is under construction while school is in session. While it may be rare that you'll ever deliver to these places it could happen. Team companies have another problem. They might have to put you with a female driver if that is what is available. Women have sued trucking companies for not getting equal treatment. So now they have to do it. So their best bet is to not hire them at all and not have to worry about it. It seems to be easier to get into dump trucks because you usually haul from a supply place to a construction place and are not on the road as much as OTR. But it tends to be very seasonal and the pay varies greatly. There's just no magic bullet to getting into trucking. It will be 100% luck. I have submitted 183 applications since 2012 and have a twic and hazmat. I'm still not driving commercially. I've resigned to the fact that I never will and stopped applying 10 months ago.

Jul 13, 2015
sex offender with CDL and no work
by: mel

Well, let me start by saying that, I have y CDL.
I've had it since May7 2015
And I still can't find a job.
I'd be a liar if said that it isn't discouraging, because it is.
I can't find a company that will touch me with a ten foot pole. I'm getting desperate now.
It's to the point where I just want to give up, but I can't.
I've got kids that I need to support, and get through college.
Luckily, I have a good support crew . Friends and family that look out for me, and a beautiful girlfriend that has been by my side since day one, when I came home.
But the truth is.... until there is some kind of slack given to us as far as job opportunity goes. We are going to get handled pretty rough.

Jun 14, 2015
To: Redwing
by: Anonymous

That's real intelligent!

Jun 14, 2015
Red wings!
by: Anonymous

Stop being perverts...

May 22, 2015
To: "Ready to stand"
by: Anonymous

I've been wondering for years when someone would start a support group or the like for sex offenders. I'm one, have had a cdl for 4 years now, and I can't get even the seediest of trucking companies to look at me. It's bull****! As a OTR trucker when would you have the time to do anything wrong?! Seriously, you're driving for 11 hours and then have to sleep for 8 and rest for 2. If you're in a team truck you're driving/sleeping/driving/sleeping. My only guess is it's an insurance thing. The insurance companies refuse to bond us. I don't see the big deal as long as we aren't teamed with a female, and there's very little chance of that. Btw, your case sounds eerily similar to mine. I'd love to see a nationwide bonding of first offense SO's. There is strength in numbers, even for us. If we don't band together and start "yelling" at our legislators the laws, state, local, and federal, will only get worse. After all, increasing penalties for SO's is always a promise by elected officials. 10-15 years from now sex offenses, no matter how minor, will be mandatory life in prison. That's what thousands of uneducated people in society want anyway. The public needs to realize what we and our families go through daily. They need to know that dumb mistakes can land you on the registry. Case in point, in my state there was a man who went to a bar in a resort town. He got drunk so when he left he decided to walk home rather than chance a DUI. He made the mistake of cutting through people's yards and someone called the police. A cop saw him walking through a yard so the cop got out and walked between the houses to get him. That's when the drunk guy decided to pee behind a tree. When the cop caught him "it" was out of his pants so he caught an indecent exposure charge (instead of a public drunkiness charge) and is now a registered SO. That's so wrong! Did you know that every state receives federal funding for sex crimes? The amount depends on how many people the state has convicted. So it's in the state's interest to prosecute as many as possible. Police are sneaky. How many times have you heard the police claim that they do not have ticket quotas? Well, they don't! People don't ask the right question. The police do have "contact" quotas. That is, they get highway money for having a certain amount of contacts with drivers. They don't have to write a ticket...just have contact with the driver. That is a fact! Did you know that attorneys will allow the prosecutors to hang some of their clients in exchange for going easy on certain other clients? A prosecutor will tell an attorney, "Hey, I'll allow your John Doe client to have one year of probation if you allow me to give Jim Smith 6 years in prison." The attorney will tell Jim Smith something like, "I talked to the prosecutor and he said that he will give you a plea for 6 years. But if you don't take it he's going to add 8 more charges if you go to trial." So it still looks as if the guy's attorney is working for him but, behind the scenes, he threw Jim Smith under the bus. I was once in law enforcement as well...with the state! Good luck!!

May 22, 2015
Strength in numbers
by: Ready-2-Stand

Can't believe it took me so long to find this page. For the record, due to Virginia law, I'm on the SOR for LIFE! Though the specifics of my charge involved NO violence, I'm considered a violent offender; hence, life on the SOR.
After being out on probation for over a year, with NO job prospects, I went to trucking school and obtained my CDL. I incurred almost $6,000 in debt to get my CDL, and it's all for nothing.
I've not found any companies willing to give me a chance, for all the reasons given above. The greatest culprits in this quagmire are the photo-op politicians, and timid insurance companies.
Similar to other commenters, I have military background, and I've worked with law enforcement in the private sector (former licensed Private Investigator). Despite my spotless background (hadn't even had a speeding ticket in over 10 years) thanks to a solitary accusation by a single individual, I'm on the SOR for life.
The only way the inequities of the sex offender laws will ever be changed is if we are willing to band together, stand up, and let the world know just what it's like to be a victim of this corrupt system.
My accuser (I refuse to call her a victim... I'm a greater victim than she ever was) was shielded from any knowledge of what would happen to me due to her claims. If she had the faintest idea of how my life has been destroyed, I believe she would've come clean, and told the truth. But the prosecution prohibited anyone I knew from making any contact with anyone in the girls family. The prosecution knew what would happen if she knew the consequences (to me) of her actions.
There are so many laws these days to protect the victims of violent crimes. I these efforts to encourage real victims to come forward. However! I believe that, in cases of accusations of any crime that would result in the defendant being relegated to the SOR (especially for life), the accuser should be made fully aware of all the ramifications for the accused. In some states, such is actually prohibited by statute. That is seriously effed up.
Minors often say things without any thought to the results of their statements. Since they have no experience in the real world of the adult, it is impossible for them to comprehend the extent of impact upon the person they accuse. There are also cases (such as mine) where family members have things to hide, and push the minor to make the formal charge. Then there is the political motivations of the prosecution. This environment only serves the interests of the government, not the individuals... including the presumed victim.
In cases involving minors, one action should be automatic (by statute); the assignment of a CASA; Court Appointed Special Advocate. The CASA would see to it that the interests of the minor(s) are best served; not the interests of some career-minded, politically motivated, prosecutor.
CASA's are often assigned by family court judges during custody disputes. In some jurisdictions it's mandatory. I think in many cases (certainly in mine), a CASA being appointed to counsel the accuser/victim would ensure that real justice is served. Not politically motivated expedience.
I am actively exploring possibilities of forming a group to support those ONE TIME offenders on Sex Offender Registries, and their families. One of the greatest tragedies in this is the family members of the S.O. having to endure the on-going stigma and embarrassment of being related to a registered sex offender. My children have stood by me through all my difficulties, believing in my innocence. After all; they've known me their entire lives. Yet, my daughters (both divorced), have kept their married names to avoid having to take on my burden. Even my sons have taken their mother's maiden name, to avoid association with me. Does anyone think this is not as painful to a father as being on the SOR?
When I get organized, and have a website up and running, I will return here to invite all who have commented to check it out. Hopefully, if we join with other groups I'm finding, we can start to make a difference in the lives of those caught in the deceitful web of the sex offender industry.
Can you stand with me, brothers?

Apr 02, 2015
Life sucks
by: 1075

Unfortunately it's the law I can't get out of. I did retain council
And looked for every loop hole..... None to be found. As far as double jeopardy goes, I've been told by law enforcement and my council that it is a civil duty to register witch has no inpact on my original j and s .

Apr 02, 2015
i was thinking about being a truck driver
by: Anonymous

I'm a sex offender. And I can't find any kind of work . I delivered chinees food but was told I couldn't work there. So I thought about driving a rig but don't know where to start. If anyone can help me with this issue please text me 979 599 3570. But at the same time is it gonna be hard to get a cdl. I've never had one . thanks

Apr 01, 2015
The sex offender all togeether
by: Chris from kansas

I agree with everyone's comments I find the sex registration thing very offensive; and they put all together like we all are a bunch of pervs; I think what they need to do is put us in different categories; like the ones who just made a once in a lifetime mistake; let us off the charges and take us off your stupid sex offender list and give us the benefit of the doubt; ain't that what life is about is making mistakes and learning from them; and for the victims were sorry; but now for the ones who keep doing that crime over and over; yeah there has to be something done with those; yeah I know we created victims; but at the same time our families have to suffer because we can't find work; and if we do it doeisnt pay that well ; I have been told that a gentleman in shawnee county kansas has taken the sex offender registration act to the supreme court saying its unconstitutional; now this is what makes me mad; I was suppose to register until 2017; now before I even got there they have made me a lifetime register; for what staying out of trouble for 7 years. I'm in the process of going to a truck driving school so if anyone knows of any good truck driving companies who will hire a rehabilitated sex offender; please post and let me know.

Mar 13, 2015
To: "Life Sucks"
by: Anonymous

Don't do it until you retain an attorney. You have a very good argument to not do it. You've been "clean" ever since then without having registered. Also, that may fall under the "double jeopardy" part of the US Constitution. Don't blindly do it. Consult counsel first!

Mar 13, 2015
Life sucks
by: 1075

When I was 18 I commuted a sex offense, went to prison for 3 yrs. probation /parole 4 yrs after. There was no sex offender laws and I wasn't. Requierd to register. I became a hazmat truck driver and have been one for 18yrs, a month ago I was told I have to register for the next 20 yrs cuz I didn't do it when I was released from probAtion. Now I fear every day my employer is gonnA find out. I most definetly be fired. I don't see why I have to register for next 20 yrs. I'm 44 now, I'll be 64 when they let me off for somthing that happens when I was 18. So not fair. I'm a father of two, a grandfather of two with lots of responsibility .

Feb 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Good luck in your search. I as well am having the same luck (which is none) unfortunately for "us" we are a menace to society as a whole. Believe it or not "we" are just a statistic that nobody thought would succeed after making a "bad judgement" call. Society labels "us" as a person(s) who needs constant monitoring, or someone who will just "fall" again into our old ways. If thats the case then I ask society as a whole, WHY ARE THERE SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT FACILITIES? Well the answer is simple.. to try and tap "us" into believing that we can make amends and and development a way of thinking that will make "us" productive members of society, when in reality they make us unproductive by the way they view "us". We are instantly judged and tbe facts of "our" case are never taken into consideration..... not everyone is the same. I think that "we" need to somehow take a stand against this...."this being lablebed as discrimination. Think about it. A potential employer claims to be an equal opportunity employer, when in reality, once they hear of our troubles,whether recent or something years past it becomes conditional upon the employer in itself. I don't know about you, but thats not equal opportunity to me. Thats biased based upon what a piece of paper or the internet says.... can someone please contact me at 228/596/9464.... something needs to change about this....I have tried several jobs and nothing.

Nov 11, 2014
To; Steve
by: Anonymous

I'm assuming by "rollback" you mean a flatbed wrecker (towing), I tried to apply for that many years ago. I was turned down because they said from time to time they get repo's at schools and I couldn't go there. If that's what you are doing you got very lucky. I tried applying for septic truck jobs but they go to homes so that was out. Same goes for fuel truck jobs (I have hazmat). At last count I've applied to 178 companies, large and small. I've tried garbage collection, residential and commercial, but they want a year's experience in a commercial vehicle. I find that very bizarre. I've applied for jobs hauling carpet scraps for recycling but I didn't have enough experience. I've applied to companies delivering new exterior doors to Lowe's and Home Depots. I wasn't hired and they wouldn't tell me why even though I did great on their road test. Quite frankly companies just don't want to deal with the headaches that come with hiring us. There are bonding issues and their vehicle insurance rates would jump too high because of the restriction on our driver's license. Everyone knows that it's a good thing to have us employed because if we are working then we aren't idle and less likely to reoffend. But, no company wants to deal with us. If a company has a website then it's a definite no because if anyone were to Google them our names will come up right under their website. That's bad for business. Don't bother trying to look up other sex offenders on the registry and apply where they work. The last thing any company wants is to be known that "every" employee they have is a sex offender. They may hire a few but they will have a limit. Most of those companies only hire us to do "bitch work" in some obscure warehouse with no customer contact. I predict this, if something doesn't change soon in about 10-15 years from now we will all have to live isolated on an island somewhere. I'm sure most people will approve of that. I think the majority of the world hopes we just off ourselves so they don't have to worry about where we work or where we live.

Nov 11, 2014
Yes you can get a job
by: Steve

I'm a sex offender. After release from prison, I was unemployed for about 2 years. In final desperation, I took a big chance and went to CDL school at a local community college. I applied to over 100 over-the-road trucking jobs and no body hired me. Then I saw an ad on Craigslist for roll-on, roll-off container drivers at a small company. They hired me to drive Mack trucks. I earn about $12/hour and work about 50 hours a week on average. It's all local work and I'm home every night. To me, it's a miracle, and I'm eternally grateful and loyal to my company. I just wanted to let you all know that it's possible...extremely difficult...but still possible to find a job.

Oct 04, 2014
Jobs For Sex Offenders

Yes you can get a job with a trucking company. If you have any more questions please visit our website dedicated to helping sex offenders find jobs.

If you are a sex offender looking for a job please visit us at

We can help.

Aug 12, 2014
It's never going to change
by: Anonymous

I'm a sex offender but was once in law enforcement. The term "sex offender" was invented by legislators. It has become a business to deal with sex offenders. Legislators created the whole sex offender scare as a way to show they care about public safety, especially kids. They have worked very hard to put the term 'sex offender' into societies' minds. Legislators are certain to be re-elected when they tighten laws on us. The more sex related crimes police arrest the more federal funding they get for sex crimes. That creates jobs in law enforcement. The more sex offenders are prosecuted the better a state's attorney general looks to keep his/her job. Sure, there are a few offenders who need to be monitored, sometimes for life. Most of us, though, just made a mistake. A judgement error. Yet we are caught up in the same crap as the bad ones. All we want to do is get our lives back to normal, support our families, and be left alone. We want a job to be proud of. For whatever reasons we chose the transportation industry. Our schools blew sunshine up our asses to get our money but they knew we didn't stand a chance at finding a job. We get turned down and hear things like 'you have too many tickets.' Yet the ad said "no more than 3 violations. We hear 'you don't have enough experience' but the ad said "recent grads welcome." Ads for dump truck drivers are asking for 2-5 years experience. Really? I've driven a dump truck and I can tell you this; it takes about 3 days to learn how to handle one. So what do we do? Dancing on the steps of our legislative halls is not going to work. Helping us would be career suicide for them. These issues need to go to the US Supreme Court. Unfortunately none of us have the resources to do that, not to mention that takes years. As far as the company "Carolina Cargo" goes, I know a lot about them. The owner did prison time for tax evasion. He pays .10 cpm, the trucks are always breaking down, you have to be over. 48 hours without a load to get paid for idle time and then it's only $25 per day. It's a horrible company. If you have an accident that isn't your fault they will still report it if you leave them. It may be experience but chances are your career will be over before it starts. Personally , I don't know what our options are.

Aug 12, 2014
laws to harsh
by: Anonymous

I think we should get a movement going in our states idont see why oUr crime is the one we should be affraid of im a sex offender but i would like to know if a thief,drug dealer or murder lives in my area. Most victims of sex crimes are related to their attacker. Only in this country where drugs and alcohol are desises and sex offenses are choices. I married for 5 yrs and have a 4 yr old son. My crime happend 5 yrs ago. This blanket laws are putting an undo hardship on my family and making it impossible to get a descent job. I admit what i did was wrong and i paid my debt to society but to continue to get punished by registering is wrong and the only crime that has to do that. We should go to our state governments and get this changed.

Jul 14, 2013
trucking and being a rso
by: countrycuz

I am one you people that is on the registry.
I was a trucker when I went into prison and when I got out the only skill that I had was driving a truck. I got my cdl back thanks to voc rehab .
There is one company that will hire you no matter what the felony is and that is Carolina Cargo in Rock hill sc. I always send people that call me looking for help their way. There are companies like concrete mixer companies and demolition companies that may hire you. If you want to driver over the road then You need to get some experience and that is where Carolina Cargo comes in. once you get some experience as in 1 year or more then perhaps some companies will give you a shot. I was informed by Ozark trucking that they do not discriminate once your off paper 10 years.
Meaning you are off probation or been out of the control of the legal system ten years.
There are some companies unfortunately that will never hire you unless you save a town from a terrorist or invent a cure for cancer. Places like CR England will never hire you unless your victim was a minor, If you raped an adult then they don't really mind. Another bone of contention is the fact that those in law enforcement don't always interpret the laws of their state in a rational manner. If you live in Ga and you travel to SC to pick up a truck from Carolina cargo, they consider you an employee of sc even though you don't live here and don't physically work anywhere here. So they will tell you that you have to register in this fine state as well as ga. and you may have to register 4 times a year on a specific day and time of the month. this is not practical for your dispatcher to have to route you into that state on a certain day of the month.

Jul 14, 2013
trucking and being a rso
by: countrycuz

I am one you people that is on the registry.
I was a trucker when I went into prison and when I got out the only skill that I had was driving a truck. I got my cdl back thanks to voc rehab .
There is one company that will hire you no matter what the felony is and that is Carolina Cargo in Rock hill sc. I always send people that call me looking for help their way. There are companies like concrete mixer companies and demolition companies that may hire you. If you want to driver over the road then You need to get some experience and that is where Carolina Cargo comes in. once you get some experience as in 1 year or more then perhaps some companies will give you a shot. I was informed by Ozark trucking that they do not discriminate once your off paper 10 years.
Meaning you are off probation or been out of the control of the legal system ten years.
There are some companies unfortunately that will never hire you unless you save a town from a terrorist or invent a cure for cancer. Places like CR England will never hire you unless your victim was a minor, If you raped an adult then they don't really mind. Another bone of contention is the fact that those in law enforcement don't always interpret the laws of their state in a rational manner. If you live in Ga and you travel to SC to pick up a truck from Carolina cargo, they consider you an employee of sc even though you don't live here and don't physically work anywhere here. So they will tell you that you have to register in this fine state as well as ga. and you may have to register 4 times a year on a specific day and time of the month. this is not practical for your dispatcher to have to route you into that state on a certain day of the month.

Jul 14, 2013
trucking and being a rso
by: countrycuz

I am one you people that is on the registry.
I was a trucker when I went into prison and when I got out the only skill that I had was driving a truck. I got my cdl back thanks to voc rehab .
There is one company that will hire you no matter what the felony is and that is Carolina Cargo in Rock hill sc. I always send people that call me looking for help their way. There are companies like concrete mixer companies and demolition companies that may hire you. If you want to driver over the road then You need to get some experience and that is where Carolina Cargo comes in. once you get some experience as in 1 year or more then perhaps some companies will give you a shot. I was informed by Ozark trucking that they do not discriminate once your off paper 10 years.
Meaning you are off probation or been out of the control of the legal system ten years.
There are some companies unfortunately that will never hire you unless you save a town from a terrorist or invent a cure for cancer. Places like CR England will never hire you unless your victim was a minor, If you raped an adult then they don't really mind. Another bone of contention is the fact that those in law enforcement don't always interpret the laws of their state in a rational manner. If you live in Ga and you travel to SC to pick up a truck from Carolina cargo, they consider you an employee of sc even though you don't live here and don't physically work anywhere here. So they will tell you that you have to register in this fine state as well as ga. and you may have to register 4 times a year on a specific day and time of the month. this is not practical for your dispatcher to have to route you into that state on a certain day of the month.

Apr 09, 2013
Sex Offenders In Trucking
by: Anonymous

You can't trust everything you read on the Internet, but you can trust this. I'm a registered sex offender since 2002 and I have no victims. I'm also educated and was once in law enforcement. I recently went to truck driving school. I graduated last month from a 160 course. I now have a Class A CDL with no endorsements. Here's what I've learned so far: First, there are companies that will hire us. You may have to work for concrete/construction companies because Werner IS NOT going to hire you. Having said that, to work with most companies you will need a TWIC. You get that from the Feds. Your charge may or may not stop you from getting one. You won't know until you apply. You need it to gain access to ports, docks, airports, etc, where you may need to pick up/drop a load. Then you need a hazmat because companies need you to haul whatever they have at any given time. If you were turned down for a TWIC you won't get a hazmat. Next, don't blame trucking companies for not hiring us. It is not their choice. It's their insurance carriers that make the rule. Insurance companies refuse to pay out lawsuits if one of us murders a lot-lizard or hitch-hiker. If you have applied to 15 companies so far and are getting discouraged you're in for a rude awakening. It's going to take 25 more, most likely. The good news is, a handful of states have recently passed laws that forbid companies to ask or do a background check on applications or the first interview. Several more states are lined up to do the same. They can still do a background check but they have to give you a chance to "wow" them with an interview instead of just being blown off from the start. These new laws are referred to as "ban the box" laws, referring to the box on applications that you check if you have had a felony. I know Massachusettes, California, Washington, and Philly now have BTB laws. You need to think outside of the box, no pun intended. The large companies we know are out. Furniture, and moving & storage are out because you have to go to people's homes. Look at construction, concrete companies also use class a drivers to move dirt and mix from quarries to their mixing plants. I know most of you are poor, like me, but if you can round up some cash you may have another option. In my state if you are on tier level 2 you can't apply to be reduced for 15 years from the time of conviction. Then to get off of the registration completely is 10 years from that. 25 years total. However, if your charge is fairly old, maybe 8-10+ years, you can get an attorney to file a "Motion for Relief." Basically that is when you go to court and ask a judge to reduce or remove you from the registration list early because the restrictions it places you on are creating an undo hardship on you or your family. I am currently looking into it because my wife now has heart problems and can't work 70 hour weeks for much longer. Just remember, anything worth fighting for isn't going to be easy.

Apr 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

We are currently searching for a truck driver who owns a truck to do small local deliveries for us in New York throughout the week. We pay toll and approx. $35 per stop. Please advise if this would be of interest.

Mar 10, 2012
i am to a sex offender a want to drive
by: bobcole

If u find a company plz let me know i didnt have sex with her mine was a touch on the breast thats all

Feb 04, 2012
trucking with a felony
by: Hervy

It will be a challenge.

Good luck

Jan 13, 2019
At a loss! NEW
by: Anonymous

Ive wanted to drive tractor trailer for a long time. My stepdad did and ive had several family memebers who did.

Im am without the money to afford school or qualify for financial aid. After reading many of these posts im seeing that its most important to simply get you foot in the door and i have much more hope than i did previously. I am an RSO and my offenses happened in 2002 but was released in 2009 from prison. Ive had only 2 years work time in the almost 10 its been since i was released. Recently, i have been looking into trucking seriously as a means to an to live on the road and making money..i REALLY need advice. Im at a loss here.. thanks.

Sep 17, 2017
by: Black

Trans Amm trucking will hire you an national training trucking school in Jacksonville fl

Oct 28, 2016
I'm in
by: Anonymous

I'm totally with fighting for a change on some of the sex offenders penalties and stereotypes I am a sex offender because I had sex with my girlfriend and I'm on house arrest and since I plead guilty I can't get any kind of job and it's wrong the law's are to extreme on some of the lighter offenses you can murder someone and get out find plenty of job opportunities you become a sex offender for ANY reason and you are turned down judged and treated like a monster and you can become a S.O. in Louisiana for buying a pack of smokes for a teen which I'm not advocating but it's not a S.O and it shouldn't destroy your life. My email is russberry210@gmail if you know of any job opportunities for me and you know of how to stand against these laws that or just dumb.

Sep 14, 2016
by: Cierra A

my fiancé is a registered SO all because a female lied about her age, the conviction is 12 years old but it's very hard for him to find work. He really is interested in truck driving so we're working towards getting his cdl's.

He wants to work for a expedite cargo van driving company at the moment because it doesn't require the cdl's and we really can use the money to provide for our family!!

We live in Cleveland Ohio. Does anyone know any expedite companies seeking cargo van drivers who is a registered SO??? Is so please respond or email us at! Thanks in advance =)

Feb 25, 2015
To: "agreed"
by: Anonymous

I agree with what you are saying but I have to correct something you said. An "equal opportunity" employer is not allowed to discriminate based upon age, sex, ethnicity, race, marital status, and sexual orientation. The law does not stipulate anything about criminal background. The problem with sex offenders is two part. First, employers do not want to hire sex offenders because they are required to register, which puts them on the Internet. That means that when someone wants to find out more information about a company they want to use they will see that a sex offender works there. That's very bad for business. Nobody is going to want to use a company that hires sex offenders, or very few anyway. Second, it's true that not every sex offender is going to reoffend. But, which ones will and which ones won't. That's the problem. Nobody knows which sex offender will commit another crime and which ones won't. No employer wants to take that chance. If they hire a sex offender and the offender commits another crime while on the job the employer is responsible. By law every employer is responsible for keeping their employees and customers safe or they can (and most likely will) be sued if they hurt someone. Why take that chance, just don't hire them at all and they have no worries. What needs to happen is each sex offender should have a psychiatric evaluation to determine how likely they are to reoffend. That's still no guarantee they won't but it's better than nothing. The media is partially at fault for sensationalizing sex offender crimes in the news. This makes the public uneasy and then they want more laws which will put more restrictions on sex offenders. As you said, it's hard enough for sex offenders to gain a livable employment as it is. They don't need additional restrictions which will make it nearly impossible to get a job. The reality is, if a sex offender is working they are much less likely to reoffend. After all, idle hands are the devil's tools. The biggest reason why employers won't hire sex offenders comes down to law suits. They don't want to lose their business because one person does something dumb and they get sued. It's a very sad situation but, unfortunately, there are too many sex offenders reoffending. There are many offenders who just made a bad decision and will likely never reoffend. Nobody knows which ones will and which won't. I have kids, a wife, and a nice home, but I'll never convince society that I'll never reoffend. They will only believe me when I die not having committed another crime. It's too late then. But that's the way it is. The only way things will ever change for the better for us is if we all band together and demand to be heard. Unfortunately most of us don't want to be heard because we are too embarrassed that we are labeled a sex offender. We fear retaliation. It's really the only way things will ever have a chance of changing.

Oct 09, 2017
attempt NEW
by: Anonymous

Swift trucking co. Had me convinced they could hire me but my sex offense had to be at least 10 years old. Good luck people.

Sep 24, 2013
Sex Offenders In Trucking
by: Anonymous

This is my second comment here about this topic. I felt I should update you on some things. First, I'm a sex offender. I now have a TWIC AND a hazmat endorsement on my CDL. But, I don't have a job. We sex offenders fall into a catch-22. Small local companies are most likely not going to hire us. They have made deals with their insurance companies promising not to hire a driver with less than 2-5 years experience. In exchange for that their insurance company gives them a great rate. To get that experience most normal new drivers turn to the larger companies because they offer training. After that training they are assigned their own truck and off they go. Not us! And, again, it's the fault of the insurance companies mostly. They may hire a normal felon if their charge(s) is older than 5, 7, or 10 years old. They won't bond sex offenders, usually. They think we can't control ourselves and will rape someone along the highway. Also, state laws governing us vary too much from state to state. What we can do in Nevada we might not be able to do in Washington, etc. No company wants to hire someone who they will have to watch which state they send us to. So most of them will just avoid the headache altogether and say no sex offenders. Then there's also the worry that if their clients get wind of you they will drop their accounts with the company. It's getting that way everywhere. I used to be an electrician. Within the last two years I've started seeing ads for electricians and now require a background check. This was for a residential new construction position. By the time anyone lives in those houses you wire you will be long gone. I'd bet its their bonding insurance companies requiring this. If laws don't change soon I'd say within the next 5-8 years the only jobs sex offenders will be able to get will be working on a crab boat off of Alaska, or an oil rig in the Gulf. But, as far as the transportation industry goes, they just don't want us out on US highways in a big rig alone. Maybe a cement company will hire you for doing commercial accounts but they won't send you to someone's house to do a driveway. Think about it! Most of us go on and live our lives without any issues. But, when one sex offender rapes and murders two cute kids and the media eats it up we all get screwed. There are knee-jerk reactions across the US when that happens and we all get caught up in it. There is no fairness when it comes to us. Let's face it, does society know which one of us is "rehabilitated" and which is a monster waiting for his next victim? There's no way to really tell so we all are blanketed with the new laws that come out. Pretty soon we are all going to be forced into our own colonies, just like lepers once were. When that happens God help us if a war breaks out. We will be ground-zero for the next "nuclear mishap." Good luck!

Jan 10, 2023
Sex offender NEW
by: Roosevelt heath

To date I've been rejected for every driving job I applied for

Mar 05, 2017
by: ALL SOs DIE!!!

Every SO on here is the lowest lifeform on the planet. I hope none of you ever gain employment and as a result, starve to death like you deserve. You should've been responsible like normal people, who responsibly check the age of a person in which they want to have SEXUAL RELATIONS with. Imagine your child's youth and ignorance being taken advantage of and being damaged for life because of this. In a lot of cases this will happen somewhere down the road. What goes around, comes around. We need these laws, they'll never be changed to BENEFIT a sex offender. It's not gonna happen. Just speaking from common sense. Sex offenders don't deserve a second chance and most normal people agree on this. You're not responsible enough to keep it in your pants, but want a company to trust you with 1.2mil in product? You're crazy. I'm glad you're all miserable. You already got a second chance by being released from custody. Sex offenders deserve to be PUT TO DEATH. This would eliminate reoffending and wasting responsible adult's tax dollars on keeping alive useless bags of flesh that don't deserve life.

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