Can anyone help me find a job, please

by Lee
(Charlotte NC)

I have a speeding ticket that was for 20 over, I only paid a fine of $125.00. There were some circumstances for the reason I was speeding. The sign had been knocked down in an accident and was not visible from where I was in the lane.

The judge agreed with me and only fined me the 125.00. I am in Truck Driver school right now and have applied to a but load of companies, and because of that ticket, I still cannot find a job. If anyone knows of a company that will take a hard worker that used to be an Iron Worker in the union so as far as my criminal background I am spotless.

I have spent 3800.00 on this and with kids to feed, it is starting to make me sick to my stomach. This ticket was in my personal vehicle, not a commercial one. In the state of South Carolina where my license is from. Reckless driving is Reckless driving, this is excessive speeding. It is judged as a different offense. I just need a job

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Sep 23, 2010
I don't know
by: Hervy

I don't think you can plead to a lessor charge with a CDL. Yeah talk to a lawyer man.

Good luck

Jun 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

hire you a lawyer explain it to him then get the lawyer to ask for a motion for approiate release and get the ticket reduced to a non moving violation and then slow down do not speed no matter what

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