Can company charge for broken axle?

by Daniela
(Greeley, CO)

We are in Colorado and my husband was working for a trucking company for about 3 months. 3 weeks ago, the axle on a dump truck he drove broke, while he was stucked in mud.

First the boss told him he will have to pay for it. My husband didn't know that what he did would break the axle. Then the boss said, ok, we will cover it (they should have insurance for stuff like that anyways). Their dump trucks are pretty old and not well taken care for.

Then the company had less and less work, so my husband had to leave, since he didn't make any money there.

They were suppose to mail him his last paycheck. Since nothing came in the mail, he called there and comes to find out, they charged him for the axle now, so no paycheck.
Are they allowed to do that??

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Sep 07, 2015
No way! NEW
by: Cricket1970

They can't do that. He was an employee & it's the company's truck, right? The company is responsible for all maintenance & repairs. Did he sign some kind of agreement? If not, I'd demand my paycheck.

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