Can I be fired for being prescibed Suboxone while operating a truck

by Dave Nick

I was an oxycontin addict for about 2 years and some how never got caught using. Currently i have decided to get help and i have been on suboxone for about 2 weeks. I am covered by green sheid but i am worried that they will send something to my emploer and they will find out that i was an addict before and am now on suboxone. I live in ontario and i can not cross the borded because of a criminal record and that is why i have never been drug tested. Do i have anything to worry about?

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Apr 23, 2024
sub prescription NEW
by: Anonymous

i think there is a general misunderstanding of suboxone. it is an opioid dependency suppressor. it doesn’t make you high. it prevents you from wanting to use opioids. i can’t speak to methadone.. but anyone who thinks people on suboxone are somehow impaired have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about.

Jul 02, 2023
You're wrong! NEW
by: Anonymous

To the commenter below... you are absolutely wrong and I would put my driving record up against yours. I have never had an accident in my 20+ years of driving and probably 10 of those years I have been on a low dose of subutex. I only take it at night and it doesn't negatively affect my cognitive abilities in any way whatsoever. I would say that I'm much safer on it than off.

Jun 27, 2023
Get real NEW
by: Anonymous

Whoever thinks they are sober on suboxone is wrong, they shouldn’t be driving at all. If one of your children was killed by a driver on suboxone would you feel that they had any liability for driving under the influence?

Jun 19, 2023
Was not hired
by: Anonymous

I just tried getting a job with a fed ex recruiter, they used third party services to hire now a days. I was told I was eligible for hire, passed drug test( or so I thought), passed dot physical, backround check passed. Then they said I was waiting for a manager to reach out for a road test. Then a few days later got an email saying they’d sorry but they decided not to proceed with my application. Now I’m just so baffled and confused. This was already going on 2 or 3 weeks. I told several people I had gotten the job. I made plans etc. now I’m about to be homeless. Now I wonder, is it because they found subs in my system ? Is that the reason why? They won’t tell me of course. They won’t respond to emails or calls.

Apr 20, 2023
Kratom NEW
by: Anonymous

Take Kratom instead it works. I have had my class A for two years it's not well known or tested for. I have 8 years clean off painkillers because of kratom. It works for pain and dependency. It is not well know enough to be shunned and certainly
Not tested for.

Good luck

Jan 16, 2023
DOT suboxone testing...
by: Anonymous

I just got asked to go in for a DOT drug test. Have been on subs for almost a year and finally getting my life together and hoping that for once everything I'm reading on line is right. I never told my employer because it's none of their business but I had a good job 8 months ago and tried to be honest with the manager and he told me that it disqualified me for the job. So I'm hoping the DOT test won't show up for suboxone...

Jan 13, 2023
Suboxone and CDL truck driving
by: Joe

I'm a recovery village graduate, two years sober. I take Suboxone and I'm going through the same stress. I just got my CDL but now I'm going to a job in Tulsa Oklahoma with hair and urine test. I will test positive for suboxone. I'm getting ready to tell the employer before going to the training. I am expecting them to withdraw their offer. As soon as they do I will be talking to a lawyer and all of the government agencies that will help me with the American with disability act. From my research I feel very strongly that I can bring a case against anybody that denies me employment due to Suboxone. Especially with a letter from my doctor stating my dose and length of time on it does not impair my ability to drive. I see so many people on the web give wrong information. I would appreciate comments disagreeing with me. I would also appreciate comments with suggestions. I will try to help with exactly the correct information from my experience through this stressful situation. Almost makes you want to do drugs. Oh wait,I take suboxone so I don't have to take drugs. I am safer than most people driving.

Jan 04, 2023
by: OHDriver

Does anyone know if I will get disqualified once I get recertification on my Dot Physical. I'm getting methadone from a clinic. I'm trying to find out if anyone knows when I go take my physical will it show up in Ohio under my current list of medications being taken.Or could I get by without telling the medical doc that I'm taking the medication.

Nov 07, 2022
Driver NEW
by: Anonymous

I’ve took several dot drug screening test. I don’t believe they even test for subs. Its a different test than any normal test is for heroine or pain meds. On the regular test they’re looking for several different drugs and subs don’t fall under those. If I know a test is forthcoming on I’ll not take any for 3 days. They’ve not mentioned anything to me yet. Hopefully never do. Suboxone is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to stop. I wouldn’t start taking them unless there isn’t any other way to get off the heroin or fentanyl. My problem was pain meds. I wish I knew what I know now. I would of roughed it out and never took subs to start with. After taking them for awhile a person doesn’t get a high off of them. Even when if did it wasn’t a high I wouldn’t or liked . In fact it was the worst I ever had. . But they really do work

Sep 13, 2022
Suboxone is not banned by dot NEW
by: Anonymous

I can tell you that I've been on Suboxone for over 5 years. It is NOT banned by dot and it will NOT disqualify you from a dot physical per the dot regulations. Anyone else that tells you different doesn't know what they're talking about.

Aug 28, 2022
TN Truck Driving Subutex
by: Anonymous

Just wondering if anyone has been to the TN Truck Driving School and has gone through their DOT physical and past taking Suboxone or Subutex while openly admitting it?

Mar 29, 2022
My Doctor Has CDL patients
by: Anonymous

I started driving in 2014 and never told a soul about the suboxone but I kept a letter in the truck at all times from my doctor saying I was totally fine to drive a commercial vehicle. I recently spoke to my NP since they can now prescribe it and I told her about hiding the suboxone and she said she has had multiple patients that she's faxed documents to their work saying they are fine to drive. I'm probably still going to lie about it and just keep the letter in my truck. As far as I'm concerned my medication is between me and my doctor and I've been on company insurance using it to get suboxone and the company was never told.

Sep 18, 2021
Suboxone - DOT Physical
by: Anonymous

I don’t want to get on here and tell anyone to lie, but there is a "Don’t ask, don’t tell" rule. The medical examiner is suppose to fail you on a DOT physical if you put down or state you’re taking anything similar to suboxone. I just don’t put anything down on the paperwork. In my mind, I have no health or physical issues that keep me from performing safety functions of driving so I put NO. In the end, it all depends on the medical examiner. Some Dr’s aren’t aware that suboxone is suppose to disqualify us.

Another thing I did, I went to another state and found a DOT certified clinic and walked in, paid for a physical myself and had it done.

Hope this helps anyone that takes suboxone or similar and trying to keep their license.

Surely there’s something we all CDL holders can do to get them to change and take suboxone off the list. It’s been a few years since I’ve looked at the list. If it hasn’t changed yet, we need to do something to change this rule. It’s not right. People go to this drug to better their life and not be dependeant on pain prescriptions.

It’s crazy how the legal drugs that get you high is ok to take.

Sep 20, 2019
Suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

I was just denied my DOT certificate for being honest about being on suboxone. I think it's crazy that you cant operate a commercial vehicle while being subscribed to it. I just got denied my dream job because I want to stay off heroin. So now I called HR back, leaving a message stating that I'll come off of it and that I need at least 20 days to do so. Hopefully they can hold my spot. If not idk. It's crazy. Back in the day I got what I wanted by being dishonest, now I am honest and cant and cant get what i want.

Aug 20, 2019
Don’t ask Don’t tell NEW
by: Anonymous

They don’t test you for subs, I got turned down for being honest and telling them I take subs!! After working at my new job for over two weeks I finally went in to take a physical for the dot and they asked me about my meds and I was honest, at the end they turned me down and said i have to retake my test but that the job will see I didn’t get approved because of medications I was taking... the doctor that denied me told me not to even bother going back to the job because they probably won’t give me a second chance. But he gave me a form to give to my doctor saying that I won’t take it anymore and to go back to a different place and but he gave me a form to give to my doctor saying that I won’t take it anymore and to go back to a different place and retake the exam

Aug 15, 2018
Stressed to max as suboxone patient NEW
by: Anonymous

I really appreciate all the input here. Im currently looking to obtain my CDL, am a suboxone patient & totally freaked out on what to do/say. I dont even know if they'll urine or hair test. Will suboxone be undetected in a hair test as well? I need to talk to my doctor & research more. Any new & updated info is welcome please!! I pray it will work in my favor, as i can also testify suboxone has NO EFFECTS even close to full blown opiates such as methadone or morphine. I was a morphine addict for years & suboxone saved my life. The addiction raped me of many years & have been through numerous hardships; some of which due to the economy & rural area in which i live. I finally found a passion for something & want nothing more then to be a driver. Both my parents were police officers so i think driving is in my blood. Im not a criminal & just want an opportunity to better my life & for once found a career that completely matches my personality. I hope i get an answer soon as i cant sleep more then 4-6hrs a night,because im so stressed out i'll be failed before i even begin,when im not taking a drug that impairs my driving or any other functions.

Aug 02, 2018
suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

My DOT physical cleared me for suboxone. The dr questioned me about my physical response to Suboxone and I was honest. I passed and received my DOT Medical Card to be renewed in 2 years. I’m a new CDL holder. What can I expect from OTR companies in response to their DOT physicals when trying to gain employment?

Jun 20, 2018
Suboxone and methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

The problem is if you get in a accident you will be at fault you will loose your license owe a bunch of money..and if you kill someone in the accident..manslaughter..i think it's sad cuz it saves lives yet takes professions yet it's not eligable for disability payments..i have come off methadone and suboxone..they both sux to come off..and honestly i don't think people should drive on methadone but I also think people should not be on it for years I was on methadone for 6 years and after 14 days of withdrawl it still should up in a drug test..crazy..everyone is different..methadone saves lives but being on it for years is a disability period.. i went in huge debt trying to keep my job with the symptoms of methadone..its my savior and my curse..morphine Vicodin and such pills detox are physically easier but the physiological is much harder..methadone is the opposite..its a tough choice but don't lie and drive on it..the risk isn't worth it.. but many truck drivers take drugs they shouldn't and drive so each to their own..but you truly do get more mindful alertness without it in your system..everytime I come off and get through it I feel my brain coming as a user I agree we shouldn't operate murderous machines on it..but that being said lots of intelligent people on methadone/suboxone are still better drivers than a dumb sober person and there is lots of them driving so what does it matter..

Mar 01, 2018
by: Anonymous

If they find out you are on the medication you will be let go this goes for anti depresents anti anxiety add meds skitso meds everything i dont even know how its legal but i was denied and im on subs and a low dose of benzos. i dont see how legally they can deny you if prescribed by a doctor and no bad driving history or criminal history for that matter.

Nov 01, 2017
Dot physicals NEW
by: Anonymous

Suboxone IS NOT a methadone equivalent! Methadone is an opiod. Suboxone has an blocker in it. I have been on it for 1 year and never once had any "high" affects like I did on methadone. I can't stand when people say methadone is the same you clearly don't know what your talking about . So let's let people drive on heroin but not suboxone when this medication is what's keeping people alive and clean.also if bring prescribed from a licensed doctor it should absolutely be aloud , instead of listening to doctors thoughts ask people that take the medication it does not impaire your driving at all !!

Sep 27, 2017
Screwed NEW
by: Anonymousmark

My primary dr put me on suboxone and i said im a cdl drive and he said no prob u CAN DRIVE ON SUBOXONE! So thought nothing of it and had to renew my physical one day and i went to the CLINIC WERE the company sends all of us and i put down that i take suboxone and been living hell since!! Make long story short, i was told i can get a second opinion but so i figured i just go to MY DR but nope they lied to me and said i had to go were they send me which by law they i COULD GO TO MY OWN FOR A SECOND OPINION but instead me not knowing the truth i just did what they said and went to there dr and of course they said no and not only that i had to sighn a pc paper saying i would never take suboxone again! So what i did is i went thru hell and did my new physical and then told dk i need to go back on it even though i went through that and since then every year i must get physical and been lying and cheating to stay on which i shouldnt have to! I got 19 years of safe driving and they say im not safe lol ! Goes to show how much hands on they have! I will get cought if i go to a clinic were the company says i have to go! Every clinic will say no ! So sad what we have come to! I would LOVE FOR ONE DAY ALL CDL HOLDERS IN THE US TO TAKE JUST 3 days off just for starters untill they fix this problem that they care less about! Drs gladly refill your meds every month to keep u coming back and now they make even more if your on suboxone so now they love u on that BUT look what it caused and we got short end of stick! Whats it gunna take to get this fixed ! Someone with 5 kids to lose his job because of these safe meds to shoot a bunch of people then turn it on himself! Ugg

Aug 22, 2017
driving on subs NEW
by: Anonymous

I DROVE ON SUBS FOR A YR. THE ONLY HITCH, WAS I HAD TO GET MY MED CARD RENEWD EVERY 90 DAYS Than 6 months. After that 1 yr. Not 2. i'm a vet, and the V.A contacted the DOT and was told V.A DRs. would have to sign off on my sub subscription. And keep my bottle on me with the RX NUMBER ON IT WITH MY FULL NAME. WELL i did that, no problem with the weight stations or police. My company seen a monthly pattern of me going to the V.A. YES U GUESSED IT. They let me go. to many reasons to tell u why. Sub's is the only reason, that i can figure. The DOT HASN;T REALLY MADE A comment saying no, but i beleieve they will out law it . I hope not, but i hope they wouldn't fire me and no i didn't get unemployment. flunk a drug test and ur done for five yrs. and have to take drug ed classes to drive again. Don't ask Don't tell. they do test for it . DOT ANYWAY. Sorry for the bad news , u might have a different out come. I hope so.

Aug 17, 2017
Don't Tell NEW
by: Anonymous

My advice is don't tell them. I have been trying to get a school bus job in KY and I told them now they won't even consider me after I went through all the training and got my CDL on my own and now they say no sorry. I have tried to fight it but they keep putting me off. I got a note from my Dr and everything and still no. So I wouldn't tell them bc u don't have to. Especially if they don't test for it which I didn't know or I wouldn't have said a word. It makes me soooo angry!!

Jun 09, 2017
Suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

I am ready to speak to a recruiter, but am absolutely confused on whether or not I should tell him that I take suboxone. I function just fine while taking it. I have no idea what to do. I want to be honest, but if I am I feel I will be unjustly disqualified from getting my dot medical card. Suggestions??

Jun 02, 2017
Everything is MONITORED NEW
by: Anonymous

Our lives are monitored in everyway possible. CDL,w Hazmat endorsement, & a TRIP CARD. How will I ever get by? I need some slight help with my knees & arms for relief. Aleve is a joke along w/ all of those comic based meds on shelves. I tried a sub of late & couldn't believe the relief. I'm aware of the content. It is another highly stigmatized med along with Methadone. It isn't that strong but we aren't permitted to take it or other.They need to test driver's & watch how competent each driver is w/ their work load vehicles while on Suboxone or Subutex. This doesn't have me asleep at the wheel & I can function at 100%.

Apr 09, 2017
Suboxone means disqualified NEW
by: Anonymous

DOT medical examiner here. Suboxone is considered an absolute disqualifier. I recommend you work with your primary care provider to discontinue the drug and find treatments to treat your underlying condition that are not disqualifying. This should be done before you go for your certification so plan ahead. Your primary provider cannot write a letter for you to override this disqualifer. Any referrals made to outside providers are for the purpose of helping the DOT examiners make a final decision. It will always be up to the DOT examiners to qualify or not. Some things are not a grey area...suboxone is one of them according to the guidelines and regulations.

Apr 06, 2017
Yuck NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm about to take my DOT physical tomorrow! Four years ago I decided that the pain meds I was on was no longer the path I wanted to be on!! I currently have a CDL and need to pass a DOT physical to obtain a new job! I have been on suboxone for three years now to ween off the pain meds! All I know is the stress of taking this test is unbearable and although I know I'm very capable of driving a truck I'm afraid to tell DOT dr about my suboxone use! It's not fair to those of us trying to do the rite thing and be punished for it! Not sure how to approach this exam very scared won't be hired

Feb 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

That's bs I've been driving for 5 years on suboxone the whole time the new guidelines state you can take a certain dose 8mg a day any other pain med you are disqualified.

Nov 28, 2016
Agreed not fair
by: Bigthumb

I have had 19 hand operations due to giantism(birth defect). Arthritis set in badly 10 years ago (Im now 50) so doctor put me on 25mg methadone. Has controlled pain for 10 years. Apparenthe then, Methadone in low doses was ok to drive CDL with but not now per FMCS.

Probally 95 drug screens by my company and never came dirty for it so I have thought things were fine. Renewing my medical card is impossible because even switching to Suboxone is not allowed to control pain.

So do I leave a 22 year career and Union to start over in another field? Or endure wicked horrible withdrawals for up to 5 months and then have searing hand pain with probably not being able to work at all?

I believe Im screwed.

Nov 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

I went in today for my dot physical and I put down I don't take any meds. When I got called back the nurse said to me your on suboxone. She pulled my record. I had to call my sub Dr and have him fax a paper over stating I'm ok to drive a commercial vehichle.

Your allowed to drive if the prescribing Dr signes you off good to go.

May 14, 2016
Suboxone DOT Exam
by: Anonymous

Ok, here's a recent experience with Suboxone and a DOT Exam. 100% honest... Last year I was on Suboxone for Arthritis pain. I use to take Vicodin but getting off sucked so the Dr put me on Suboxone.

Turned out, it helped me huge with Arthritis. Last yr, the examiner said I had to get off of it and provide a Dr note stating as such. I did get off of it, and she gave me my Card. 6 months later, I got back on it temporarily until my Dr found another option for the Arthritis.

Well, I JUST had my Exam. I brought the Dr's DOT Medication release and simply told the truth. The examiner was VERY nice, understanding and patient. She told me she would give me an extension on my card, but that I had to come back within 3 mos with a note stating I was off of it.

(The way I see it, that's more than fair.)
You can't be taking Suboxone and be a CDL driver. But, if your honest with the examiner, more than likely they will help you and give you some time to get off of it. She saw by my script that I was in the process of weening off.

Plus, I was honest. You have to be honest and tell them why your on it. Truthfully, not everybody of Suboxone is a hopeless junky. Good people also have a hard time getting off addictive pain meds. But, many people lie about their meds. You will get caught. If you do, an examiner can void your Med Card. Maybe they wont as all Dr's are different.

In my case, I told the truth, I think she knew that. She then made a decision that helped me ween off and get off of it. Meanwhile, protecting her decision. Again, very fair. Im actually very grateful she gave me that chance. If I lied, she probably woundn't have given me the chance. Not every driver out there is honest.

These examiners hear all kinds of BS. Do yourself a favor, get off of it before your re-cert date, or be honest when you go for your physical. You'll be relieved when it's over. Remember, good people have a hard time breaking away from certain meds too.

I know this isn't a answer Suboxone patients may want to hear, but it's an honest answer! You can do it!!!. Just be smart. Be honest, confident and open minded. You'll be amazed how well things can turn out for ya! Take care!!!

Mar 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

You will have to get your suboxone Doctor to fax a paper to the DOT Doctor of his or her approval for you to drive then your good to go. Becarefull out there drivers.

Feb 26, 2016
Not fair
by: Anonymous

I've been in pain management for 14years I've tried oxycotan every pain drug percocet ect. I am a CDL A driver. I have severe nerve damage in my back neck and wrist. All the pain meds above did nothing but made me depressed.

My DR put me on methadone and it really works for severe pain 20mgs a day. Know I lost my job of 15yrs.It's not fair. Please change the way you look at METHADONE! Thank you.

Jan 14, 2016
Being punished for getting my life in order
by: Sad & Confused

I am a school bus driver and have been on suboxone for 2yrs now im takimg as precribed by my doctor...I have never been in a car accident very alert very careful but i took a physical at work and they had me sign a hippa relese form now they know i take suboxone.

The medical examiner stopped me from driving i really feel its un fair because i have gotten my life in order im a productive member of society i am no longer on opites and haven't been in a long time now i feel like im being punished for getting my life together...

Jan 14, 2016
driving on suboxone
by: Anonymous

I am currently driving on suboxone and my last medical examination my blood pressure was the big issue .

Aug 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

Suboxone is a Methadone equivalent -

You cannot be qualified on Suboxone -

Nov 07, 2014
by: Anonymous

Here's the future issue's guys, that are already in affect in some states, some DOT Physical locations...So much for HIPPA Act, or Dr/Patient confidentiality once we enter the DOT world.

Many DOT examiners are now looking at the Prescription registry ( Software program that doctors use to prevent Dr. shopping.) This registry has our history of prescription medications we have filled over the past few years.

So, even though Suboxone doesn't affect driving/motor skills, and will NOT show on a 5 Panel DOT drug test, your script history will show you have had it filled.

If you leave it off the med form as medications taken, you risk loosing your license. If you put it on the med sheet, you risk disqualification.

This med is also used for pain management, but stigma attached to it reflects drug abuse! Sad but true!

Beware..more and more examiners are checking the registry before the step into the office with you. They'll already know what your prescribed before you speak with them! WELCOME to the world of technology!!!

There is no more privacy. That's why drivers are leaving, and less are becoming drivers!!!

Apr 01, 2011
Trying to get past physical
by: Anonymous

I went for a physical to drive 24 foot box truck and put down the list of meds I was on. I had already taken and pasted the drug test but was honest and put down I was on methadone. They told me to get a note from my physical stating I was capable of driving which I did. I returned with the note and they said oh, you can do that because it states here that no one on methadone can drive a truck.

I have now quit taking the methadone and started taking suboxene, is that a factor in getting past this physical?

I live in North Carolina if it matters...

Sep 03, 2010
No dirty urine on Suboxine
by: Anonymous

If you are worried about opiates showing up on a drug test with suboxone, don't! They do not show up in urine screens,(I tested clean on 8mg) they may show up in blood tests, but how much money is your company willing to spend on that? There are several web-sites that describe the drug and if you are totally concerned, asked your doc! Also, do not stay on the subs for too long no matter what. They have a loooong wd length with nasty side effects.

Feb 23, 2010
Doctor perscribed
by: Anonymous

Suboxone is a perscribed medication by a doctor and should not be a problem, G

Oct 31, 2018
No hope at trying anything NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading all of these comments is making me realise just how messed up life as gotten. I have been on morphine for many years and I have considered getting on suboxone. But,now it's for what. I have researched and researched and everything is telling me the same thing. Now the one thing that I love doing the most I'm being told that even on suboxone to kick this opiate that I cant even drive on that. I have been driving for many years and have been taking morphine and it doesnt affect my driving or me being coherent. Driving is my life and my career. I'm taking steps to get off and still being told no. Wtf is wrong with people. I'm so done being opiate dependent and want off because I'm scared of losing my CDL. I cant win for losing anymore. I cant drive and be on pain management and cant drive if I'm on a medication to quit this shit. I'm so over life. I'm so tired of doors being slammed in my face. One brick wall after another. Maybe some day it will change. I wont be around to see it. The one thing I am good at and love to do has been taken away from me. I have nothing left. I'm done. I am supposed to get on suboxone on Monday. I wont be around to even make the appointment. Good luck to the rest of you to your sobriety. I have absolutely nothing else to give in life. It's been stripped away from me. This is my last comment. I will remain unknown. It's not like my unknown life means anything to me anymore. I hope things work out for the next person. It didnt work out for me.

Oct 31, 2018
No hope at trying anything NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading all of these comments is making me realise just how messed up life as gotten. I have been on morphine for many years and I have considered getting on suboxone. But,now it's for what. I have researched and researched and everything is telling me the same thing. Now the one thing that I love doing the most I'm being told that even on suboxone to kick this opiate that I cant even drive on that. I have been driving for many years and have been taking morphine and it doesnt affect my driving or me being coherent. Driving is my life and my career. I'm taking steps to get off and still being told no. Wtf is wrong with people. I'm so done being opiate dependent and want off because I'm scared of losing my CDL. I cant win for losing anymore. I cant drive and be on pain management and cant drive if I'm on a medication to quit this shit. I'm so over life. I'm so tired of doors being slammed in my face. One brick wall after another. Maybe some day it will change. I wont be around to see it. The one thing I am good at and love to do has been taken away from me. I have nothing left. I'm done. I am supposed to get on suboxone on Monday. I wont be around to even make the appointment. Good luck to the rest of you to your sobriety. I have absolutely nothing else to give in life. It's been stripped away from me. This is my last comment. I will remain unknown. It's not like my unknown life means anything to me anymore. I hope things work out for the next person. It didnt work out for me.

Aug 18, 2017
Suboxone is legal to drive cdl with but a catch NEW
by: mark A

I have been on subox for prob good 7 years and when they started letting everyone see our protected by hippa information i was told by a clinic that they wont renew my card because on subox! So thanks to union job i didnt lose my job but was told i had to work on dock until i get off subox and get cdl renewed! So i went to dr who prescribed me the meds and also said i can drive on subox and that he will sighn my card! So i told my employer that and they said we will send u to another one of our drs but u CANT go to yours, so i waited few weeks and went to see they're dr and of course they said no! So im now still going thru withdraw wich i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemy , and then i got my cdl renewed because i had gotten a note from dr that i no longer take it, so was all squared away and started to do my homework, well come to find out i have the right to go to see a diff dr of MY choice if the first dr doesnt agree , as long as i dont try to hide anything! So after reading everything on internet and so many no's and so many yes's i discovered site called truck docs and subox was a big subject and so many people were told if u get a drs note statind y i am on it i am under his care and able to drive a truck then start making calls because there are drs that will sighn your card out there and u may have to travel little ways but its well worth it! So i did make some call and yes i found one that said i feel your pain that u going thru because u can drive on it!! Just come down and we do a phisical !! So i did and my card was renewed BUT IF I lose this job im screwed because wen u go for new job they send u to they're dr for pre employment and they send u to a clinic BUT no clinic will say its ok to b on it!! Maybe because they dont own clinic and owners think they will get sued if a problem so they all say no !! And rite now i dont go to the clinic were my employer sends me, i go to my own certified dr and pay the $75 every year! And by the way to all those drs that say we cant drive on subox , ive been on it for approximately 7 years and been driving a tractor trailer in ith for 22 yrs and never been in an accident and i will take my subox rite in front of u and welcome any dr out there to some sort of driving test competition and lets see who is better !?!?! Bring your wallets to mr no it alls ! Ps thats the shortest i think i could write but i did leave out quite a bit and tried to just fill u all in on short version but to the point! So bottom line u CAN DRIVE cdl on subox but they rather see a shortage of drivers and also see y so many people are addicted to opiots but wont get help because they got to go thru all this and this is the beginning because one u start to go on subox u are now conciderd a scumbag and u must see a dr EVERY 30 days to get a piss test and to get new script even if u havent failed a drug test or did nothing wrong in last ten years because now the drs love the extra money they get every 30 days and especially if you have good coverage !! Seems like just a money thing for drs!! Sad thing is your prob better off not getting help and do what u gotta do until maybe someday we get some people that make the rules that actually know what they doing but gunna b a while! Ty mark

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