Can i be left stranded with no way home after termination?

I was smoking in my tractor and was reported to my manager, he called me and was yelling at me so loud that people outside my truck heard him. i asked him to calm down and he just got louder, so i hung up.

he then text me and told me to clean out my truck and stand on the side of the road. i refused because i was 75 to 80 miles from home with no way to get back. he then had someone pick me up, he brought me to town and left me there, still 75 miles from home. it was 30 degrees out and snowing. is this legal?

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Jan 23, 2015
reply NEW
by: Anonymous

That is true, however, the smoking in the company truck was approved by the same person that threw a fit about it. I make it a point to ask when hired why at is ok or not.

Jan 23, 2015
Stranded - Legal? NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't know about the legality of his action but it was certainly unkind. That guy is probably the type that dumps unwanted pets at the side of the road when he's finished with them.

If smoking in the cab of a company vehicle is contrary to company rules, I'll suggest that you refrain from it. That - please note - is what started this fiasco, yes?

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