Can I be suspended in on state and not another

If I'm suspended in VA but my CDL is from NJ can I still drive everywhere else but VA??

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Dec 09, 2016
That is why they ask now for full..
by: Anonymous

.. disclosure on ALL licenses possessed.

There is a database for everything now.. NATIONWIDE..

No multiple licenses, if there are multiples, they will be ran and checked just like the State you are in.

Same with drugs, violations, DUT's, refusals, altercations and admissions,rehab, etc..

A Nation Database... no hiding anymore... no lying to new employers

Dec 08, 2016
Years too late buddy...
by: Hervy

There was a time you could do that. That time was years ago. Probably before 9/11 you could get by in some states.

Now all of the systems connected.

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