Can i become a trucker if i have a prior dui from years ago?

I got a DUI while driving my personal automobile. Can I still become a truck driver with an old DUI?

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Sep 12, 2010
DUI only 1 year ago
by: Anonymous

My DUI is from only 1 tear ago,by the time i get around to the schooling it will be about 2 years ago,WILL I HAVE ANY CHANCE AT ALL getting schooled and finding a job??

Sep 11, 2010
Yes you can get a trucking job with a DUI
by: NickV

I have a DUI from 03 and yes you can get a CDL and get a job. Things will be a little harder and you will have a lot less companies to choose from but it wont hold you back AS LONG as your DUI is more than 6 years out.

Schools should not even accept you with out checking that first. Some schools are accepting people and then finding out about their DUI after their grace period to get your money back from school and then they are screwing people.

You can still get your CDL but they are not suppose to really train you without the possibility of you being able to get a job when they are done training you. Just make sure you do your homework before taking the step.

Its going to take a lot of your time, money, and patience so make sure its something you want to do.

Good Luck

Sep 11, 2010
private trucking schools
by: Anonymous

Is a private school better to be trained and any tips on getting started in this trucking career

Sep 10, 2010
Busted....years ago for DUI
by: Jimmy

Normally, they need to drop off your MVR, which is either 7 or 10 years. Jimmy

Sep 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the reply,hope it works out for me.

Sep 10, 2010
Trucking Job with a DUI
by: American Trucker

Yes you can just have extra steps to take.

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