Can I get a driving job with a misdemeanor theft on my record?

by Jason

When I was 16 I got caught stealing a bag of catfish bait, and 2 bobbers, worth about 11 dollars. I did everything that was asked of me with no questions asked, community service, drug screens, seeing my case worker whenever he asked, etc. and they said something about, it would be off my record when I turn 18.

I am concerned about this because I would like to get into trucking, I am 17 now, my dad has done it all his life, my uncle has too. I would like to own my own truck and work for Mercer trans. pulling stepdeck, will that effect what I really want to do with my life? it is my only prior, and my last. Please help

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Sep 01, 2010
getting hired as a driver with a midemeanor
by: Hervy

Jason, you will have to excuse me for laughing man, never seen anything like that before.

I don't think you will have too many problems, especially if you point out it was during your youth and you have matured and wouldn't do anything like that now.

It wasn't that serious of a crime to most unless they just want to focus on the principal of the the fact that it was indeed theft.

Still I think that's one charge that you will survive.

Good luck,

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