Can I get a job with multiple accidents at a company

by J
(Searcy Arkansas)

I have 3 " accidents" according to the company that will not show up on any report.
1. I ran over a hidden pole in the drive way and bent the rim
2. I got stuck in grass and got unstuck but because I left tried marks it was an accident
3. I brushed up against a pole and got a cut on the trailer.

It's not on my record, but I was I want to join another company but I'm concerned about the being fired thing... I'm new at driving and never been fired so I'm not sure what takes place.

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Apr 20, 2016
Yea incidents are tough
by: Anonymous

Best thing you can do, is apply with other companies.

And be honest with them about your incidents, they won't show on your record but your previous company will disclose them. Because your company you are applying to WILL ask.

Just be honest and explain to them how you will not make those mistakes again. And hope someone is willing to say we will give you a chance.

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