Can I get caught sneaking a passenger on my truck and taking them on the road with me?

by Matt S
(Kokomo IN)

My fiance would like to come with me on the truck and hit the road with me. The policy of the company is I have to be with the company for 6 months before I can bring a passenger.

We both just want to enjoy the road together. How will they know if I have passenger over the road with me?

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Dec 30, 2022
Passenger ?
by: Jimmy

It depends on where you're going. Legally, no, you cannot. However I did it it several times with a wife. Of course , going thru a terminal would be very risky as going thru the scales.

The last time I had my wife on board, the co. qual-commend me to pick up a broken down driver and bring him to somewhere. I honestly don't remember how I got out of it. Jimmy

Dec 21, 2022
Serious Situation
by: The Crazy Trucker

Not only could you lose your job taking an unauthorized passenger but it's against the law. It's better to try and make an argument with your carrier to justify taking her early and get written permission.

For example if youve always been on time. Follow directions well. No incidents. Always in communication etc.

I wouldn't risk it.

§ 392.60 Unauthorized persons not to be transported.
(a) Unless specifically authorized in writing to do so by the motor carrier under whose authority the commercial motor vehicle is being operated, no driver shall transport any person or permit any person to be transported on any commercial motor vehicle other than a bus. When such authorization is issued, it shall state the name of the person to be transported, the points where the transportation is to begin and end, and the date upon which such authority expires. No written authorization, however, shall be necessary for the transportation of:

Jan 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

I always took my wife, even if it was against company policy. When we crossed scales, she would get in the sleeper with curtain closed.
Holland Enterprises has rider program that starts from day one. She can go to orientation with you.
Britton Transport I think is rider from day one and they pay the insurance fee for you; no cost for her to ride along.

Jan 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

Well by law if you have a passenger in the truck you must also have proof of insurance for that passenger.

Trust me you get inspected or stopped for any reason they will ask for proof of insurance.

Jan 01, 2019
Wait for the Six Months to Pass
by: Hervy

Matt its better that you wait the 6 months for her to legally ride with company authorization.

You could be pulled into the weigh station at anytime and they can ask for the rider identification and proof that the rider is an authorized passenger.

In other words, your company better know and have given permission for anyone in that truck to be there.

If there is an unauthorized passenger she might be kicked out right there. You might also be terminated. They might have the truck impounded and both of you will need to find a way home.

Not to mention you could get points on your record. Section 392.60 says that company must maintain authorization of your passenger in a Commercial Vehicle.

So, it's best to wait. For new drivers the question to ask companies is Do you have a Rider Policy

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