Can I get hired as a trucker with prime Inc. with assault on my record?

by Craig
(corunna, mi)

I have been reading and researching on this site for months now and have decided to apply at prime truck driving apprenticeship program. My question is I have an attempted assault about 5 years ago,and I also just got my license reinstated after finally paying off all of Michigan responsibility fees for failure to pay a ticket also about five years ago.

The DMV said I am eligible for CDLs now that my license is reinstated. I'm wondering if those things will hamper my chances of getting hired on at prime or anywhere for that matter?

Any advice would be helpful.


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Jun 02, 2011
great tip for getting on with prime
by: hervy

Nice tip there Yitz!

Jun 01, 2011
small fleet guy.
by: TruckerYitz

you know if prime is the company you would like to haul for, there is a back door there, look around, there are lots of companies/mini fleets that are pulling prime trailers and prime freight.

signing on with them gets you thru the front door, but just not all the prime benefits, but then 1 yr or so you might be able to switch over to one of their trucks.

Jun 01, 2011
Keepin my fingers crossed
by: craig

Thanks guys for the info. My plans are to finish out the summer doing concrete construction and start applying in the fall at all the trucking companies I feel I would like to work for, and maybe a few I dont. We will see how soon my phone starts ringing!

My plans are also to not with hold any info about myself or my driving record, no reason to get my hopes up to get fired after they see it. Again, thanks for all the info, and any more! Craig

Jun 01, 2011
trucking job after 5 year old assault charge
by: Hervy

Well Craig, I would have thought 5 years what long enough on an assault charge to get a trucking job in most places, but it sounds like Yitz knows what he is talking about with Prime.

Let's hope Lacy is not still there!

If he is not smack him! Just joking.

Good luck man, and thanks for hanging around for your research. If Prime doesn't work, I wouldn't give up because that doesn't seem like a huge obstacle to keep you from getting a trucking job somewhere.

Good luck man,

May 29, 2011
prime inc
by: TruckerYitz

If Don Lacy is still in charge my guess would be no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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