Can I get hired with 3 prior D.U.I's

by Don

Okay so I have been looking into trying to get out on the road trucking but seem to have hit a wall.

I have three D.U.I's that are very old (last one in 1997) The first one was in 1986, is there no place for a man to try to get a new start on his life after staying sober and straight???

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Sep 13, 2015
Education NEW
by: writing services

Don, I can understand your situation. Such situations completely suck. But don't worry, you do have a lot of options. You can switch your area, you may move to the area where there is more demand of drivers or where people won't bother it much. Please wait for the right time, there is always opportunity for a man to start over.

Aug 26, 2015
prior dui's NEW
by: Anonymous

It is possible !! Most companies won't take more than 1 or 2 on your record. You do have the luxury of time being on your side. Most DUI's drop off your record after 10 yrs. Get a 10 yr copy of your driving record from the BMV to see if they still show up. You make want to look into the expungement process, but that can be costly. Congrats on your sobriety. KEEP IT THAT WAY !! A lot of people on the forum will condemn you for your past indiscretions, but you should stay positive and always be up front when filling out the apps. You will be surprised what honesty can do for you. Do your research. You will get a lot of "no's", but...... It is possible !!

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