Can I go with my husband ?

by Bev

Hello, about ready for my husband to get his CDL and (when he gets hired) to start his OTR driving.

I was told two different things about who is/isn't able to ride along during this period. Six-months is a long long time to be away from your spouse for extended periods of time (Am told 10-14 day stretches)

My husband and I were told that I and our two pets - cat & dog - would be able to ride along for his OTR training period, or you know the first six or so months he will have to be out.

Our goal is to eventually get him into something local so he can be home at night but I know that will take some time. We were told it can be six months or more before anyone local will even consider him.

My question is, am I (and our pets) allowed to go with him during that first six-month period?

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Aug 31, 2013
Who Can Ride Over The Road NEW
by: Hervy

Hello Bev,

As described on "who can you take with you on the road", you must find out what is stated in writing on the rider policy of the trucking company. They will tell you anything on the phone, depending on the company. (Or character of the person you speak to at the company)

As far as him finding a local truck driving job. It is possible to find one in 6 months but unlikely until he has about a years experience as described here on "local truck driving jobs".

Best of luck

Aug 30, 2013
Riding with husband NEW
by: Vicki Simons

Hi, Bev,

I responded in full to your question on this page of our site:

Mike and I wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

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