Can I sneak a pet with me over the road?

by lynn

can i sneak my dog into the truck with me

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Sep 26, 2015
first time
by: Anonymous

when your truck goes in for maintenance they will know.

Sep 25, 2015
Check with your company about taking a pet
by: Hervy

Unless you already checked and you found out it doesn't allow a pet. Which is what I had first assumed when you used the word sneaked, lol.

Then I said, well just like I am assuming, Lynn might be assuming that she can't.

So if you don't know, Lynn check and see if the company has a Pet Policy.

If it does not, what you have to decide on is if you take the dog and get caught and fined or fired will you be OK with that.

You won't be mad at yourself, or the dog, or the company. Because at the end of the day, you knew about it before you made the choice.

Then go from there

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