can I still drive truck with a broken hip

Have a broken hip..I'm screwed..have a walking Cane to assist in walking ..can I still drive semi truck?

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Feb 07, 2017
DOT Physical
by: Hervy

That I know of the regs doesn't say anything about a broken hip.

I think what you need to do is ask the Dr. if he/she thinks it is a good idea. Also if you are taken medication for pain (or something else) that affects your ability to safely drive that might give you problems.

Your DOT medical exam physician and primary Dr. may be able to give your more insight.

Jul 16, 2015
Drive with a broken hip... NEW
by: Anonymous

If you were examined by a D.O.T. affiliated doctor, you most likely would not pass the physical. You would have to list the broken hip on the screening form and then the doctor would check your flexibility, strength and balance. Might not pass.

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