Can I trust my husband around lot lizards?

Can I trust him he has never cheated but if he is vulnerable do u think I could trust him?

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May 24, 2019
Can I trust my husband around lot lizards? NEW
by: Anonymous

Lot Lizards! You cant even trust them on Linkedin!!! After 24 yrs of marriage my soon to be exhusband got caught finally i got my proof, and lots of it. The drunk passed out while writing a woman professing his love and lust for her on his first day home (and hes only home 5 days a month) I knew he was cheating he had done it before and got caught living a whole other life besides the one we all knew, a strong christian, happily married, sober loving, hard working family man. Only found out when my son answered a call from a cop one late night telling us he's in jail was arrested for drinking and driving with his brand new semi going through a community wall. Our world was shaken, he totalled the truck lost his liscence i alreadyworked full time , took on 2 new jobs to help pay, for it all, but in the end we lost everything and i got sick, he promised for the first of many times to never drink again ha and begged me to stay and being a christian and loving him I stayed....What a shock to me and our kids, we were all so humiliated, me and the kids went to counselling AA and alanon he never once got help..But i had a hint only 2 months before this incident,(we had a couple of trucks) he was accused of sexually harassing our drivers wife she said whenever he was drunk. She spread it all around town. We all thought she was crazy, He's sober, in love with his wife, hardworking christian man. People called her crazy behind her back, I told her off and her husband quit. Fast forward 6 yrs later he cheated again i forgave knew he was drinking, foolishly stayed as i was having health problems and couldn't work for a bit. Then last month he drunkenly passed our with his usually super protected much loved cell phone in his crotch, inb the middle of writing one woman professing his lust and love to her, and i got the phone finally proof I,d been needing for the past 3 yrs I had a feeling he was cheating and there were many signs, but had no proof and as a Christian i need proof of adultery. I thanked God for waking me up and his phone being open. I read and read, this was all on Linkedin, he was always on it and kijiji always looking for bigger and better vehicles, toys, trucks, and jobs. I always said you're always trading up everything its hard to believe you don't kick me to the curb too. Ha.He'd say no way I got the best in you, ha. Never did i think Linked in was used for hooking up! He actually texted me the same sweet loving stuff when he was on the road in texts, lol. The loser copies and pastes. That night he wrote 2 other women too the same thing . I read some messages going back almost the 3 yrs I knew he'd been cheating, then one when i was reading it to him, was different, he quit mocking me and got up to grab it from me, it was about me. He attacked me for the phone this time it saying " Do NOT read the rest it WILL kill you" Get real my heart was already shattered what could be worse? He literally knocked me unconsious hitting me for the first time ever. (I wonder day and night what it was, especially since i have been very sick again in the past 3 years.)then he then continued to drink tell me i deserve it all and I am Not leaving him.I waited for him to pass out again and got out of there. Haven't talked to him since and never want to again. Though I blocked his cell he got a few voicemails thru pathetic begging for my forgiveness and to please please call him.What makes this worse is I seen the signs for so long and he denied swore on ours and our kids and grandkids lives that he's faithful. So yes the lot lizards are used by them when they need them for sex but use every media for the romancing and hooking up for the loneliness. What a waste of a life, us spouses are lonely as hell when they're never home, we raise kids, pay bills, work hard, take care of the house the yards everything while they're out making fools of us!!!! I thank God I got my proof and have no guilt divorcing his cheating ---! Once a cheater always a cheater, i believe he's very mentally ill, and he tells others I am and he can't leave me while he tells me he won't be able to live without me if I ever leave him he'll die. This is still new to me, so in anger I say I almost hope it's the one true thing he's ever said! Like the word says- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Aug 30, 2017
He's cheating NEW
by: Anonymousjen

My so called "Christian " husband of 15 years started OTR a year ago. With the kids (he's stepdad) all grown we chose this to get ahead for the future. We were struggling in our relationship in some areas including my not being interested in sex anymore but I was committed to working on it and needed him to work on some issues . I just found out he's cheating with lot lizards and I'm devastated , I really thought I could trust him, was I ever wrong!

Apr 17, 2017
No I cant NEW
by: Norma

No I can not brace yourself he's a truck driver he's cheating I'm sorry I'm dealing with this right now

Feb 07, 2017
Truth about lot lizards and truck stops
by: Anonymous

they are not as common as you think. have not seen many most just want to sell you food not sex.

Feb 06, 2017
We have absolutely no way of knowing that
by: Hervy

You are a much better judge of that than we are.

What type of guy is he is the question. How long have you been with him? What is his philosophy about commitment, cheating, relationships. What even constitutes cheating.

When talking about scenarios that other couples go through, what types of comments does he make.

How does he treat you otherwise? How does he act around other women?

Lot lizards have no special power. Many guys never even see lot lizards. I have gone months at a time never even seeing a lot lizard. But if I was looking for them, it would only be weeks because there are truck stops that increase likelihood than others. However, if you are in the bunk sleep with the CB off talking or on the phone with your wife, you still will never see them. You have to look for them.

So you just have to evaluate what type of person you have married to come up with an opinion way more accurate than one that we could give you. We don't know him at all, but you do.

If you are actually asking that question, I would say there is a reason that you have doubt.

If you question really is do all truckers cheat, the answer is no.

Lot lizards are not as common as people think. Here is more information about lot lizard at truck stops.
The truth about lizards in trucking

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