Can my employer deduct the fine from a ticket from my pay

by Piotr
(hamiton nj)

i got a red light ticket can my employer deduct the cost of it from my pay?

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Nov 10, 2016
Fine for ticket NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a similar situation, I am an O/O leased on to a company and after receiving a ticket for brake out of adjustment, the company fined me $300, this was not to pay my ticket, this was purely disciplinary. They said it was policy.

Is that legal?

Feb 08, 2016
can a company fine you for a speeding ticket? NEW
by: Anonymous

can a company fine you for a speeding ticket that you are taking care of?

Oct 11, 2015
tickets NEW
by: Anonymous

They can but they don't have to.. There its a simple answer!!

Jul 24, 2013
by law your employer was wrong NEW
by: Anonymous

When getting a traffic ticket you have a right to a trial by judge or a trial by jury. By them paying that ticket they admitted guilt for you and forfeit your right to a trial. Yet you will now have this and the points on your CDL. But on the other hand if the ticket was sent to your company then you must have gotten a red light camera ticket
in that case it will not appear on your CDL. Most red light tickets are thrown out of court but your company chose not to fight it and took to easy way out and charged you for it. If this is the case they are with in there rights. Note to all you hard working drivers out there
If you receive a traffic ticket don't just pay it
Use your rights and go to court in most cases you will at least keep the points off your CDL. Also have a very good chance of having it thrown.

Jul 23, 2013
show the law you qoute NEW
by: Anonymous

Please quote the code to the law that it is illegal to deduct money from wages....

Garnishments are done all the time...deduct from wages....Government takes their money when they want...deducts from wages....Heck even judgements give permission to the banks for plaintiffs to freeze accounts and take all your money without your bank or plaintiff notifying you....

I will need to see the labor code and civil code on that one.

This is a legal matter and I do not think employers are dumb enough to do something that is illegal, they have lawyers and accountants that are educated to warn them of any wrong or illegal deductions.

I think you may have your illegals or not illegals mixed up with labor laws..wherein if you break/deface something at your job accidentally and with no intent the employer cannot legally withhold any wages. However, if the person did this intentional and it is proven to be the fault of the employee, this is different. More than likely they will fire before they deduct any wages.

As it seems in this case the guy did not explain his issue he only asked a question...and we do not know if it has taken place yet, or if he is just worried...hence, he may have already been fired and hopes no money is deducted because of his actions..

So both you and me both just may be screwing him up with all this legal gibberish....

When truckers screw up their loads they lose money if someone else must deliver their load for them they lose money so this is a form of deducting wages from is different when and if the trucker is an independent contractor because labor laws do not apply to them in that they are their own employer.

Jul 23, 2013
by: NickV

Maybe I can take a little easier approach to this. I would say no matter if it were the trucks fault or your fault there is absolutely no way your employer can deduct out of your check. They can however release you. But tickets that you get on the road are your responsibility. But those tickets and that fine deal with you and the DMV. Your carrier can help you with a payment plan if needed and take money out of your check to pay the fine IF you agree to it but to automatically deduct it is not only wrong its illegal. You need to really check in to this. Down side to this is if you start to much commotion and it may bring attention to your situation and you may be let go. But I would pay attention to the fine amount and make sure the correct amount is taken out if you want to play ball with them. Lets be honest its gonna have to be paid for somehow or another. Depending on what ever you do decide I hope the best for your situation and in all this long story, the short of it is that it is illegal for your employer to deduct that money from your paycheck without your acknowledgement. Only people that can take your money out of your check automatically is Uncle Sam for taxes or child support and whatnot. Your employer has no right to the money you make and your fine and when you decide to pay it is totally up to you.

Jul 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

What type of ticket was it??????

If you caused it common sense tells you have to pay for it???

If the company has an issue with the truck itself and you reported the malfunction to the owner and they neglected to fix the issue, then it is their problem and must pay for it.

If you did not report it you are responsible... you are the captain of the ship and neglecting the ship is your is the responsibility of the driver to report any malfunctions as well as making sure the maintenance of the truck is up to date...such as oil changes, tires, etc... so you don't you endanger those around you...

I think you would of learned all of this in trucking school and if not your in bad shape....

Jul 23, 2013
On deducting wages from trucker paycheck NEW
by: Vicki Simons

Hello, Piotr,

I posted a response to this question on our website here.

I wish you well in fighting your ticket.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

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