Can my husband and I both log sleeper berth at the same time?

Can both drivers log being in the sleeper birth at the same time?

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Apr 17, 2013
team loging NEW
by: Anonymous

you better check the new csa loging rules. It's different now. The log book will not be the same as befor for teams

Apr 17, 2013
team loging NEW
by: Anonymous

you better check the new csa loging rules. It's different now. The log book will not be the same as befor for teams

Apr 17, 2013
team loging NEW
by: Anonymous

you better check the new csa loging rules. It's different now. The log book will not be the same as befor for teams

Apr 10, 2013
Can my husband and I both log sleeper berth at the same time NEW
by: Anonymous

yes you each log what your duty staus is regardless of what the other one is doing unless one is in drive status . then if you are on the truck you cant be in waiting status or off duty status.

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