Can other truckers hear whats going on in neighboring cabs?

by Christy

I know it may be TMI (Too much information) but I would like to know an answer to this before even trying it out (really don't want to embarrass my B/F or myself!) but is it possible for other drivers around you at truckstops to hear "sex" sounds?

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Oct 11, 2015
lol NEW
by: Anonymous

Me and my wife have got kinky right while getting unloaded close curtains and I don't give a flying crap if someone see the truck rocking but my truck idle all the time so I don't worry for the noise.... Good times tho!!

Aug 24, 2013
Privacy in the truck NEW
by: Hervy

Christy, don't worry. People can not hear you in the other rig parked beside you if either rig is running. However, if you guys are wild and crazy, they will see the antennae swinging back and forth, lol.

I wouldn't worry too much about what other people think though. You will be together and obviously a couple, is it not natural that you would be swinging the antennae?

Aug 24, 2013
Bow chica wow wow NEW
by: NickV

Well to answer your question usually at truck stops everyone will have their trucks idling which im sure you've pulled up next to a truck at a red light and know how loud they are. Now add 100 together. SO, if your having one of your Meg Ryan kinda nights then yeah someone will hear you. Ive witnessed trucks rocking also but hey everyone has to get some. A truck drivers truck is his home so whats the difference between getting some in your bedroom or your cab? So you go girl! Make that truckers day, who cares what others say or think.

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