can they be trusted. and how faithful can one actually be?

by kim p
(alexandria, mn)

Well ive been engaged to a trucker for 2 years ive caught him cheating with a woman he met online while being on the road.

He denied at first then was truthful about it. I thought i could forgive him but now with in the past few weeks he's been watching porn like crazy and going to online "adult sex" sites.

Just dont know if he can be trusted again. i told him how i felt about him going on these sites. He says sorry and he will stop but he hasn't.

I'm so emotionally hurt that he wont stop.

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Sep 15, 2013
Can they be trusted NEW
by: Anonymous

This is also a question that pertains to the wives! While your trucker is away from home, you both need to love & trust each other! I am tired of seeing so many posts about your typical truckers' comments that they are scant chasers. Cheating is a 2-way street! The wives & girlfriends of truckers have an easier time to cheat than the truckers themselves because they are too busy driving & making sure their loads are delivered on time. You need to talk to him & get a better perspective on yourself such as getting some self-esteem & self-confidence! Good luck to you!

Dec 07, 2012
what???? NEW
by: Anonymous

so getting laid has no love in it....and when he gets laid by his wife he has no love in it....

or is it that men only want to get laid, so they cheat?? what is it called when they have sex with wife...getting laid?? since there is no love for her either, since sex is physical as you say, and not love??

so what are you trying to say....husband loves with his heart and not his pecker, which means he doesn't need sex from the one he loves???? since love is mental not sexual???

you do not have a clue as to what you are saying...I think you should try using "I" in front of what you are saying, and do not give all men your label!!!!

Dec 07, 2012
No one size fits all solution NEW
by: Anonymous

I can't offer a one size fits all solution to your problem, but I can recommend that your husband look into getting something like the Fleshlight. For men sex is something that more physical, than mental, so I would try taking a route that understands his needs. Cheating is usually never about loving another person, it is about getting laid.

Dec 02, 2012
Married three times
by: Anonymous

It's easy to get married. harder to make it work.

My husband thought that's all he needed to do is get married after that he got worse.

He threaten me with divorce and nothing I could do would make him happy. my son and I were both intimidated by him that's why I left. any ways we were away from each other for several months but still talked only I hung up on him if he yelled or swears at me.

He went into truck driving during this period. It's something he'd been wanting to do and he no
longer has me to blame. We've been a lot happier he shows us he loves and appreciates us.

Also one of the issues I had was frequently going to porn sites and who's to say he isn't now. he told me if I don't send him naughty pictures he will and I don't like being threatened and I don't much care any more my self worth is more important.

Our feelings and emotions (as women and wives) are valid and we deserve respect.

Its a constant battle but I'm not giving up on myself.

Dec 02, 2012
trust and love
by: Godsgirl

Hi my husband and I have been married for two months now, and the main basis for our marriage working so well is trust.

He knows that I am not looking at anybody else, and I know he is not either. With this said, love and trust is a two way street. You have to be able to trust you fiance, and he should be acting in such a way that you can trust him.

If he continues to do thing that hurt you emotionally, then you really need to reevaluate your relationship with him Does he really love you enough to stop doing those things that hurt you, and to be the man that you can depend on.

If you can say yes to this question then he is the one for you, but if you can't answer yes then you should really think about getting out.

It is easy to marry but it is hard to get out of a marriage that is not working or where you are going through emotional pain.

Not all truckers are the same...everybody told me that all truckers cheat, well the first you have to know that if he has a trust in God and a walk with the Lord then you are one step ahead of the rest.

I prayed for a good man and God sent me my husband.

Dec 02, 2012
Time to make a decision.....
by: Anonymous

It's up to one can advise you on what you need to do for yourself....if you do not like this behavior ask yourself why are you staying in this relationship??

.....if you say because you love is an action word, and not one sided...his actions speak for themselves..ask yourself why do I want to stay in a loveless relationship????

Then maybe you will find your solution....

God Bless!

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