Can they leave you stranded in a city?

by Erica
(Las Vegas)

My sisters boyfriend was fired in California. He lives in las Vegas and was employed in las Vegas. They are not giving him any pay (his truck is broken down there) and they wont find him a way home. Is this legal??? So now he has no pay due to the truck being broken and is fired and stuck in a city that's over a 3 1/2 hour drive away with no way home.

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Sep 15, 2013
straded NEW
by: Anonymous

It happens, companies have all the power. The entire system is set up in their favor. They have D.A.C., the feds have P.S.P, and the local cops have M.V.R.. Even the F.M.C.S.A. does everything in the companies favor, just look at all the new rules thieve put out recently.
I recently went to my safety directer and said," I don't think his co. and I were a good fit, he reached down and opened a file cabinet, pulled out a file, spread it on the table, and told me that if I tried to work some ware else he would call them and tell them what was in the file, and that I would be back in mouth wanting my job back."
All we have is sites like this and each other.
Check out new driver tips, under " As little as possible."

May 02, 2013
leaving him stranded NEW
by: Anonymous

Yea they can an
d will leave him stranded sorry.

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