Can you bring children in the rig?

by Samantha
(Madison alabama)

I have two kids, can they ride along with me?

Response: For some companies yes for others no.
It depends on the company policy.

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Aug 05, 2012
Yes you may take your children
by: Robert

If you are a company driver you will be able to take one child at a time, based on your company's rider policy. Usually the child must be above 6 years of age. However, not all company's allow this you would have to check with your permits department.

O/ O is a little different, you must go thru your insurance company. Either way if you have someone else in that truck with you that is not an employee of the company you must be carrying paperwork that says they are aloud to be there

Jul 15, 2012
depends on the company
by: Anonymous

and their age most companies require the children to be over ten. and most companies may not allow more then one child. that is something you will need to address to the company(s) you are applying to.

Jul 15, 2012
hope your not going to far
by: Anonymous

If you own your own rig, your kids can travel with you. If you drive a company rig, the rules may be different. Be sure to ask your boss before you load up the kids. Regardless, always follow the safety rules of the road and keep your little ones buckled up.

Think before you do! I wish you luck on this one!! I smell disaster!!

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