Can you get hired for CDL job with citation for possession of paraphernalia that was put on STET docket - not charged

by Larry
(Baltimore, MD)

My son wants to start a new career as a CDL Class A truck driver. He got a citation about a year ago for possession of drug paraphernalia (No Drugs). The case was put on the STET docket which means he wasn't actually charged or found guilty.

Would having something like this on his record when they do the background check cause him to not be hired?

Thank you for nay input you could give me.

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Feb 12, 2016
Getting a job with a 1 year drug paraphernalia charge
by: Hervy

I think he has a chance. I feel the best decider will be what he has been doing since then.

If he has been holding down a job since then, that would be great. If he was in school or volunteering it would be good. Even if he just joined a group that indicates a desire for self improvement in any area such as Toastmasters Speaking group or joining a local meeting with mentors for males or young adults or anything positive.

HOwever, if he has no way to account for how he spent his time between now an
d when he got that charge, it will be the only most recent thing any employer has to look at on his file.

You see the logic? (and reality)

So that should give you a way to get an idea of what to expect but one thing he can do or you can do is call a lot of trucking companies and just ask them about their hiring requirements.

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