Can you receive a CDL license if on methadone medication?

can you receive a CDL license if on methadone medication?

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Dec 18, 2011
Methadone and a CDL NEW
by: hervy

You can get the license but you can't legally operate a Commercial Vehicle. That is my understanding. However a drug called Suboxone as mentioned from another truck driver in this article was said to work even better than Methadone with less negative side effects. Scroll all of the way down on the pdf.

Call your local Medical Examiner that does DOT physicals and ask about these drugs. Also call trucking companies and see if they are allowed to hire before going forward. That article was 2005.
Who knows what has changed.

Also check the page
are you disqualified for getting you CDLs. Links to several gov. sites
to see statues and disqualifications.

Let us know what you find out,
Good look with making the transition.

Dec 16, 2011
methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

I really dont t5hink you can so good luck

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