Can you still drive an 18 wheeler if you have diabetes?

by John

If someone has diabetes that is controlled by insulin, can they still drive an 18 wheeler?

Medical conditions regulations and guidelines

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Jan 28, 2013
you can drive
by: mark

If you take shots for it you can drive but have to go to dmv and file for the federal program and meet all their required rules(BS)and stay on top of it and turn in all your readings to them letting them know all of the results.Good luck brother.

Jan 28, 2013
you can drive
by: mark

If you take shots for it you can drive but have to go to dmv and file for the federal program and meet all their required rules(BS)and stay on top of it and turn in all your readings to them letting them know all of the results.

Good luck brother.

Jan 22, 2013
by: Anonymous

Here in Tennessee, when you try to get your DOT card for 2 years and if you take the shots for diabetes, the physician will not give it to you, but if you just take the pill such as metformin, they will give you a 1 year DOT card, but you have to go back and have it renewed every two years...

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