can you you have a cdl hazmat if you take methadone

by roger
(new hampshire)

can you have a cdl hazmat license if you take methadone medication

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Dec 16, 2017
Question NEW
by: Bobby

Can you get your CDL hazmat if you are medically taking methadone.

Jul 22, 2017
Re: CLAIRE S PIANKA People in glass house shouldn't throw stones NEW

Claire Pianka (Ms. Photoshop) all the glass in your ROOM just busted. You're a piece of shit and a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR πŸ€₯ You shoot dope, smoke crack, take xanax and anything you can get your hands on. You say you're on MMT. You're the reason ppl can't get jobs. You TRY and break up marriages, families and friendships bc you have NO MORALS!! You think you're so damn beautiful! You look like a fking corpse with all those bruises and tracks on your hands and arms. Also your boyfriend Joe Korinok is nothing but a state penitentiary dude. You both are convicted felons. Anyone can see both of your mugshots on Lmfao πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Anyone reading this should look there names up. That's no lie for sure πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ That's all you will ever attract. You SERVICE old men for money. You're at their beckon call. You're disgusting. You're so fuking delusional its sad! You make fun of ppl that have their children. Where are yours? Certainly not with you. You could care less about your kids. You don't even know who their father is. So I suggest before you comment with your ghetto Kensington mouth take a good look at yourself when you're sitting on bathroom floors taking selfies ewwwww you low life fking scum. Exactly what the meaning of your last name is. SCUM! How Fitting? Google it πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ You always seem to write your autobiography with your stupid comments, posts and text messages that I've saved from you. You're everything you say your not. You're an as*hole! Miss I'm so rich with you bling bling glass engagement ring. Lmfao! I feel no empathy for you. You deserve everything that's coming to you. Poor poor pitiful CLAIRE PIANKA. Now who's laughing their as*es off. ALSO TAKE A DAMN SHOWER ONCE IN AWHILE and clean the dirt from your ears I pointed out to you before. GROW SOME EYEBROWS!! OMG YOU LOOK LIKE THE JOKER FROM BATMAN. LMFAO!!

Jul 21, 2017
Class a vs class c NEW
by: Anonymous

I have really bad pain on my right shoulder neck and arm doctor said you have nerve pain sometimes my arm and hand really cold after one year he prescribed me methadon befor that I can't drive or work right now I can work drive car go anywhere I never ever had accidents other side my brother and his wife both person had accident one thing I don't understand if government really help people why not totally stop pain medicine why not drugs test every body who has a license whatever A,B,C

Apr 12, 2017
Claire Pianka is a pathological liar NEW
by: Your worst nightmare MattπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Claire Pianka you're a piece of shit. You shoot dope smoke crack take xanax and you say you're on MMT. You're the reason ppl can't get jobs.; You TRY and break up marriages, families and friendships bc you're always high and nodding off from pills. You act like your so great ctfu. You slept with my brother and a Loot of my friends you dirtbag! You told everyone that I robbed a bank??? I went to rehab to get away from your junkie as*. You work for old men for money. You're at their beckon call. You're disgusting. You're so fuking delusional its sad! You make fun of ppl that have their children. Where are yours? Certainly not with you. You could care less about your kids. You don't even know who their father is. So I suggest before you comment look at yourself you low life fking scum. Exactly what the meaning of your last name is. SCUM! How Fitting? You work as an escort and service old men for money bc that's all you'll ever be. You're a $2 whore. You talk like a ghetto Kensington street walker. You always seem to write your autobiography with your stupid comments! You're everything you say your not. You look like an as*hole! Miss I'm so rich. I feel no empathy for you. You deserve everything that's coming to you. Now who's laughing their as*es off. YOU ARE A SCUM BAG! YOU'RE BEAT TOO. YOU LOOK LIKE A FUKING CORSPE. ALSO TAKE A DAMN SHOWER ONCE IN AWHILE. You look like an old lady. Take a real good look at yourself Miss I'm so beautiful. OMG YOU LOOK LIKE THE JOKER FROM BATMAN. LMFAO!!

Feb 21, 2017
You can drive a cdl truck on mmt NEW
by: Anonymous

I asked the dot and they said you CAN DRIVE A CDL VEHICLE ON MMT

Oct 30, 2016
by: Anonymous


Oct 30, 2016
by: 13 years on methadone bitchez

The guy that thinks he is better cus he is off the juice

Sep 22, 2016
by: Anonymous

I love these people that said they took Methadone and now calling addicts low life losers because they are taking methadone just like they did. I have been on MMT and have not abused it one bit. I am trying to better my life and the MMT helps out big time. I have gotten off illegal drugs and gotten my family back and my life. I am on 50mgs and don't get high and never nod out. I drive my car while taking it(shocker) and I have never had one accident or have I nodded out behind the wheel. Recovery addicts are people to that made some mistakes. Nobody is perfect and we just want to make our lives the best we can and MMT helps that happen.

Aug 01, 2016
never throw stones from glass houses NEW
by: Claire Pianka

It's really easy to write judgemental comments and talk about things that you don't know about when you haven't went through the things that people on methadone have been through you say that we nod out we eat pills and are scum-of-the -earth junkies well I say that you guys are stupid ignorant people who are going on blogs that have nothing to do with your life and bashing people who are trying to better their lives so why don't you go back to your Louis Vuitton website have a glass of merlot eat a Valium try on your brand new red bottoms go out with that second guy you cheat on your husband with at the Motel 6 and mind your own f****** business because you have no idea what you're talking about all of you people who have written comments that are negative towards mmt are just making yourself sound stupid because you've never been on it you probably would die if you took a Percocet let alone tried heroin and you probably still carry around at least one of your parents credit cards, at least some of YOU smoke YOUR SChWAG while driving little Madison to daycare in your overpriced range Rover b4 ur yoga class LMFAO

Jul 16, 2016
People are retarded NEW
by: Anonymous

It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if you are impaired from the methadone or whatever you are taking. Key word IMPAIRED. So it is not illegal if you are totally normal while taking the medication like most honest mmt patients. No you cannot drive a tractor-trailer while on mmt, but you can drive an ambulance. Doesnt make a whole lot of sense, but i didnt write the laws.

Feb 02, 2016
methadone driving cdl NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been on methadone for 4 years and at first my dose was 70 mgs which was to much so I started to come down let me start I got on it because my doctor recommend it. At 20 I was run over by a truck and got hooked on the pain meds I was given but anyways methadone really works if used right. I am now on 30 mgs and still coming down I went back to school got my cdl and I passed my test I don't nod I don't gall asleep and I am very much aware of all my surroundings. I know methadone has a bad stigma to it. But if used right the medication really works. I have been sober over 5 years. But I also understand the safety issue and that's why I have chosen to continue to come down. I wanna drive Big Rig.but I also have to put my recovery first above all.but the time will come when my dreams of driving are here I say good luck to everyone who drives and it doesn't matter if it's alcohol or drugs or anti depression meducine or anxiety medication safety always comes first.

Dec 28, 2015
Some ppl !!?!!? NEW
by: Anonymous

I just found this page because I had a simple question about the legality of getting a CDL license while on MMT.... I must admit there were some people whose responses were actually quite helpful and to the point but there were also some people whose responses were just plain idiotic... Obviously me being someone who is asking the question by no means am I an expert on CDL licenses or any of that but I did see a post about a year to year and a half ago on this thread that said it is illegal to drive a regular automobile on MMT.?!?! As a person who drives every day not only a car but also a truck(non -cdl)26ft.straight job.. I must say that it is not only legal but I've gone out of my way to inform/ ask my employer the question and lethim know that I am on methadone maintenance.... So as I said earlier I obviously was just looking for information on obtaining a CDL license and the regulations involved when it comes to methadone maintenance but I got to this point because of certain people who seem to be misinformed.. honestly I can't argue with a lot of what other people are saying about how certain people on methadone do nod out and certainly aren't safe behind the wheel because I've met and know many of such people... In my personal England comes down to what works for you as an individual in my case and make sure Michos manages the pain I deal with end also make sure that it has no effect on my driving/coherence/response time... Each person is different and I hope everyone just stay safe who offered information that help me thank you and to anyone out there who just wanted to hate on people who are on methadone maintenance I'm sorry for you

Oct 09, 2015
Let us be kind to one another. NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow. It's crazy to see how people feel about methadone. Frankly, it saved my life. I was on 100 mg for a year and it took me a year too quit for good! It is an amazing feeling. I've been drug free for a year now, but the fear of going back is always there. And it is a healthy fear. I was hit by a drink driver at 17yrs old. By 17yrs old I was legally prescribed 60mg oxycontin for my back. I'm 30 now. I tried everything. Lost a friend that overdosed on legal opiates. Methadone saved me.

Can you drive a car on methadone? That is a personal question. I could. Not at first, bc I was going thru withdrawal. Then at 130mg I was too drowsy. At 100 mg I was fine. And a year later tapered down 5mg at a time. So whoever said they could not drive, that's ok too. Maybe you felt you needed to be drowsy. BUT I chose to lower my dose. That seemed like a better safer choice. If you cannot stay up, your on too much. A good counselor will tell you to lower the dose, but I also think one can conclude that on their own.

Can you get a CDL. As others stated. Yes. But getting hired with a company I'd another story. Be responsible. If you can't stay awake, don't get a CDL, or even drive any vehicle. That goes for anyone. Drugs or not. Missing a nights sleep is worse than any dose of methadone I've taken.

Good luck people. And be considerate and not so judgemental.

Aug 30, 2015
Just want to know what to do Please NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a friend on MMT now he has been on it for many of yrs . He takes 140mgs and he out on the road driving a dump truck. But he is ALWAYS falling asleep DRIVING or even at home u could b talking and u look at him he is out then jumps up out of the blue and starts talking. My opinion is someone on a very high dose like he takes has no BUSINESS DRIVING WHILE ON MERHADONE especial that high of a dose. I know bc this person is very dear to me. It scares me because what if he falls asleep and can't hit them air brakes there goes someone life!!! And when he goes to the DRS. He doesn't tell them he IN MMT.
So my question is what to do .

Apr 29, 2015
Look NEW
by: Anonymous

It all boils down to one can not drive a big rig while taking any drugs that can hinder your driving. To get your information on the risk look to the federal guidelines, rules & regulations in regard to prescribed medicine and driving a commercial vehicle. Methadone is a prescribed and controlled substance as you can find this information to be true from the health and safety codes in regard to prescribed medicine. You will have to carry this with you on the road so find out from DOT if this is legal to carry over state lines. I am sure you can obtain the CDL but, I do not believe any truck driving lines will hire you.

If someone IS in fact on 100 milligrams of methadone that is a hardcore amount and very hard to withdrawal from. What happens if you lose this drug when your out on the road how will you obtain more? Of are you not in fear for your safety if this happens and you begin to withdrawal while driving on the road?

Personally I do not think anyone should be driving while using this substance because it is just a temporary fix for a long term problem that needs addressing before you take on the responsibility of taking other peoples lives into your hands. Don't be a selfish addict. If you are trying to beat the addiction try getting to the underlying issues first before risking your life as well as others.

Apr 29, 2015
Stop putting people at risk NEW
by: Anonymous

You have a addiction, its your body to make the decision with to get clean/healthy or stay a "legal"addict.
But, do not put everyone else at risk so you can make a few pennies.
If you want to better yourself get healthy, work harder, stop being a burden to your family , stop being a addict (legal or not).
Its out of control, no more excuses as "i cant do it, i cant get clean...
Stop lying to yourself

Mar 22, 2015
You so called clean people. NEW
by: Anonymous

You so called clean people sound more stupid than people on drugs. At least addicts have a excuse. What's yours retards. LOL

Mar 22, 2015
You so called clean people. NEW
by: Anonymous

You so called clean people sound more stupid than people on drugs. At least addicts have a excuse. What's yours retards. LOL

Oct 13, 2014
who ever is bashing mmt NEW
by: Anonymous

So you say go nod your ass off....ive been on mmt for over a year now and i have not nodded a single time...explain that for for me you narrow minded asshole

Aug 25, 2014
Don't Judge unless you are God. NEW
by: Anonymous

Stupid people say stupid people out-smart eachother.

Jul 31, 2013
hahahahhahah NEW
by: Anonymous

It is illegal...I was on it for 17 years and every day I nodded my ass off!!!!! at 40 milligrams!!! who the f, u think you are fooling..ask your local police next time you get pulled over when your eyes are dilated from methadone which DOES happen...dumb dumb it is an OPIOID just synthetic but is dangerous to drive under the influence...ask me I got my driving privileges taken because of driving under the influence of METADONE>>>>you just haven't got caught!!! your just an addict that is still in denial...somethings never change...I am glad I have been clean and sober...and you are not considered sober until you get off chemicals and Methadone is chemicals......

Jul 31, 2013
by: Anonymous


studies showed daily ingested methadone doses do not allow for euphoric effects therefore, NO DROWSINESS, i've even been on it for 8 years at over 100mgs. there are problem patients yes not everyone does it correctly, but those that do deserve a chance to live life without persecution from uneducated retards. No wonder anytime you go out to eat they look at you like that at the end with that fake smile, learn to live with yourself instead of taking it out on other people. good day sir. As for methadone and CDL's....i looked it up with alot of research and the answer sadly is no. However, it is due more to the stigma of the substance but most people dont understand MMT and why it is even allowed to be in existance. You think if people just went there and just laid around all day it would be legal? It is not like going to buy a 6-pack or 24-pack, it is completely different, i could explain the whole process to you but you wouldn't understand it anyway, go google it, methadone in short is a humanely compassionate existence as it helps people live normal lives without many absurd affects of the life of one living day to day on opiates, "anonymouse" you would never understand, try having compassion first.

Jul 02, 2013
hahhahah NEW
by: Anonymous

to the last are a frking idiot you have to have a medical clearance to receive your cdl and if you lie to the doctor about what prescribed medicines you take especially methadone you will not get a cdl ever!!!! do you think doctors are that stupid???? eyes dilate when an opioid is in your system and if you try and lie he is going to take blood/urine and test it ding dong!!!!! Why the hell are you trying to put someone on our highways that is under the influence.... are you a FREKING dumb MORON!!!!

Jul 01, 2013
licence NEW
by: old timer

hello, there is no drug testing to get your c.d.l.there is testing to get a job and random testing,no states drug test to get cdl or any endorsments just companies,as for methadone it is not in the standard 5 panel d.o.t. urine test,it will be checked if you get a 10 panel test and that's only if you are at fault in a fatality accident.good luck.

Jun 16, 2013
you are the dumb ass!! NEW
by: Anonymous

don't tell me anything about it being LEGAL to drive on that shit!!!!!! I was on methadone many years ago and it was illegal then and it still is!!! I have been clean from that shit for 17 years and you dumb ass are still getting high on it!!! It is an opioid idiot..........It is illegal to drive under the influence of any prescribed controlled substance such as Valium, Vicodin etc.....get your facts sound like an idiot who doesn't know the difference between right or wrong....sounds like methadone has gone to your brain waves.....and thats an under statement!!!

A powerful narcotic, Methadone is best known as a substitution therapy to help patients kick an addiction to heroin. Though it is considered to be effective as a maintenance program for addicts, it is not curative and has a high potential for misuse and abuse. Developed in Germany in 1937, the synthetic opioid is used also as an analgesic for pain and an antitussive for persistent coughing. It was introduced in the U.S. in 1947. Maintenance therapy came about in response to the drastic increase in heroin abuse following World War II. Like morphine and heroin, Methadone works on the opioid receptors in the brain and produces many of the same effects.

Jun 15, 2013
you are so wrong! NEW
by: Anonymous

To "Anonymous" that said you cant drive car on that shit, that is not true! I drive my car and truck every day! People like you make me sick! You know nothing about methadone and how it works! First of all when taken in a monitored & controlled situation you do not get "high" it simply keeps the person from having the cravings and getting sick. Yes there are people that abuse methadone and they make it hard for the ones that are seriously trying to make positive changes in their life. It is also people like you with your rude, cruel and ignorant comments that make it hard for a recovering addict. It is because of people like you a lot of addicts don't ask for help for fear of being judged and looked down on.

May 28, 2013
You People Are Mean
by: Anonymous

First, you don't know why he is taking methadone. It is not just for getting off of drugs. Even if it is for that, good for him for trying to better his life. Methadone does not make you high, so that's not the scariest thing you have ever heard.

The alternative is the scariest. My ex was a heroin addict, blind in one eye. He used to drive loaded all the time. Worse than that, he drove dopesick.

It is a miracle that he didn't kill anyone! If only he was able to take methadone maybe he wouldn't have lost his career of 30+ years. However, to answer the man's question, no, you cannot drive while taking methadone.
Good luck with your situation.

May 23, 2013
It was just his question .. In return no respect!
by: Anonymous

Well the reality is back in the day .. Say the 80's quite a lot of truck drivers were drinking alcohol and driving .. Hence the introduction to the CDL..

Any way another reality is this globe is full of drug addicts. It's apparent by the comments I read none of those people were affected or afflicted by that retched problem .. They have different ones! However my brother overdosed and died at 41 yrs old. The methadone clinics hire any new counselor that will take the job..

The fact is it can save lives and families .. But as it is for driving! Well it is against the LAW! Your license will be revoked and if you do choose to do any drug that is listed within the guidelines and get into an accident .. You will go to PRISON.. Not jail..

So if you want to drive a tractor trailer for a living . Come off the Methadone. And go to mtgs for a while and decide if you can do this and not jeopardize any one else's life.

May 11, 2013
highon mf
by: Anonymous

Take another pill!!Β‘ boo boo da fool!!Β‘!!!

May 11, 2013
highon mf
by: Anonymous

Take another pill!!Β‘ boo boo da fool!!Β‘!!!

May 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

I have heard some crazy things on here...but this is the wildest.....dum dum!!!!!! you are not allowed to drive a car on that shit let alone drive a frkn lame can you get!!!! now go nod your ass off and forget about even getting a job on that shit.....lame..

May 11, 2013
no !!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

are you insane....

May 11, 2013
are you kidding?
by: Anonymous

That's the scariest thing I've ever heard of! Omg you drug addicts are nuts

Jul 24, 2018
by: An person with common sense

It depends on how you are in treatment. MMT is not bad if you are stabalized and not using. You should not feel high on MMT. If I were you I would contact your states DMV.ORG and find out. Listening to people that are/aren't on it isn't the answer. Especially if you're commenting and you're the reason some people can't get a job. Don't pay attention to people like Claire Pianka. She's about 5 ft and in prison. She can't see over a steering wheel let alone drive a truck. Can't pay attention to idiots that post that aren't living a straight life. In and out prison isn't going to get you many jobs to begin with. Obviously she is well known for blogging. Has no clue about what she's talking about. I would check this link out. It may help.

Do your own research on Google.

Apr 12, 2017
Re: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones NEW
by: Matt O'Donnell

Claire Pianka all the windows in your house just busted by your stupid post. You're a piece of shit. You shoot dope smoke crack take xanax and you say you're on MMT. You're the reason people can't get jobs that are doing the right thing. You TRY and break up marriages, families and friendships. You fked my brother. You're a pathological liar. You told people I robbed a bank cuz I left your ugly azz and went to rehab. So I suggest before you comment look at yourself you low life fking scum. Exactly what the definition of your last name is. SCUM! How Fitting? You work as an escort bc that's all you'll ever be. I know and I'm so sorry I had to put up with your bullsh't. You're nothing but a $2 whore. The funniest part is you always seem to write your autobiography with your stupid comments! You're everything you say your not. Making fun of someone who actually has their kids. Where are your kids? Certainly not with you. You don't even know who the father of your kids are? You never see your kids. How sad? So I suggest you shut your Kensington ghetto mouth you Internet junkie and focus on yourself. You need serious help!! Now who's laughing their as* off. LMAO!!!

Sep 05, 2015
MMT and normal functioning people NEW
by: Anonymous

What kind of person nods out at 40mg? Do you get drunk after drinking a couple a couple of o'doules. Are you falling down drunk after a drinking a shot of Kahlua? What kind of drugs could you possibly be addicted to if you nod off on 40mg of dome.
Once stable on dosing you do NOT get all. Some people need help and MMT can literally change people's lives. They can go to work, they can lead a better life, an honest life.
Get off your high horse, you probably talk to and deal with people on MMT on a daily basis and can't even tell.

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