Can your boss legally video record you

by carl
(hazelten pa)

Is it illegal for a boss to video record u in a tractor trailer

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Jan 09, 2015
truck cam legal
by: razzle

i have been a driver for 28 years, so i try to keep up on all events that are legal or questionable i call FMCSA in cheynne all the time. 307-772-2305 you can always throw Q&A's to them too.

now as for... is it legal for company's to put cams in company trucks ???

this is how it goes... if its a company truck yes, their truck. however they can not put a cam behind the sleeper curtin. they can not put a cam in a owner ops truck or a lease / contract truck.

-razzle dazzle-
las vegas,nv

Jan 06, 2015
their equipment....
by: Anonymous

Yes they can legally video record you in the truck. In fact, many companies are putting cameras in the truck now for liability issues with wrecks.

Many times there is one mounted facing out the windshield and another pointed toward the driver seat, synced together. This way, in the event of an accident, video evidence can be used to protect the company and the driver.

It also helps lower their ins premiums.

Our company doesn't require them, yet. However I purchased my own to c.m.a. in case of an accident. It has already paid for itself after a car cut me off. They did not realize I was recording and lied to the officer. Without the video proof, I could have been fined and possibly fired. Best investment made IMO!

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