Can't do load check due to traffic jam

I am hauling a flatbed time has come to do a load check and flag it on my log, I am stuck in traffic there is an accident up ahead.

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May 24, 2017
Grab a shoulder
by: Hervy

Get off on your next ramp with a shoulder and do it if you can. Monday, I pulled over on the side on I-285 around Atlanta to do my 30 minute break because of an accident.

A ramp is much better because you won't have trouble getting back on the highway after the check.

Especially if you have paper log. If you have electronic, there is likely a function for notating why you wasn't able to make the check within time.

Call your company when you get stopped and ask them about how to handle it.

Best of luck. Hope that clears up for you soon. I am sitting back at the truck stop right now chilling, lol.

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