Can't park in apartment complex parking lot

We live in a large apartment complex & there is an area over by one of the buildings that my husband could park the tractor when he got home time.

Now it does not specify anywhere in the lease that you cannot park RVs, tractors or boats in the parking lot. And my husband was going to park the tractor over by where a retired couple have their RV parked.

Well I told the manager about him going to park the tractor & she said to me why can't he park the tractor outside of the apartment complex over by an industrial parkway that is a few blocks away where all the other tractors are parked when the drivers come home for home time or maybe doing their 34 hour reset.

I reminded the manager that it was not in the rules & there is an RV parked over there which is much longer than a tractor. She said they don't want to be responsible for lines getting cut or someone messing with the truck. I told her that can happen over at the industrial parkway.

I think she is just being bias because she did tell one tenant that she was cut off by an 18-wheeler & she got in front of the truck & slowed down & when the driver got on his air horn, she rolled down her window & gave him the finger till she got off.

Anybody else experiencing this situation where you were told you cannot park in the apartment complex parking lot? & if you did, what did you do about it?

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Jan 14, 2022
Do not listen to her!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

You should not even ask her, just go park it if she doesn't like it let her give you an eviction notice then you sue her ass for at least $100,000. I'm more than sure that she wont give you and eviction notice she might wanna give a hard time but when that happens just tell her to get lost and that ask her to give you an eviction notice but also tell her that you'll sue her and that you already talked to a lawyer about it, it is as simple as that!

Aug 06, 2017
You're not the only one NEW
by: Anonymous

We can't park our car in our apartment complex parking lot more than half the time because rude ass tenants are parking their boats, trailers, extended family member vehicles, etc in spots that are supposed to be allotted to passenger vehicles. As part of my monthly rent, I am supposed to get one parking space, but the landlord is lazy about enforcement. So I have made up my mind that this winter, I will just parallel park in front of one of the violators and let the chips fall where they may.

Apr 24, 2017
Parking trucks, RVs and boats in apartment complexes... NEW
by: Anonymous

IME, it seems MOST apartment complexes don't even allow RVs to park there. let alone truckers...even the smaller RVs (small travel trailers (TTs), Class B's and such -- anything that clearly looks like an RV! Consequently, residents have to park elsewhere at a RV storage (or self-storage) facility and waste lots of $$ every month doing so. AND not having it close by for security reasons.

IMO, complexes should be more considerate of people who own trucks, RVs and boats...but it seems there is some sort of "stigma" attached to these vehicles that results in such discrimination.

That's one reason I may HAVE to buy vs. renting some day (if not deciding to live in an RV full-time): That way I can have a place in my yard/garage for the RV (a small TT such as a T@B 400 or perhaps a 13-16' Scamp). And if it's inside my garage, it should be fine with the neighbors. ;-)

Here where I'm at now, we have general/uncovered parking spots and covered/carports (for rent on top of apt rent) which is fine with me IF a small TT would fit under it as I wouldn't mind paying for TWO parking places -- one for my car and one for the TT -- but even a small one won't (barely, and only IF there's no AC on the top), as it's only 8' (exactly) clearance. I need 9' for even a smaller T@B 320 TT!

As long as I'm living in apartments as my brick & mortar "home base," it doesn't look good...

Fortunately, I need to pay-off some debts BEFORE getting my RV so there's some TIME before I get my TT, but even by then I'll still have the same issue: Apartment complexes just about everywhere and in every state/city prohibiting RV/trailer and or boat parking. Even if there are lots of "general parking" available/open (and hardly ever used by cars) for them...and even if the trailers/RVs and boats aren't that big.

Good luck,

-- BR

Mar 05, 2017
Park somewhere else NEW
by: Anonymous

Currently living in an apartment complex and there is currently a tractor trailer parked outside, engine on and it's 4 in the fucking morning. Can i call the police? Maybe some people don't want to see a semi parked across 6 spots in their lot. Or an RV. Tell the old couple to suck it. And your husband too. Tell him to suck it.

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