Car ran into the back of my truck while parked it is on my DAC Report

by jerri

My rig was parked legally and a car rear ended my rig, I was not in the rig at the time of the accident. Should this be a DOT recordable on me...I was not cited the other driver was at fault.

It is reporting on my DAC report also

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Sep 07, 2015
Nice post NEW
by: jhon

It is not easy to find who is the culprit for the accident. Through proper investigation it can be determined.
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Aug 31, 2015
Your DAC report is like your credit report NEW
by: Addie manages DAC reports, which are regulated by the FCRA, just like your consumer credit report. You can go to the website and get a free copy once per year, but you can also dispute inaccuracies.

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