It all depends on who you work for, who reported what, and whether or not you were taken in (in) the proper time frame for your drug screen analysis.
I'm not accusing you of anything.
If the other side gets an attorney, get ready.
Depositions..... tape recorders, digging very deeply into your business, checking you logs against paper trails, scale crossings (open or not, they were linked Sept. 1st)
Don't count your chickens before they hatched. If you see something coming your way that isn't what you planned on DONT SAY A WORD.
Get your own attorney.
Watch your back (literally)
This could all pass without a hitch, or it could become something you never forget.. and a HUMONGOUS learning experience.
Please, don't ask me how I know. I will say this: I was in Safety and Compliance for nearly ten years with a company that owns over 2000 units.
I was an "accident representative" among other things.