Carleena AKA Carr (John's Wife)

by Carleena
(Manhattan Illinois)

I am a trucker's wife with 2 great kids a girl who is a college student at Purdue and our son who is 12.

My husband is great and I love him very much. We at home have to deal with allot but they are gone working for us. Which makes me very proud to say I am a wife of a truck driver.

We live in a remote part of Illinois near Chicago. My real name is Carleena but everyone calls me Carr.

Dealing with him gone all the time is hard but I always try and remember his job is hard to.

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Apr 12, 2012
help truckers wives NEW
by: Anonymous

I know how u feel my husband is a trucker to, but he has cheated on me and know we r lost I really need to reach out to someone we both do to figuure out how when he is gone so long also trying to set up retirement. Do not mean to ing anyone down just need some help for us to get thru this any suggestions will help, or maybe another trucker talking to him will get him out of his rut. I lv him and don't want to lose himm.

Apr 12, 2012
truckers wife NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with you Carr. My guy hates being on the road for more than 5 days at a time. He values his home time more than anything you can imagine. I know he loves me and would spend all his time with me if he could but this is the way it has to be. He kept getting laid off from jobs, we live in MI, so trucking is the best way for him to make the most money he can before he retires. He is only a couple of years away from retirement so he is trying to build up his wages to the most he has ever made so he can retire on a lot more money than most people. If we hang in there girl we'll be fine!

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