Catering for truckers- home cooked food good or bad?

by tammie l
(lakeland, fl)

I'm starting a business to just cater for truckers. I was wondering how would truckers feel about that concept?? catering food on a daily or weekly, based one ones need.. just looking for feed back.

Thanks a truckers wife.

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Aug 29, 2016
Go For It!
by: Anonymous

A very good idea.
Having gone out with my partner a few times I got really sick of the food truckers have to settle for.

I now cook at home while my partner is out to keep her supplied with home cooked meals. I also supply 5 of our trucker friends.
The meals I make keep these truckers very happy & nourished.

To make these meals I learned to can foods.
If you can find it in a can at the stores it can be canned at home.
A favorite is my canned beef. It has veggies in it. During the canning process it makes its own gravy. I send along frozen rice or a half pint home canned potatoes.

I freeze meals in Seal-a- Meal bags. Anything with veggies or pasta is half cooked. They then finish the cooking in a 7"electric skillet.
I find condiments online in small pouches.
I seldom get the jars back but that's OK. Space is at a premium & what trucker can easily rinse the jars?

Salads are also in Seal-a-Meal bags. They just cut the top off, add dressing & croutons & eat right out of the bag.
My partner tells when she is eating at a dock, those around her look so hungry so she shares.

I hope you did start this catering business. Truckers need to eat too.

Mar 21, 2016
Sounds like a good idea to me
by: Hervy

Years ago I made that suggestion to wives who say they couldn't work a regular job and needs extra money. Especially if you stay near a business park with lots of factories or trucks in and out.

I still think it is a good idea, depending on location and competition and local laws.

Drivers respond well once people have established a reputation. Several places that I have been to, when the person comes on to announce they are stocked up on hot food, drivers know about it and ready to buy.

I would suggest you set up a strong CB in your car or house if you are in a good location and see how drivers respond.

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