CB Slang

by Joey
(Danville, Virginia)

My uncle used to drive trucks back in his 30's and I'm about to get into it. Just how often do you hear the slang on the CB nowadays? I know how it was in the 70's and the sort, but what about now?

I appreciate your time.

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Sep 26, 2008
Using CB Slang is still alive
by: The Crazy Trucker

What's Happening Joey,

It is like second nature. When you grab that mike words come out of your mouth a lot differently than when you are talking to someone face to face.

I find myself talking face to face or on the phone sometimes like I am on a CB actually. (lol. Don't ask, I don't know why, it just happens)

Yep, you'll pick up on it pretty easily just listening to the chatter on the cb so don't spend a whole lot of time trying to study for fear of not being able to communicate. You'll pick it up.

Read over the list of terms and slang a few times and that will do the trick. When you hear the words it will come to you.


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