CDL A trucking school graduate no exp.San Antonio

Hi. I am a cdl class a graduate who desperately needs a chance. I committed a sex offense 30 years ago, at age 15, for which I am required to register annually.

I have a family, clean driving record and a good work ethic. I do have my Class a cdl, but no experience. Looking for a otr position, dry van or reefer.

I live in san antonio, texas. Please give me a call if you need a reliable individual willing to learn. 210-420-5555

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Jun 14, 2017
2nd chance companies
by: Anonymous

Important is to answer questions accurately. For example:
Question : "Have you EVER been convicted of a felony?"
Answer : "yes"
Now, re-phrase the question:
Question : "Have you been convicted of a felony within the last 7 years?"
Answer : "No"

Do you see the difference? Both questions you have answered honestly and truthfully. The point is, don't volunteer information that isn't specifically asked for.
Here's some companies that hire felons:
Carolina Cargo
Carolina Logistics
Navajo Express
McCurdy M.W. & Co. - Houston,TX
Flat Creek Transportation - Alabama
Western Express
RoadTex Transportation
North American Midway Entertainment - Miami,FL
USA Truck
BT Express Global Services - Weatherford,Oklahoma
May Trucking Company
Southern Refrigerated Transport
Balkan Express
PI&I Motor Express - Masury,OH
Paul Transportation - Tulsa,OK
Sweet Express
Sunset Logistics -
Note : if the company has an online application, do that first, then call afterwards.

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