CDL training question

by ron
(seattle, wa.)

I'm about to attend a company cdl course and then go on the road with a trainer for 3 - 6 weeks. the only thing i'm worried about is when its my turn to sleep, i have a track record of having to go to the bathroom a couple of time. will this cause a problem and is it anything to be concerned about?


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Jul 01, 2009
CDL Training and Frequent Urination
by: Hervy

Hello Ron,

Jimmy and Nick both gave you some very good advice.
I don't need to add much to that. I do want to say that you might want to make sure the frequent urination is not caused by a medical condition. Sometimes it came come from a vitamin deficiency or it can come from prostate problem or diabetes or many other problems.
Read about frequent urination

Jun 25, 2009
Ron's gotta go, stop this truck !
by: Jimmy

Since you are getting on board with a stranger and YOU will be the trainee, I suggest you lay down the rules, your rules, in a very subtle way.

Tell the trainer you are an easy going guy and are flexible and easy to get along with and are eager to learn and will follow directions etc, but you do need to shower within reason and take a restroom break within reason.

A piss jug should be only a last resort, but you should have one, in case you are stuck in a road closure and need to go.

Try to tune in your partners habits when he is driving. If he stops at a scale, think to yourself if you need to go and ask him to hold up a minute so you can go. Have your pants at the ready, so you can jump out and be back in the truck in a flash.

Use the opportunity to do a walk around on your equipment whenever you stop, always. If driving, you need a stretch break every so often. If you're heading out through a major city during rush hour, plan ahead. Jimmy

Jun 24, 2009
Wheels gotta be turnin or the money is burnin
by: Nick V

Well Ron to answer your question, really depends on your trainer. Jimmy or Hervy will answer this question a little better than I since they are the experienced ones but I can take my shot at it and they can clean it up. Some trainers really don't care about stopping, most are making the money for your miles and theirs so a break every once in awhile wont mind. BUT you do have to remember that you cant just pull these puppies over at your local corner store either.

Pulling a rig off the highway is a timely matter, not to mention your pulling time out of your log. One thing your probably going to have to get use to is makin your own lemonade if you know what I mean. If it becomes a serious problem you may want to keep a 32 oz. empty Gatorade bottle with you. Just make sure when you stop for fuel that sucker gets thrown away, don't want any mishaps.

I have heard stories of truckers that drive and pee in a bottle at the same time. Its all about the cheddar out there and if your on the side of the road takin a wizz every hundred miles its not gonna be easy to make it. If you seriously think about it, pulling off the road, securing your rig, walking to the store, rest area, what not.

If its a store your probably gonna get stuck buying something and before you know it 30 minutes has gone by AND you spent money out of pocket. You do that enough and the hours that DPS allows you is cut down, might be just a little bit but think about it like this. You get hired at .30 cents a mile. You take 2 of these 30 minute stops in your 10 hour window. Now that 1 hour could have been on a straight stretch of highway at 70mph. Don't sound like much now but that just costed you 21 dollars. Adds up out there.

SO, you lose 21 dollars, an hour of your allotted time for logs, and you spent 10 dollars at the store on soda, chips and "the winning scratch off thats gonna change your life." Little food for thought.

P.S. That soda is gonna make you wanna go again, keep the empty bottle and keep truckin haha

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