CDL-A driver Michael Sargent

I have 1 year of T/T exp. but have been off the road for 3 years. I got fired from last trucking company cause I got into accident with another truck.

I told that company a lie on how the accident happened then 3 days later told the truth. I made a mistake and paying for it.

Ironicly this last job I had (not truck driving) I accidently damaged company property and told supervisor about it and was still let go. Lie or tell the truth I still loss my job.

I miss the open road and don't know who to call to see if they will give me the second chance I need to prove my worth.

Unemployment will run out soon and I am still looking along with my wife also, so no money will come in once unemployment is done. I have always been one to not be shown no pitty, but in this case I would love a little.

I am pushing my pride aside for my kids. If anyone can help or know of any information it would greatly be appreciated.

I live in Georgia, Atlanta Metro Area, south in Griffin, Ga. My cell is 770-377-1358 or email at

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Jan 29, 2013
Second Chance NEW
by: Ray

Let me know how that's works out for you? I have 5 years exp. no accidents perfect CSA score! But was fired a year ago,for failing a radom drug test! Not a druggie! Just made a bad choice once! Having a hard time finding a Co that will hire me! Some say i have too wait a year some three ,some will never hire me! Hard finding the Co that will give you another chance! They will hire a X con in a min. Go figure! I have no criminal background! Good luck man! Ray

Jan 29, 2013
Second Chance NEW
by: Ray

Let me know how that's works out for you? I have 5 years exp. no accidents perfect CSA score! But was fired a year ago,for failing a radom drug test! Not a druggie! Just made a bad choice once! Having a hard time finding a Co that will hire me! Some say i have too wait a year some three ,some will never hire me! Hard finding the Co that will give you another chance! They will hire a X con in a min. Go figure! I have no criminal background! Good luck man! Ray

Aug 06, 2010
give this company a try
by: Anonymous

give this company a try my boyfriend had a accident in 2008 and alot of companys told him he had to wait 3 years and then he could get a job. but he is now back to work thanks to hirschbach. if you need to get in touch with him about this u can do so with my email

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