changing jobs

by jesse hernandez
(san antonio Texas)

I've been with the same company for 5 years making 17.00 bucks hr 40 hours a week 1,200 every two weeks driving a 53 ft dry van from San Antonio to the valley and Houston and Dallas working only three days a week recently i got an offer from ruan transport to haul hot oil is it worth my while to change jobs considering the economy your advice thanks.

what are your thoughts about ruan transport as a company to work for .

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Jul 22, 2009
What's up Jesse? Nice trucking gig you got.
by: Jimmy

You got a pretty sweet gig going on. 3 days a week, hourly pay, not too far from home. Why are you considering a change?

You will kick yourself if you quit your current job and hate the new job. Ruan does a lot of dedicated stuff around the country. If the hot oil goes direct to the batch plant,(assuming it's hot oil for asphalt) there is no margin for error. Do they have back-up work for you if construction slows down? Home every night? Just weigh the pros/cons, but I would say be very cautious before quitting a good job for an unknown.

FYI, Ruan is an established operation. Originally, they leased class 8 trucks/trailers and got into freight at some point. Jimmy

Jul 22, 2009
Why do you want to change trucking jobs in this economy?
by: Jennifer S

I guess my first question to you would be- If you are making 600.00 a week, and only working 3 days a week, why would you want to change.

Nextly, I know that 600.00 a week is average for regional, and some OTR guys.

I would keep the job until the industry settles out.

Jennifer S

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