Child riding in big rig with car seat

by Sammy
(San Antonio Texas usa)

I'm just curious. Is it against the law to have a child that is in a car seat ride with you and a big rig while you do your work.

We are in the state of Texas and he does travel to other states.

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Jan 08, 2023
Young Child in Big Rig
by: The Crazy Trucker

That's a great question. I would assume that the child is safer in a big rig in a child seat than in a car in a child seat.

So I don't know why not.

I don't know of a law against it. However I see it as being a SERIOUS amount of work depending what type of trucking job he has.

Leaving the child in the truck when he goes into building and truckstops is probably illegal.

And it would be interesting to see how shippers and receivers would act. I would imagine most would be delighted and surprised as long as the child is well behaved and manurable.

But is the child is a handful, it probably would be interesting.

Let us know if you find out.

If you are talking about you (or the woman/mother) is going with him, then it's perfectly ok.

This is not uncommon for owner operators.

If he is a company driver, the company may or may not allow it in their rider policy.

Taking Someone With You On The Road Trucking

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