Class A 15yrs exp Tom Berger Ft collins Co

by Tom Berger
(Fort Collins, Colorado)

Me and my wife

Me and my wife

Sir i am looking for a seasonal truck driving opportunity, I am married and my wife and daughter live in the Philippines , We have a farm there and my .I want to be able to farm there and make extra money here in the US i have a class A cdl with all the endorsements , and hazmat, I have driven commercially for 15 years in all conditions , Mountains , Winters , I live in Colorado and grew up here , I have even driven in a war zone in Iraq , i have never had a moving violation or accident ever, I am in great shape and health i run and lift weights daily, I donot drink or smoke, I like physical work alot along with driving, I have many opportunities for full time driving and delivery but i only want seasonal, I dont care when just for a period of time i can make extra money and go back to the Philippines and Farm, I have a great resume and references i can email you, I would be happy to hear all possibilites .Please give me a Call, I will relocate anywhere for the rite job and hope i can work year after year with the same company or owner, I have seasonal opportunities now but they are very short just a few weeks and the work usually gets so slow , I hope someone has an opportunity for me , I am an excellent employee, Thankyou Tom Berger 970-689-1122

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Jun 27, 2011
60 days on ...60 days off
by: Anonymous

I am a truck driver who is looking for a co driver( a replacement driver)that Can  alternate 60 days on( driving otr)  60 days off, I have a lot experience over 10 years with moving vans, dry load , reefer and a clean record , looking to make between $1100 and $1300.00 a week LEGALLY , If you interested on this concept , email me , I am not selling anything , just dont want to be all the time on the road, if you looking for the same thing( 60 days on ... 60 days off)  email me. Thanks
Obs : This is long term throughout the year.

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