Class A Bulk Fuel Driver - Woman Trucker

by Christine De Koker
(Sun City, Ca.USA)

I started In Trucking in 1977, I didn't get my Class A, till 1980. Ran produce with a good friend, her boyfriend taught us how to drive..We ran from San Pedro, Ca.-Edmonton and Calgary,Canada. Every week. 6 1/2 day Turns.

Trucking was Trucking back then! A whole lot different then now.

As a Solo Driver from the start, when I did get my license, I ran 5 on 4 off a day.. no one sat around in Truck stops for 10 hrs a day or 34 hrs for restart. That was what U went home for!!!!

1 full day to sleep and 1 full day too get home life caught up!! Then it was back out there, running the Roads.

In the '80s I ran a set of Doubles 11- Western States, made a percentage of what I hauled. When, I did go home, It was a given, U didn't get back out on the road till U were rested.

That might be 2 days or 3 days. Unlike today, being a local Driver, I have 10 hrs. From the time I go off duty till the time I go back on. Problem with that is, I still have to drive home and drive back to Yard. Which takes away from my 10 hr rule. I may get 5 or 6 hrs sleep/rest and go at it again!

The fact that local drivers' are held to the same rules as OTR drivers' is unacceptable! I notice, the older men in Trucking respect women Truckers', it's the fairly new male drivers' that seem to be uncomfortable around Us!

I have 40 Years in Trucking. I know how to behave myself..i.e. They not comfortable in their own skin in this business. Then, take offense when I offer up good Ol' School Advice!

I think.. they are intimidated that I make .. close to $90,000 a year,

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Dec 23, 2017
Stay away from those fires with that fuel lol
by: Hervy

Christine, thanks for sharing your experience with us. Hope you're no where near the fires. That's a sad situation the folk their are having to endure.

I agree that the local drivers shouldn't be help to the same standards. Well then again, I don't know.

I see one issue with that is that there is as much variance in the types of local driving opportunities as over the road. With that in mind, I would say there is a need for some type of regs as a guide post for the few companies who would otherwise run their drivers in the ground.

The people is hurts of course is the ones that already have the personal responsibility to do what needs to be done themselves working at a company that allows that type of driver to do the job.

So thats kind of asking a lot in this day and age. You have to remember that when you started personal development was taught as a part of raising a child. So people in charge did things a certain way and employees had better work ethic and a sense of personal responsibility instilled upon them.

Unfortunately now, regulations are trying to make up for that lacking in the general population, lol. Which we both not is not efficient or effective, but it's what we have to work with. lol

Anyway, that's kind of how I analyze things. Anyway, happy trucking and Merry Christmas.

Feel free to share some advice to new women coming into trucking.

I would love for you to share with them, your advice for not being a target for harassment to the degree that you can deter, avoid or discourage it.

Since I do see some women saying they have been having to deal with it. Also, if you have dealt with it, how do you process it so that it does not leave you feeling less than. (You don't seem the type that would allow someone's words or gestures to destroy you mentally, lol. However, I feel that some women just might and so the fact that you are a veteran trucker advice from you might be particularly empowering for them.)

If you care to share, just title the post, Advice to New Lady Truckers or something like that, thanks.

Either way, take care!

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