Clearwater,fl Richard Weinman Tampa Bay Area looking for trucking jobs

I am a 66 yr old that hit the fountain of youth. I have hazmat & doubles on my cdla license since 1970 and looking for part time or some full-time work. staffing companies hire but they only give on call jobs and crumbs that nobody wants. If anything at all.

no accidents, good mvr& no duis.. I can a otr job but i have to be out 2 weeks or longer at a time. Loading & un loading no problem. being out 2 to 3 days a week is fine too... tis in the blood.

please get me out of the house and drive a truck. to Retire Is To Expire.. Thanks richard...:>

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May 17, 2012
The Fall of Salson Logistics NEW
by: Little Richie

Good day; Stay away from salson logistics taking over a new contract from keystone freight in tampa,fl. they are liers and the recruiters Joe & dickie dont have a clue... I supposed it got approved with 40 yrs. in trucking. of us went to supposedly to Atlanta to pick up doubles & then back to tampa . Well halfway up ntp cordelle Ga. they called & told us that our drug screen only good for warehouse or something else beside the usual d.o.t., so when we get to atlanta they would have to send us to another clinic.... for 3 days wait we didnt sign w4 or nothing & the poor driver rented the car to go up there with his credit card not knowwing if he would get his $$$ back. then at the same time they told us we would have to fly out of Atlanta, then to nashville and bobtail to Newark N.J. no clothes, no food, no money & then back to Tampa without knowing if they were going 2 pay us...It was a Macys Account that broke keystone freights union to get this piece of crap Amerikaka titanic states of america co. to take over. Stay away & hope they go broke & cant get drivers cause they dont deserve our hard work& honesty to drive for these pigs... Ps i spent 250.00 to get back home and rented a car...Who do i call to get rid of these bastards or occupy Salson so nobody works for them...

Apr 04, 2012
25 yrs. clean experience cdla hazmat doubles NEW
by: Little Richie

I live in clearwater,fl. wheres the beef no jobs un less you wnat to haul beer or soda to concenience stores or staffing companies that has crumbs left ot offer for 10.00 an hour or slave labor. i went to lowes for a tractor trailer interview the other day. should them resume , letters of recommendations, had application and they bait and switch me for a cashier job or work in the garden dept. OK what does it pay and how many hours its according to experience. What the heck are they talking about 25 urs. exp. and if they want more experience, let them hire somebody in a wheel chair or a walker. What i forgot they havent learned yet. I am high energy and ride my bicycle 50 miles a week, and a company person. I miss being behind the wheel and havent been 3 months and ready asap but evebody wants you out 3 weeks at a time . I could do a week and wish every body a super Easter & drive super Safely... Richie.... :)

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