by Clydelle Jones California trucking school graduate
(San Pedro, Califonia)
I am seeking employment in the Trucking Industry as a driver, solo or team, I am a recent graduate from the Toro School of Trucking,
I have my tanker endorsements, also pending TSA background check, awaiting for hazmat endorsement. As for value to your company, I would definitely be an asset in a number of ways, reliability, safety, dedicated worker, team player, able to get the job done effectively and efficiently and on time.
Have chosen The Trucking Industry as a second career choice. I have read the above information, and I agree, I've been doing applications for the past two weeks,and all of the call backs and recruiters I've spoken to, require 6 months to a year minium experience, and as the above stated so well, how do you get experience if none of the trucking companies will hire you?
Aside from all the great tips, good attitude, being a safe and good driver, etc. All of that goes out the window if not given the opportunity to work. Especially after you've sucessfully completed the training, and the DMV, says you're qualified, if not they would never have issued you the Class A license in the first place.
Most of the companines, the owners, were at one time drivers themselves. So one, would think they would remember when they firt stated out, and be willing to give new drivers a chance.
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