Colonial Freight System

Colonial Freight Scam

Have you ever worked for a company that just lie about everything? Well add Colonial Freight System to that list. From day one they feed you absolutely nothing but promises and lies, lies, lies.
First of all they prey on truck driver that are 1) Desperately seeking work and 2) They prey on truck drivers that have trouble finding work due to your dat report.
They sit you in a room during orientation and show you a chart with two plus and eight minus. The plus signs are what you can make, but the minus signs are everything they take from what you make leaving you with NOTHING!!! They tell you that they're so busy that they don't have enough drivers to meet the demands, but the truth is they don't have enough work to keep the driver working or busy at the same time they don't send you home. They send you somewhere and have you sitting WITHOUT pay for 48hrs. at a time. And then expect you to pay their trucks note weekly even if they didn't work you. They deduct $30 from your pay for picking up one of their trailers from a customer. If you have a household that's still standing, family and kids at home that depend on you, or a significant other it would be in your best interest to keep trucking, because all they want you to do at Colonial Freight is pay their truck payment. Your first check might be $600.00, but everything that follows is under $100.00 or in the negative. Meaning you are in debt to not only your household but now to them. And once you fall in the negative with Colonial you will NEVER recover with them. Can you image going to work for a company looking for a check at the end of the week ONLY to receive a bill? I'm not telling you something I think or heard I'm telling you something I have experienced. PLEASE BE AWARE OF COMPANIES THAT ARE A SCAMS!!!!

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Feb 26, 2014
Just as I suspected NEW
by: Anonymous

Not all drivers are cut out ot be lease-operators...It takes discipline and money management. You need to know what your cost per mile is to operate that truck.Also you need to keep you foot out of the accelerator. The difference between 62 and 72 is about 25,000.00 a year.Now that we have heard the other side everything is clear now.

Nov 12, 2011
Colonial Freight is just what he said, Scums of the earth NEW
by: bigdame

Something will be done sooner then later about this company feeding on their drivers.He is correct,all they want is for you to pay a $2,000 a month truck note and be a damn slave.If u try to go home they make u pay by sitting weeks after weeks,this company is a joke and no o/o should work for this company.The whole time you are there u will be paid .77 cents plus fsc,which normally comes up to about 1.19 or 1.21,on the refer side 67% which is nothing from nothing because they cut so much off the top and then tell u a bogus amount and take 33% off that.On top of all that they make you fill up the refer trailer.They also charge a $5,000 escrow,which you will never see that money when u leave.They always got a reason not to refund you the escrow.Trust me,I never seen a driver get that escrow back.I wish a lawyer will contact me about this bogus company.I and every driver I know still have a copy of that bogus contract and would love to post it online for vewing at anytime.Stay away from this company,U will loose everything you own.I PROMISE!!!!!

Aug 31, 2009
Too much complaining going on. Everyone is not built for trucking life
by: Your D.M.

I've seen it over and over and over. People that aren't cut out for the lifestyle then complain as if the trucking company is at fault.

There is nothing wrong with getting into the business and realizing you made a mistake. So, quit and move on. I say it's not the company, it's the countless goofy drivers who either make or break the company.

If you can't hack the unknown/traffic/strange cities/goofy hours/responsibilities/long hours/away from home/paperwork/money management, then leave, no hard feelings, nice knowing you, have a great life etc.

The bottom line is YOU are not cut out to be a trucker, period.

End of story.

Aug 24, 2009
by: Anonymous

Well DM sounds like a real butthole. I guess this person is so perfect his excrement is odorless. Maybe this company is perfect. What ever the case there are problems in this industry.

Anything dealing with people has problems. Anything dealing with trucking has problems. The problem is everyone causes the problems and no one knows how to correct the problems. Just record everything and use it to build a case against what you think the problem is, usually to cover up some deficiency or divert attention from the source of the problem and never address the real problem in a proactive manner.

Sounds like my ex-wife, after that was over I found out how many people said she was crazy and how did you live with her?

Enough about that psyco, as much as it takes for drivers screening there needs to be as much screening and training of the other side to effectively and objectively solve the never ending problems they create.

Just pushing the keys on the computer don't make a perfect world.

Aug 23, 2009
My side of the story.
by: Your D.M.

Sorry you feel this way about Colonial Freight Sys (CFS). I was your D.M. at CFS. From day 1, you were a problem child. You moaned and groaned about the company busing you to Knoxville. You though we should fly you here instead. Then you complained about the motel and meals. You missed the shuttle on the first day of orientation, because you overslept, even though you are a grown adult over 30 years old.

Your paperwork was anything but in order. Your 10 year work history was incomplete. We hired you with 2 tickets on your record.

When we assigned you your truck, you complained, even though it was detailed prior to your hire.
I had a load for you that had to go immediately, but you needed additional time to load your sleeper up and call your boyfriend and dilly dally around the lounge. You didn't pay close attention in orientation, because you were asking never ending questions to everyone and anyone.

I had to re-assign your load and when you finally took another load, you were 6 hours late to the consignee. You had 2 days to go 1000 miles, but goofed off at the truckstops. That's after you took a $200 advance. I had to re-schedule your delivery appointment for 24 hours later. That meant the empty trailer that wasn't removed from the consignee across town was charged to the company $30. I charged you for that, since it was your fault.

You call me via land line 3 times a day to ask really dumb questions. You ran over a planter at a Pilot truck stop and kept going. Pilot called us, you were the only CFS truck in that city, that day. You had just fueled via your Com-Data card. Your logs look like a 3rd grader filled them out and you can't seem to get your completed trips into the payroll office in a timely manner. You were seen loading up with munchies from the Pilot Truck stop and there was a Wal-Mart right next door. You do not know how to manage money, let alone a business. You were deep in debt when you hired on here and will never get out. When you had hometime last week, you suddenly got the "flu" and had to rest up for 2 additional days.

Sorry, you are not cut out for trucking. You cost us boo-coo dollars with your stupidity. So long. Your ex dispatcher.

Aug 23, 2009
Lawsuit-Time To Strike!
by: Anonymous

I don't know if it will do any good but it sounds like a case of fraud, I think you should report it to the BBB, OOIDA, ATA, and a good trucking lawyer, times are desperate and this is all too common and should be stopped.

The cartel of freight brokers are controlling the load board freight rates taking out the profit and the owner operators can't get the loads that pay enough to operate and make a profit while the system wants to force you to lease on to some company that you don't want to be associated with because they pay $.15 cents more than the load board brokers.

The free enterprise system is being controlled by corporate greed in their effort to slave the the industry. IT'S TIME TO STRIKE AND STOP ALL THE FREIGHT MOVEMENT AND SHUT DOWN THE GREEDY BROKERS AND THE CORPORATE HOLD ON THIS INDUSTRY!

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