how do i find out when he gets the advances and how much and get a detailed copy of this or how do i get it on my net? I have got the comdata site and can get into it but really that dont show and I want to see his paystubs which he says there are none its all on the net

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Dec 01, 2010
Call Comdata
by: Anonymous

You can also call Comdata cardholder services at 1-800-226-3870. They may be able to help!

Dec 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

that was very good advice and good feed back thank you

Dec 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

that was very good advice and good feed back thank you

Nov 30, 2010
Needing info.
by: Jimmy

Yeah, his job/payroll etc is his, not anyone elses. So, unless he informs you, you can't really find out. Jimmy

Nov 30, 2010
Trust and Communication
by: Tinytoez

He may be correct about the pay info being on the net only. Our company is in process of putting our pay info only on the net or be email - thus doing away with all paper copies.

Have you tried asking him for the link to see this info? Let him know you need this to be sure you are budgeting your share of the funds properly.

And as far as advances, you would have to know if they are cash advances, lumper pay advances, toll advances, truck wash advances, etc. There are a lot of advances that happen in the trucking world, and a lot of them the company advances it to you and then turns around and pays it back to you, canceling it out.

Sounds more like you need to trust your trucker to share that info, and you need to communicate why you need it so badly.

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