Communications among truckers

Since truckers generally drive on highways back and forth, are there stops or tips that you pass along to each other. For example- there's a diner that has the best pie, and you tell a fellow trucker they have to stop there; or on a certain route, you should take this highway so you can see something on the side of the road etc. I am working on a project for school and I wondered if there is this kind of communication among truckers.

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Jan 07, 2009
by: jimmy

yeah, pardner, there is communication amongst drivers. (via the c.b. radio) usually no one recommends a certain place unless asked.
Also most recommendations are to tell you how LOUSY the food/service was. as in a restaurant, no body seek out the manager to tell him things were great. it's just to complain,right? but i'm here to tell you if something terrible happens anywhere in the country, a trucker will know about it damn quick. via other truckers! keep those grades up in school,ok?......jimmy

Dec 06, 2008
Communications Among Trucker
by: Hervy


That is an element I kinda want to bring into existence as part of this site. If it already exist somewhere, I don't know. Hadn't seen it.

We do share information on the CB in regards to good places to stop. If a driver gets on and ask, especially if en rout and near the location, often a local or regional driver will have stopped somewhere that he or she will recommend.

There is a directory at the truck stops, that lists all of the stops that a trucker would use but of course that's not like a personal recommendation.

Other than that if a stop is real good there may be information available about it just by doing a search on Google for truck stops in that area.

Hope that helped,
let me know if I can be of more assistance.


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